
This is a list of my recent publications, for a complete list of publications, please visit the University of Helsinki tuhat-database for research outputs.

Holmqvist, E. 2024. Arkeologiset lasitteet tutkimuskohteena Varhainen lyijylasiteteknologia Suomenlahden rannikon punasaviastioissa, in T. Heinonen & F. Ehrsten (eds.) Tuoreita näkökulmia keskiajan arkeologiaan. Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae, Society of Medieval Archaeology in Finland.

Lorenzon M., Cutillas-Victoria B., Holmqvist E., Gkouma M., Vrydaghs L,
Lichtenberger A., et al. 2023. Exploring mudbrick architecture and its re-use in Artaxata, Armenia, during the 1st millennium BC. A multidisciplinary study of earthen architecture in the Armenian Highlands. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0292361.

Lorenzon, M., Lahelma, A. Tarboush, M., Holmqvist, E. et al. 2023. Tell it like it is. Discoveries from a survey of the Northern Jordanian plateau. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (1): 16–27.

Holmqvist, E. & C. Carpelan 2023. Sodankylän Juikentän kupariseos- ja rautaesineistön metallipitoisuudet. Suomen Museo 2022 Vol 129: 159–166.

Holmqvist, E. 2023. A Brief History of Scientific Artefact Studies at the University of Helsinki. In Kunnas, L., M. Marila, V. Heyd, E. Holmqvist, K. Ilves, A. Lahelma & M. Lavento (eds): Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present, and Future. Iskos 26.  Finnish Antiquarian Society.

Kunnas, L., M. Marila, V. Heyd, E. Holmqvist, K. Ilves, A. Lahelma & M. Lavento (eds) 2023. Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present, and Future. Iskos 26.  Finnish Antiquarian Society.

Lahelma, A., Lorenzon, M., Holmqvist, E., Holappa, M., & Kautonen, S. 2023. One tell to rule them all: surveying the multiperiod site of Zambut Meleik, northern Jordan. In A. Lahelma, M. Lavento, K. Mannermaa, M. Ahola, E. Holmqvist, & K. Nordqvist (Eds.), Moving northward: Professor Volker Heyd’s Festschrift as he turns 60 (pp. 364-377). (Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland; No. 11). The Archaeological Society of Finland.

Lahelma, A., Lavento, M., Mannermaa, K., Ahola, M., Holmqvist, E., & Nordqvist, K. (eds.) 2023. Moving northward: Professor Volker Heyd’s Festschrift as he turns 60. (Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland ; No. 11). The Archaeological Society of Finland.

Ahola, M., E. Holmqvist & P. Pesonen 2022. Far-flung ancient communities forged bonds through broken rings. Psyche.

Holmqvist, E. & K. Ilves 2022. Social Buildings: Soil Geochemistry and Anthropogenic Patterns from Late Iron Age Finland. Journal of Field Archaeology 47( 6):  379–396.

Ahola, M., Holmqvist. E. & P. Pesonen 2022. Materialising the social relationships of hunter-gatherers: Archaeological and geochemical analyses of 4th Millennium BC ‘slate ring ornaments’ from Finland. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.

Holmqvist, E. 2022. Arkeologisen keramiikan luonnontiedepainotteista tutkimusta Helsingin yliopistossa 1990-luvulta nykypäivään. Tapaustutkimuksia, tutkimuskysymyksiä ja tulkintamalleja. In Halinen, Heyd & Mannermaa (eds): Oodeja Mikalle: Juhlakirja professori Mika Lavennolle hänen täyttäessään 60 vuotta. Odes to Mika: Festschrift for Professor Mika Lavento on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 305–314. Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 10.

Holmqvist, E. & K. Ilves 2022. A compositional study of a gold-plated
Viking Age pendant from the Åland Islands. Fornvännen 117: 63–67.

Walker Vadillo, V., E. Mataix Ferrándiz & E. Holmqvist (eds.) 2022. Down by the Water: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, 161–176. Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4, British Archaeological Reports.

Holmqvist, E. 2022. Examining the versatile ceramic repertoire at Islamic Ayla/Aqaba, ‘the Port of Palestine’ on the Red Sea, via geochemistry, in V. Walker Vadillo, E. Mataix Ferrándiz & E. Holmqvist (eds.) Down by the Water: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, 161–176. Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4, British Archaeological Reports.

Walker Vadillo, V., E. Mataix Ferrándiz, & E. Holmqvist 2022. An Exploration of “Down by the Water” As a Conceptual Framework of Place, in V. Walker Vadillo, E. Mataix Ferrándiz & E. Holmqvist (eds.) Down by the Water: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, 1–12. Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4, British Archaeological Reports.

Holmqvist, E. 2021. Why not let them rest in pieces? Grog-temper, its
provenance and social meanings of recycled ceramics
in the Baltic Sea region (2900–2300 BCE). Archaeometry.

Holmqvist, E., T. Heinonen, R. Väisänen, A. Koivisto, A. Pihlman & E. Russow 2020. Ceramic fabrics and lead glazes of late medieval redware pots in the Helsinki, Turku and Tallinn regions (ED-XRF, SEM-EDS). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Pääkkönen, M., E. Holmqvist, A. Bläuer, R. Evershed & H. Asplund 2020. Diverse Economic Patterns in the North Baltic Sea Region in the Late Neolithic and in the Early Metal Period. European Journal of Archaeology doi:10.1017/eaa.2019.39

Holmqvist, E. 2019. Ceramics in Transition. Production and Exchange of Late Byzantine – Early Islamic Pottery in Southern Transjordan and the Negev. Archaeopress, Oxford. Available in open access.

Holmqvist, Wessman, Mänttäri & Lahaye 2019. Lead isotope and geochemical analyses of copper-based metal artefacts from the Iron Age water burial in Levänluhta, Western Finland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Pesonen, P., Å. Larsson & E. Holmqvist 2019. The chronology of Corded Ware Culture in Finland reviewing new data. Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXXVI: 130–141.

Holmqvist, E. & K. Nordqvist 2019. Editorial. Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXXVI: 5.

Holmqvist, E., Å. Larsson, A. Kriiska, P. Pesonen, V. Palonen, P. Kouki and J. Räisänen 2018. Tracing grog and pots to reveal Neolithic Corded Ware Culture contacts in the Baltic Sea Region (SEM-EDS, PIXE), Journal of Archaeological Science 91: 77–91.

Wessman, A., T. Alenius, E. Holmqvist, K. Mannermaa, W. Perttola, T. Sundell & S. Vanhanen 2018. Hidden and remote. New perspectives on the people in the Levänluhta water burial, Western Finland (ca. AD 300-800), European Journal of Archaeology 21(3): 431–454.

Holmqvist, E. 2017. Handheld portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF) in Hunt A. W (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp. 363–381.

Alenius, T., T. Mökkönen, E. Holmqvist & A. Ojala 2017. Neolithic land-use in the Northern Boreal Zone: High-resolution multiproxy analyses from Lake Huhdasjärvi, South-Eastern Finland, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26:1–18.

Holmqvist, E. 2016. Recent archaeometric artefact studies at the University of Helsinki, in Suhonen, M., K. Nordqvist, P. Uino & M. Lavento (eds.): New sites, new methods – Proceedings of the 14th Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium, Iskos 21: 75–84.

Holmqvist, E. 2016. Ceramic lamps at Jabal Haroun: Typo-chronology and provenance (ED-XRF), in Fiema Z.T., J. Frösén & M. Holappa (eds.): Petra – The Mountain of Aaron II: The Monastery. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. Pp. 245–265.

Holmqvist, E. 2016. Pottery supply and exchange: A techno-analytical study of Jabal Harun ceramics (ED-XRF, SEM-EDS), in Fiema, Z.T., J. Frösén & M. Holappa (eds.): Petra – The Mountain of Aaron II: The Monastery. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. Pp. 213–243.