International HCAS symposium “Politics of Participation – Anthropological Reflections on Power and Interaction” October 18-19, 2018

Dear HYMY doctoral students,

Please join us at the international HCAS symposium “Politics of Participation – Anthropological Reflections on Power and Interaction”, which takes place at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (Fabianinkatu 24, 3rd floor, Common room) in October 18-19, 2018. Feel free to forward this info to your colleagues!
The symposium interrogates the concept of “participation,” which in recent years has been trumpeted as a panacea to the hierarchies that once divided the governing and the governed across fields as varied as development, budget-making, citizenship, and even surveillance. 
Participation, however, is not a self-evident good. If it heralds new forms of openness and involvement, it also implies forms of social ordering and regulation. Key questions to be explored at the symposium will be: what counts as “participation” in specific contexts?  How does “participation” emerge through norms of practice, their institutionalization and discourses on them?  What forms of sociality are displaced or occluded by demands for participation?  And, if efforts to expand participation are undertaken with the goal of (re)organizing power relations, as is often the case, what new – and perhaps unintended – power relations emerge through participatory logics? 
The symposium examines the concept of participation, as articulated in contemporary political, economic and organizational forms, from a language-oriented perspective. To this end, the symposium gathers scholars from across the social sciences whose work takes a language-focused perspective on “participation” in democratic politics and governance, finance and commerce, education, and media and communications. The symposium includes two days of panels punctuated by two key note lectures offered by Asif Agha (University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology) and Celia Lury (University of Warwick, Center for Interdisciplinary Methodologies).
The event is free and open the the public. Registration by October 11 at
Read the full symposium program here:
Elina I. Hartikainen, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies 
Andrew Graan, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
Irina Piippo, Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, University of Helsinki
Timo Kaartinen, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
Johanna Sumiala, Media and Communication Studies, University of Helsinki

Villa Lante Grant (in Finnish)


Villa Lanten Ystävät ry julistaa lokakuussa 2018 haettavaksi yhden 4000 euron suuruisen apurahan Roomassa tehtävään väitöskirjatutkimukseen.

Väitöskirjan aiheen tulee liittyä arkeologiaan, historiaan, klassilliseen filologiaan, italialaiseen filologiaan tai taiteiden tutkimukseen. Myös muiden alojen jatko-opiskelijat voivat hakea apurahaa, mikäli heidän tutkimusaiheensa on relevantti antiikin tai Italian tutkimuksen kannalta ja tutkimustyö edellyttää Roomassa työskentelyä. Apuraha on tarkoitettu tukemaan mm. aineiston hankintaa.

Hakijan tulee tehdä vapaamuotoinen, yksisivuinen hakukirje, josta käy ilmi, miksi oleskelu Roomassa on olennaista juuri tässä väitöskirjatyössä. Hakemuksen liitteenä tulee olla korkeintaan viisisivuinen tutkimussuunnitelma ja korkeintaan kolmisivuinen ansioluettelo sekä yksi suositus. Ansioluetteloon voidaan sisällyttää hakijan mahdolliset julkaisut. Hakemukset ja suositukset lähetetään sähköisesti 11.11.2018 mennessä Samuli Simeliukselle, joka myös vastaa apurahaa koskeviin kysymyksiin. Tiedosto tulee nimetä hakijan sukunimen mukaan ja se tulee lähettää liitteineen yhtenä pdf-tiedostona.

Villa Lanten Ystävät tukee stipendillä Suomen Rooman-instituutissa tehtävää tutkimusta yhteistyössä instituuttia ylläpitävän säätiön Institutum Romanum Finlandiae kanssa.

“Publishing in Academic Journals: Tips to Help You Succeed”18th Annual Aleksan­teri Conference on Friday 26.10 at 11.30-13.00.

Dear doctoral candidate,

You are cordially invited to participate a roundtable session on “Publishing in Academic Journals: Tips to Help You Succeed” that takes place at 18th Annual Aleksan­teri Conference on Friday 26.10 at 11.30-13.00

7C: Roundtable: Publishing in Academic Journals: Tips to Help You Succeed*

*You can participate this particular session on publishing without registering for the whole conference!

Venue: Hall Consistorium, University of Helsinki Main Building, 2nd floor, Fabianinkatu 33
Chair: Elizabeth Walker (Routledge, Taylor & Francis)
Terry Cox (University of Glasgow, UK)
Markku Kivinen (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland)
Birgit Beumers (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland)


The session will consist of a presentation by Elizabeth Walker from Routledge, Taylor & Francis covering areas such as how to choose a journal, writing for academic journals, writing with a specific audience in mind, the submission process, peer review, and ethics for authors, as well as some brief advice on how to promote your article and make an impact.   This presentation will be complemented by the view from the academic journal Editors participating in the panel, who will share their advice from the ‘frontline’, what they look for in a good submission, and specific advice for submitting to their journals, including, Europe-Asia Studies, the principal academic journal in the world focusing on the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the countries of the former ‘communist bloc’ of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia.


The panel will end with the distribution of some printed resources for researchers/early career scholars.


Intended audience: this session is aimed at Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and those looking to publish in journals for the first time, or who are still relatively new to the publication process, as well as more experienced scholars who are looking to publish in international and/or English-language journals for the first time.


More information on the conference:

COURSE: Open Data – Open Science – Data science

Registration is open!

HYMY-909, 5 cr, Kimmo Vehkalahti, 30.10.2018 – 11.12.2018

Open Data – Open Science – Data science

Our era of data – larger than ever and complex like chaos – requires several skills from statisticians and other data scientists.

We must discover the patterns hidden behind numbers in matrices and arrays. We are not afraid of coding, recoding, programming, or modelling. We want to visualize, analyze, interpret, understand, and communicate. These are the core themes of Open Data Science (Open Data – Open Science – Data Science). And this course is THE course for learning these skills.

General learning objective:
After completing this course you will understand the principles and advantages of using open research tools with open data and understand the possibilities of reproducible research. You will know how to use R, RStudio, RMarkdown, and GitHub for these tasks and also know how to learn more of these open software tools. You will also know how to apply certain statistical methods of data science, that is, data-driven statistics.

 Registration via Weboodi

Behavioral Insights Seminar on Oct 15

You are warmly welcome to the BEHAVIORAL INSIGHTS SEMINAR on October 15th 2018 between 13:00-15:30 at Laurea Tikkurila Campus (Ratatie 22, Vantaa), auditorium B101. 

Chair: Markus Kanerva, CEO of Ajatushautomo Tänk


13.00 – 13.10 Opening words, Kaisa Hytönen, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu

13.10 – 14.00 Keynote: ‘Richard Thaler, Misbehaving Nobel Prize Winner’, Martijn van den Assem, VU Amsterdam

Professor Martijn van den Assem from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will guide you through the academic achievements of Richard Thaler, founding father of Behavioral Economics and Finance and the most recent recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics. Together with Thaler, Van den Assem has used TV game shows to gain a better understanding of how we make decisions.

14.00 – 14.30 ‘Like Moths to a Flame: Investors and Salient Stocks’, Michael Ungeheuer, Aalto University

14.30 – 15.00 ‘Motivation and Behavior Change in Health Contexts’, Keegan Knittle, University of Helsinki

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee and networking


Event is free of charge. Due to the limited availability of seats early registration is strongly recommended to ensure your participation. Please register no later than 7th October.

Feel free to contact if you have any questions about the event.


Lecture: Distance from Home and the Effect of Visitation during Imprisonment on Offenders and their Families


Invitation: Guest Lecture in the Criminological Seminar

Lars Højsgaard Andersen, PhD, will give a lecture on

Distance from Home and the Effect of Visitation during Imprisonment on Offenders and their Families in the Criminological Seminar (Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences).

Chair and Discussant: Research Director Mikko Aaltonen, Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki.

The lecture takes place in 7 November, 2018, 14.15-15.45, at Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, Room 7 (3rd Floor).

Lars Højsgaard Andersen, PhD in Sociology from University of Copenhagen, is Senior Researcher at the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has researched the concentration of criminal justice contacts within and across generations, the effects of confinement conditions, and the role of family processes in the criminal justice domain. Andersen’s research has appeared in leading journals such as Criminology, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

The lecture is open, no pre-registration required.


PhD Kick-off November 5th, 2018 at City Hall

PhD Kick-off, Monday, November 5th, 2018the major orientation and networking event in the PhD year at the UH welcoming newly started Doctoral Candidates in both Helsinki and in the University. It is an excellent opportunity to find out about living, studying, and working in Helsinki and in the University. Welcoming program and information booths on immigration, finances, housing, healthcare, free time and all sorts. In addition, the participants will meet their fellow doctoral candidates, mingle and make friends, and get familiar with different societies that bring doctoral candidates together.  

The event is organized in collaboration with the City of Helsinki, University of Helsinki, and the Association of University of Helsinki PhD Students (HYVÄT)

Save the date and follow your email for further information coming up this fall.

Research Professional database training 25 October 2018

Want to quickly learn how to find new funding sources?
Welcome to Research Professional database training for researchers!
Time:                 Thursday 25 October, 2018 at 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Place:                SSKH IT room 110 (Snellmaninkatu 12, 1st floor)
Come hear and see Research Professional expert Saara Santanen (UK) guide you through the various search options in the database. To get the most out of the lecture, you will need either your own laptop or a UH user ID.
Research Professional is an online research funding opportunities database and alerting service. Research Professional offers a user-friendly and easy to use service with broad coverage of international (including EU’s Horizon 2020) and national funding opportunities.
*Registration process/creation of an account on Research Professional
*Funding Section
Conducting simple search
Conducting advanced search
Saving searches
Creating email alerts
Bookmarking funding opportunities
*Our Institution & Help Section: Brief description of available help materials