
This is a list of my recent publications, for a complete list of publications, please visit the University of Helsinki tuhat-database for research outputs.

Petrović, A., Macane, A., Strautnieks, I., Kalnina, L., Holmqvist, E., Hunter, E. M., Pomstra, D., Goodchild, H., Harto Villen, A., Zagorska, I., Edmonds, M., Nordqvist, K., & Little, A. 2024. Stone axes throw new light on Baltic stone age mortuary rites. Scientific Reports 14:16219.

Nordqvist, K. & E. Holmqvist 2024. Revisiting the Century-old Provenance Postulate of Corded Ware Culture Battle-Axes from Finland, in M. Brandl & M. Gurova (eds.) Lithic Raw Materials in Prehistory. Methods, Practice and Theory.  OREA, Austrian Academy of Science Press (forthcoming).

Holmqvist, E. 2024. Arkeologiset lasitteet tutkimuskohteena Varhainen lyijylasiteteknologia Suomenlahden rannikon punasaviastioissa, in T. Heinonen & F. Ehrsten (eds.) Tuoreita näkökulmia keskiajan arkeologiaan. Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae, Society of Medieval Archaeology in Finland.

Lorenzon M., Cutillas-Victoria B., Holmqvist E., Gkouma M., Vrydaghs L,
Lichtenberger A., et al. 2023. Exploring mudbrick architecture and its re-use in Artaxata, Armenia, during the 1st millennium BC. A multidisciplinary study of earthen architecture in the Armenian Highlands. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0292361.

Lorenzon, M., Lahelma, A. Tarboush, M., Holmqvist, E. et al. 2023. Tell it like it is. Discoveries from a survey of the Northern Jordanian plateau. Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (1): 16–27.

Holmqvist, E. & C. Carpelan 2023. Sodankylän Juikentän kupariseos- ja rautaesineistön metallipitoisuudet. Suomen Museo 2022 Vol 129: 159–166.

Holmqvist, E. 2023. A Brief History of Scientific Artefact Studies at the University of Helsinki. In Kunnas, L., M. Marila, V. Heyd, E. Holmqvist, K. Ilves, A. Lahelma & M. Lavento (eds): Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present, and Future. Iskos 26.  Finnish Antiquarian Society.

Kunnas, L., M. Marila, V. Heyd, E. Holmqvist, K. Ilves, A. Lahelma & M. Lavento (eds) 2023. Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present, and Future. Iskos 26.  Finnish Antiquarian Society.

Lahelma, A., Lorenzon, M., Holmqvist, E., Holappa, M., & Kautonen, S. 2023. One tell to rule them all: surveying the multiperiod site of Zambut Meleik, northern Jordan. In A. Lahelma, M. Lavento, K. Mannermaa, M. Ahola, E. Holmqvist, & K. Nordqvist (Eds.), Moving northward: Professor Volker Heyd’s Festschrift as he turns 60 (pp. 364-377). (Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland; No. 11). The Archaeological Society of Finland.

Lahelma, A., Lavento, M., Mannermaa, K., Ahola, M., Holmqvist, E., & Nordqvist, K. (eds.) 2023. Moving northward: Professor Volker Heyd’s Festschrift as he turns 60. (Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland ; No. 11). The Archaeological Society of Finland.

Ahola, M., E. Holmqvist & P. Pesonen 2022. Far-flung ancient communities forged bonds through broken rings. Psyche.

Holmqvist, E. & K. Ilves 2022. Social Buildings: Soil Geochemistry and Anthropogenic Patterns from Late Iron Age Finland. Journal of Field Archaeology 47( 6):  379–396.

Ahola, M., Holmqvist. E. & P. Pesonen 2022. Materialising the social relationships of hunter-gatherers: Archaeological and geochemical analyses of 4th Millennium BC ‘slate ring ornaments’ from Finland. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.

Holmqvist, E. 2022. Arkeologisen keramiikan luonnontiedepainotteista tutkimusta Helsingin yliopistossa 1990-luvulta nykypäivään. Tapaustutkimuksia, tutkimuskysymyksiä ja tulkintamalleja. In Halinen, Heyd & Mannermaa (eds): Oodeja Mikalle: Juhlakirja professori Mika Lavennolle hänen täyttäessään 60 vuotta. Odes to Mika: Festschrift for Professor Mika Lavento on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 305–314. Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 10.

Holmqvist, E. & K. Ilves 2022. A compositional study of a gold-plated
Viking Age pendant from the Åland Islands. Fornvännen 117: 63–67.

Walker Vadillo, V., E. Mataix Ferrándiz & E. Holmqvist (eds.) 2022. Down by the Water: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, 161–176. Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4, British Archaeological Reports.

Holmqvist, E. 2022. Examining the versatile ceramic repertoire at Islamic Ayla/Aqaba, ‘the Port of Palestine’ on the Red Sea, via geochemistry, in V. Walker Vadillo, E. Mataix Ferrándiz & E. Holmqvist (eds.) Down by the Water: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, 161–176. Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4, British Archaeological Reports.

Walker Vadillo, V., E. Mataix Ferrándiz, & E. Holmqvist 2022. An Exploration of “Down by the Water” As a Conceptual Framework of Place, in V. Walker Vadillo, E. Mataix Ferrándiz & E. Holmqvist (eds.) Down by the Water: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human-Environment Interactions in Watery Spaces, 1–12. Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology 4, British Archaeological Reports.

Holmqvist, E. 2021. Why not let them rest in pieces? Grog-temper, its
provenance and social meanings of recycled ceramics
in the Baltic Sea region (2900–2300 BCE). Archaeometry.

Holmqvist, E., T. Heinonen, R. Väisänen, A. Koivisto, A. Pihlman & E. Russow 2020. Ceramic fabrics and lead glazes of late medieval redware pots in the Helsinki, Turku and Tallinn regions (ED-XRF, SEM-EDS). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Pääkkönen, M., E. Holmqvist, A. Bläuer, R. Evershed & H. Asplund 2020. Diverse Economic Patterns in the North Baltic Sea Region in the Late Neolithic and in the Early Metal Period. European Journal of Archaeology doi:10.1017/eaa.2019.39

Holmqvist, E. 2019. Ceramics in Transition. Production and Exchange of Late Byzantine – Early Islamic Pottery in Southern Transjordan and the Negev. Archaeopress, Oxford. Available in open access.

Holmqvist, Wessman, Mänttäri & Lahaye 2019. Lead isotope and geochemical analyses of copper-based metal artefacts from the Iron Age water burial in Levänluhta, Western Finland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Pesonen, P., Å. Larsson & E. Holmqvist 2019. The chronology of Corded Ware Culture in Finland reviewing new data. Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXXVI: 130–141.

Holmqvist, E. & K. Nordqvist 2019. Editorial. Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXXVI: 5.

Holmqvist, E., Å. Larsson, A. Kriiska, P. Pesonen, V. Palonen, P. Kouki and J. Räisänen 2018. Tracing grog and pots to reveal Neolithic Corded Ware Culture contacts in the Baltic Sea Region (SEM-EDS, PIXE), Journal of Archaeological Science 91: 77–91.

Wessman, A., T. Alenius, E. Holmqvist, K. Mannermaa, W. Perttola, T. Sundell & S. Vanhanen 2018. Hidden and remote. New perspectives on the people in the Levänluhta water burial, Western Finland (ca. AD 300-800), European Journal of Archaeology 21(3): 431–454.

Holmqvist, E. 2017. Handheld portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF) in Hunt A. W (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp. 363–381.

Alenius, T., T. Mökkönen, E. Holmqvist & A. Ojala 2017. Neolithic land-use in the Northern Boreal Zone: High-resolution multiproxy analyses from Lake Huhdasjärvi, South-Eastern Finland, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26:1–18.

Holmqvist, E. 2016. Recent archaeometric artefact studies at the University of Helsinki, in Suhonen, M., K. Nordqvist, P. Uino & M. Lavento (eds.): New sites, new methods – Proceedings of the 14th Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium, Iskos 21: 75–84.

Holmqvist, E. 2016. Ceramic lamps at Jabal Haroun: Typo-chronology and provenance (ED-XRF), in Fiema Z.T., J. Frösén & M. Holappa (eds.): Petra – The Mountain of Aaron II: The Monastery. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. Pp. 245–265.

Holmqvist, E. 2016. Pottery supply and exchange: A techno-analytical study of Jabal Harun ceramics (ED-XRF, SEM-EDS), in Fiema, Z.T., J. Frösén & M. Holappa (eds.): Petra – The Mountain of Aaron II: The Monastery. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki. Pp. 213–243.