Academic talks and poster presentations in international conferences

Academic talks

(updated 01/2024)


“Varhaiskeskiaikainen kallo Turun Tuomiokirkosta – Piispa Henrikinkö?” [“Early Medieval Skull from the Cathedral of Turku – Bishop Henry’s?”], presentation to The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Turku, Finland, 15 January 2024


“A Woman with a Sword?”, presentation for the Outstanding Article Award, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 14 December 2023

“Itäsuomalaiset, länsisuomalaiset ja geneettinen väestöhistoria” [“Eastern Finns, Western Finns, and genetic population history”], interdisciplinary seminar Pähkinänsärkijä – Suomen itä-länsijaon kehittyminen [Cracking the Nöteborg nut – Development of the east-west division of the Finnish population] by Human Diversity consortium of University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 27 September 2023


“Genetic studies of the Uralic-speaking populations: an overview of tools, results, and interpretations”, Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Vienna, Austria, August 2020


“Genetic structure and history of Uralic-speaking populations”, Online Workshop for Oxford Handbook of Archaeology and Language, 18 November 2021


“Overview of the genetic history of human populations in the Finnic area”, Workshop on Contacts and Dispersal in the Uralic area, Nauvo, Finland, 26 August 2019

“A major genetic turnover in the Finnish population since the Iron Age”, flash talk at EMBO | EMBL Symposium “Reconstructing the Human Past – Using Ancient and Modern Genomics”, 1 April 2019, Heidelberg, Germany


“Population genetics and past human populations”, Seminar on Human Evolution and Cultural Change, Turku, Finland, 1 November 2018

“An example of interdisciplinary studies on human past: a review on the holistic history of Uralic speaking area”, Seminar on Human Evolution and Cultural Change, Turku, Finland, 2 November 2018

“A 1400-year transect of ancient DNA reveals recent genetic changes in the Finnish population”, 8th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology ISBA 2018, Jena, Germany, 18-21 September 2018

“Se toimii sittenkin! Muinais-DNA:n analyysit arkeologian apuna” [“Albeit it does work! Utilizing analyses of ancient DNA in archaeology”], Annual symposium of the National Board of Antiquities, National Museum, Helsinki, Finland, 2 February 2018


“Muinais-DNA-tutkimusta Suomessa Sugrige-projektissa” [Ancient-DNA research in Finland by the Sugrige project], Arkeologian iltapäivä [Annual seminar of Archaeology research at University of Helsinki], Helsinki, Finland, 11 December 2017

“Finland 1000 years: a genetic view into the population history of Finns”, Linguistics, Archaeology & Genetics Workshop – The origin and expansions of Uralic speaking populations, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany, 30 November 2017

“Population genetic analysis of ancient DNA data: tools, limitations, and interpretation of results”, Domestic Animals in the Viking Age Workshop, Turku, Finland, 15 November 2017

“What ancient DNA can tell about the history of Uralic populations”, Inaugural symposium of the Collegium for Transdisciplinary Studies in Archeology, Genetics and Linguistics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 10 November 2017

“Population genetics and genetic peculiarities in the Nordic countries”, 4th Nordic Skeletal Dysplasia Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 10 March 2017

“East Fennoscandian prehistory told from a genetic perspective”, Symposium on Seeking the Human Landscape: Archaeology, Anthropology and Indigenous Studies, Helsinki, Finland, 3 March 2017


“Suomen väestöhistoriaa geenien kertomana” [“Finnish population history as told by genes”], Academy Club for Young Scientists of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland, 18 April 2016; video available

“Human population genetics of Fennoscandia”, The Fennoscandian and Finno-Ugric past in the light of genes, languages and cultures, Turku, Finland, 10 February 2016


“Selective sweeps in the woods and garden: Genome-wide scanning for positive selection in wolves and dogs”, Seminars in Ecology and Evolution, University of Turku, Finland, 13 October 2015


“Something old, something new, something borrowed: Glances into the genetic landscape in and around Finland”, Symposium on Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics of Uralic Peoples, Forssa, Finland, 11-13 November 2013

“Finns, Swedes, and genes: genome-wide insights into population structure and history”, Seminars in Ecology and Evolution, University of Turku, Finland, 5 February 2013


“Genetic structure in Finland and Sweden – aspects of population history and gene mapping”, Seminar on Biological Evolution and the Diversification of Languages (BEDLAN2012), Nauvo, Finland, 19-21 September 2012


“Genetics of Uralic speakers”, Seminar on Biological Evolution and the Diversification of Languages (BEDLAN2011), Nauvo, Finland, 21-23 September 2011

“The (mis)interpretation of population genetics results”, Seminar on Biological Evolution and the Diversification of Languages (BEDLAN2011), Nauvo, Finland, 21-23 September 2011

“Genetiikan mahdollisuudet (tai mahdottomuudet) väestön menneisyyden tutkimisessa” [“The (im)possibilities of genetics in studying the past of populations”], Suomen viikinkiajan määrittely eri tieteenalojen lähestymistapojen valossa – The Viking Age in Finland Defined in the Light of the Approaches of Different Disciplines, Helsinki, Finland, 28-29 April 2011


“Genetic structure of the Finnish population”, Seminar on Biological Evolution and the Diversification of Languages (BEDLAN2010), Nauvo, Finland, 22-24 September 2010

“Swedish population structure illuminated by genome-wide SNPs”, Seminars at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 April 2010


Poster presentations in international conferences

(updated 09/2023)


“The Skull of a Saint? Genetic analysis of the purported skeletal remains of Bishop Henry from the Cathedral of Turku, Finland”, 10th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA), 13-16 September 2023, Tartu, Estonia


“A major genetic turnover in the Finnish population since the Iron Age”, EMBO | EMBL Symposium “Reconstructing the Human Past – Using Ancient and Modern Genomics”, 31 March – 3 April 2019, Heidelberg, Germany


“Selective sweep mapping for tail shape suggests reinterpretation of a canine brachycephaly locus”, 8th International Conference on Advances in Canine and Feline Genomics and Inherited Disease, 22-26 June 2015, Cambridge, UK


“Genome-wide linkage analysis suggests oligogenic regulation of the human parieto-occipital 10-Hz rhythmic activity”, 63rd American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, 22-26 October 2013, Boston, U.S.A.


“Genome-wide linkage analysis suggests oligogenic regulation of brain auditory responses”, 12th International Congress of Human Genetics / 61st American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, 11-15 October 2011, Montreal, Canada


“A genome-wide analysis of population structure in Sweden”, The Biology of Genomes, 11-15 May 2010, Cold Spring Harbor, U.S.A.


“A genome-wide analysis of population structure in Sweden”, The 11th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome Analysis (HGV2009), 11-13 September 2009, Tallinn, Estonia


“Genome-wide analysis of population structure in Northern Europe”, The Biology of Genomes, 6-10 May 2008, Cold Spring Harbor, U.S.A.