

Knuuttila, Simo and Virpi Mäkinen (ed.) (accepted). Moral Psychology in History: From Ancient to Early Modern Era. Cham: Springer.

Tikka, Katja, Lauri Uusitalo & Mateusz Wyzgn (ed.) (2024). Managing Mobility in Early Modern Europe and its Empires: Invited, Banish, Tolerated. Palgrave Macmillan.
See: 978-3-031-41888-4_15185_PSMH_HB_A5_Menaga, J

Haara, Heikki & Juhana Toivanen (ed.) (2024). Common Good and Self-Interest in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. New Synthese History Libraray. Cham: Springer.

Mäkinen, Virpi (2023). Pyhä, paha ruoka: Uskonnon ja etiikan näkökulmia. [Sacred, Sinful Food: Perspectives from Religion and Ethics]. Toim./Ed. Virpi Mäkinen, Heikki Pesonen & Risto Uro, Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Mäkinen, Virpi & Nicolas Faucher (ed.) (2022). Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought. (Helsinki Yearbook of Intellectual History, vol. 3). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenburg.



Korpiola, Mia & Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde (forthcoming 2024). “The Influence of the Principle “Necessitas non habet legem” on Nordic Medieval Laws on Theft.” Journal of the History of Ideas.

Toivanen, Juhana & Heikki Haara (2024). “Introduction: On the Conflict between Common and Individual Good.” Self-Interest and Common Good in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Ed. Heikki Haara & Juhana Toivanen. Cham: Springer.

Haara, Heikki (2024). “Self-Interest as a Source of the Common Good in Post-Hobbesian Natural Law.” Self-Interest and the Common Good in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Ed. Heikki Haara and Juhana Toivanen. Cham: Springer.

Haara, Heikki (2024). “Introduction: The Problem of Recognition in Early Modern Philosophy.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32(2): 265–246.

Haara, Heikki (forthcoming 2024).”Freedom of the Will and the Passions in Pufendorf’s Action Theory”. Variety of Voluntarism in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Ed. Sonja Schierbaum & Jörn Müller. Routledge.

Haara, Heikki (forthcoming 2024). “Pufendorf’s Revaluation of Hobbes’s Friend-Enemy Distinction and the Law of War.” Pufendorf’s International Political and Legal Thought.. Ed. P. Schröder. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mäkinen, Virpi (2024). “Gerson’s Legacy on Late Medieval and Early Modern Rights Discourse.” Jean Gerson écrivain: De l’ouevre latine et française à sa réception (XVe–XVIIIe siécle) européenne. Ed. Isabelle Fabre. Libraire Droz (Publications française et romanes I, 343–364.

Mäkinen, Virpi (forthcoming 2024). “Right to Beg, Migrate, and Travel in Domingo de Soto’s Deliberation in the Cause of the Poor.” Religion, Ethics and Otherness: Theological and Philosophical Perspectives on the Migrant and the Foreigner.  Ed. Roberto Hofmeister Pich & Michael Schulz. Vandenhoeck & Ruprect Unipress / University of Bonn.

Mäkinen, Virpi (forthcoming 2024). “The Radicalism of Franciscan Poverty and Its Legacy to the Subsistence Rights.” Radical Thinking in the Middle Ages. Ed. Monica Brinzei and Christophe Grellard. Brepols.

Palmén, Ritva (2024). “Medieval Monastic Ideas of the Compatibility between the Individual and Common Good.” Self-Interest and Common Good in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Ed. Heikki Haara & Juhana Toivanen. New Synthese History Libraray. Cham: Springer.

Palmen, Ritva & Mikko Posti (forthcoming 2024). “The Ethics of War: John of Naples and the Use of Muslim Mercenaries by a Christian King.” Medieval Encounters.

Mäkinen, Virpi (2023).”Nälkä, ruoka ja köyhän oikeudet” [Famine, Food and the Rights of the Poor]. Pyhä, paha ruoka: Uskonnon ja etiikan näkökulmia. [Sacred, Sinful Food: Perspectives from Religion and Ethics]. Toim./Ed. Virpi Mäkinen, Heikki Pesonen & Risto Uro, Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 231–240.

Toiviainen Rø, Siiri (2023). “Leipää ja lisukkeita: Varhaiskristillinen syömisen etiikka osana kreikkalais-roomalaista kohtuuden kulttuuria” [Bread and Relish: Early Christian Ethics of Eating as Part of the Greco-Roman Culture of Moderation] Pyhä, paha ruoka: Uskonnon ja etiikan näkökulmia. [Sacred, Sinful Food: Perspectives from Religion and Ethics]. Toim./Ed. Virpi Mäkinen, Heikki Pesonen & Risto Uro. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 210–221.

Korpiola, Mia (2022). “Vim vi repellere – On Legitimate Self-Defence in Medieval Scandinavian and Learned Law.” Oikeutta ja historiaa blog of the legal historical Matthias Calonius Society. Matthias Calonius -seura; Matthias Calonius Samfundeft.(open access)

Haara, Heikki & Kari Saastamoinen (2022). “Esteem and Sociality in Pufendorf’s Natural Law Theory”. British Journal for the History of Philosophy (open access).

Haara, Heikki (2022). “Pufendorf: Coercion, Religious Beliefs and Toleration.” Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th–17th centuries., ed. Hans Blom. Leiden: Brill, 267–287.

Mäkinen, Virpi (2022). “Recognising the Rights of Infidels in William of Ockham’s Ideas on Secular Government.” Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy Acts of the XXI Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Maynooth, 9–12 September 2015. (Recontres de Philosophie Medievale 25) Eds. Michael William Dunne & Susan Gottlöber. Turnhout: Brepols Publisher.

Mäkinen, Virpi (2022). “From Charity to Rights: Theological and Legal Perspectives on Poor Relief in the Middle Ages.”Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought. Ed. Nicolas Faucher & Virpi Mäkinen. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenburg, 213–230.

Palmén, Ritva (2022). “Hope as a Social Emotion in Late Medieval Philosophical Theology.”Encountering Others, Understanding Ourselves in Medieval and Early Modern Thought. Ed. Nicolas Faucher & Virpi Mäkinen. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenburg.

Palmén, Ritva (2022). “‘I am not like other people.’ Desire for Esteem within the Community of Equals in Medieval Moral Psychology.” Recognition, Its Theory and Practice. Ed. Onni Hirvonen & Heikki J. Koskinen. London: Routledge, 271–289.

Posti, Mikko (2022). “Henry of Ghent on the Siege of Acre: Magnanimity, Suicide and the Role of God”, Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales.

Palmén, Ritva (2021). “Guarding the Inner City of the Soul: The Patristic Legacy of the Notion of Security in the Middle Ages.” Politics and Society: The Patristic Legacy in the Middle Ages. XVIII International Conference on Patristics Studies. Ed. John Slotemaker & Jeffrey C. Witt. Studia Patristica. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 5–19.

Toiviainen Rø, Siiri (2021). The Bread Demanded by Nature: Gregory of Nyssa’s Interpretation of ‘Daily Bread’ in the Context of Greco-Roman Moral Instruction on Moderation and Excess.” Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Our Father. An English Translation with Commentary and Supporting Studies. Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Paris, 4–7 September 2018). Ed. M. Cassin, H. Grelier Deneux & F. Vinel. Leiden: Brill, 665–678.