Ruisleipäkö terveellistä?

Tutkijat ovat sitä mieltä, että ruisleipä on monin tavoin terveellistä. Ruisleivän on todettu alentavan kolesterolia, ja se sisältää runsaasti kuitua, joka vaikuttaa suolen toimintaan. Se vaikuttaa myönteisesti sokeriaineenvaihduntaan, painonhallintaan, ja sillä on antioksidatiivisia vaikutuksia.  Ruisleipä sisältää tärkeitä ravintoaineita kuten foolihappoa, josta on yleisesti puutetta.


Viipaleessa ruisleipää on 2-3 grammaa kuitua, jälkiuunileipäviipaleessa voi olla jopa 4 grammaa kuitua. Kuidun saantisuositus on vähintään 25-35 grammaa vuorokaudessa, joten ruisleivän käyttö edesauttaa saamaan riittävästi kuitua ravinnosta. Ravintokuitu ei imeydy ohutsuolessa, joten se siirtyy paksusuoleen sitoen mukanaan vettä.  Siten ulostemassa lisääntyy ja pehmenee, mikä ehkäisee ummetusta. Suoliston bakteerit hajottavat kuitua, minkä seurauksena muodostuu kaasua.  Suurin osa rukiin kuidusta on liukenematonta selluloosa tyyppistä kuitua. Rukiissa on myös vesiliukoista, geeliytyvää kuitua, jolla on positiivisia vaikutuksia sokeri- ja rasva-aineenvaihduntaan.

Tutkimuksien mukaan ruisleipä auttaa alentamaan myös LDL-kolestrolipitoisuutta ja ehkäisemään kakkostyypin diabetestä. Liukoinen kuitu sitoo ruoan mukana tulevaa kolesterolia, joka kuljettaa sen ulosteen mukana elimistöstä. Maria Lankisen väitöskirjassa selvitettiin ruisleivän vaikutusta elimistön rasvoissa. Tutkimuksessa todettiin ruisleivän syömisen parantavan veren rasva-arvoja. Ruisleivän syöminen vaikuttaa myös verensokerin vaihteluun edullisesti aterian jälkeen.

Vaikka ruisleivän glykeeminen indeksi (GI) on korkea, se ei nosta verensokeria samalla tavalla kuin vaalea leipä, koska se aiheuttaa alhaisemman insuliinivasteen. Glykeemiseen indeksiin vaikuttaa ruuan sisältämän hiilihydraatin ja kuidun lisäksi useat eri tekijät, minkä vuoksi muilla leivillä voi olla pienempi glykeeminen indeksi.

Ruisleivän syöminen voi ehkäistä monia syöpäsairauksia, kuten paksusuolisyöpää, rintasyöpää ja eturauhassyöpää. Se sisältää lignaania, joka on fenoliyhdiste kuten flavonoiditkin. Lignaanin tärkein lähde Suomessa on ruisleipä. Paksusuolen bakteerit muokkaavat lignaanista enterolaktoneita, joiden matala pitoisuus verenkierrossa on todettu olevan yhteydessä keskimääräistä suurempaan sepelvaltimotaudin ja rintasyövän riskiin.


Kaikki eivät kuitenkaan ole yhtä mieltä ruisleivän terveellisyydestä. Erityisesti lääkäri Antti Heikkilä on esiintynyt julkisuudessa viljojen vastustajana. Heikkilän mukaan viljojen tärkkelys voi aiheuttaa suolisto-ongelmia, viljojen proteiini, gluteeni on yhteydessä eri autoimmuunisairauksiin, lektiini vaurioittaa suolistoa ja fytaatit estävät monien tärkeiden mineraalien imeytymistä. Leivän puolustajat kumoavat Heikkilän väitteet, sillä lektiini ja fytaatit tuhoutuvat jo taikinajuuren tai hiivan käymisprosessissa (eli kun rukiista tehdään leipää). Keliaakikoiden tulee välttää rukiin ja muiden viljavalmisteiden syömistä gluteenin takia, sillä se vahingoittaa suolistoa. Osa ihmisistä, kuten ärtyneen suolen oireyhtymästä kärsivät, saavat runsaasta ruisleivän syömisestä vatsaoireita. Ruisleivän terveellisyyden vastustajat mainitsevat myös korkean suolapitoisuuden.

Ruisleivän lisääminen ruokavalioon on sen terveysvaikutusten vuoksi perusteltua, mutta kaikille ruisleipä ei sovi. Ruisleipää valittaessa kannattaa myös kiinnittää huomiota sen suolapitoisuuteen.



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3,200 thoughts on “Ruisleipäkö terveellistä?

  1. Ruisleipää on toki paljon tutkittu ja se varmuudella kuuluu terveelliseen ruokavalioon. Ravitsemusväitteitäkin voi käyttää, esim. kuidusta. Mutta, onko ruisleivälle (tai rukiille) myönnetty terveysväitettä ? Tarkistakaapa EU-rekisteristä.

    • Ruisleivälle ja rukiille ei ole myönnetty terveysväitteitä. Ainoastaan niiden sisältämille kuiduille on hyväksyttyjä ravitsemusväitteitä. EU-rekisteristä löytyi hakemuksia mm. ruisleivälle ja ruisjauholle, mutta niitä ei ole hyväksytty.

      Viimeisessä kappaleessa on virheellisesti puhuttu terveysvaikutuksista.

      • EU ei tosiaan myöntänyt ruisleivälle terveyteen myönteisesti vaikuttavan ravintoaineen statusta.
        Mutta eikös olekin niin, että EU on aina väärässä, eikä ne siellä mitään ymmärrä, kuten monet EU:n vastustajat sanovat. 🙂
        Monet harrastelijat (ravinto”tieteilijät”) ovat kuitenkin tarttuneet tähän EU:n kannanottoon kuin hukkuva oljenkorteen.

  2. Hei!

    Kiitos kirjoituksestanne, sitä oli ilo lukea.

    Ruisleipä on vuosia ollut kestosuosikkeja niin omassa ruokailussani, kuin myös yleisemminkin Suomalaisessa ruokakulttuurissa ja sillä tuntuu osittain olevan tietynlainen pyhimyksen maine ruokakulttuurissamme moninaisine terveysvaikutuksineen.

    Ruisleipä on kuitenkin myös elintarvike, jota ei välttämättä voi varauksetta kaikkein herkkä vatsaisimmille suositella. Alla olevassa ylen uutisessa mahdolliseksi syyksi vatsaväänteisiin ehdotetaan niin valmistusprosessia, kuin ruisleivän Ph-arvoakin. Ottaen huomioon ruisleivän suotuisat terveysvaikutukset saattaisi olla luontevaa luoda tuote joka sopii myös herkkävatsaisemmille. Mitä mieltä olet: ovatko uutisessa olevat teoriat riittäviä selityksiä herkkävatsaisten reaktioihin vai olisiko kyseessä jokin muu syy? voisiko herkkävatsaisille paremmin sopiva ruisleipä olla tuote, joka kävisi kaupaksi?.

    Herkkävatsainen Markkinoinnin opiskelija

    • Viime aikoina on noussut paljon esille ärtyneen suolen oireyhtymä (IBS) ja FODMAP-yhdisteet, joita ruisleipäkin sisältää. Hoitona IBS-ruokavaliossa suositellaan juuri FODMAP-yhdisteiden välttämistä. Olisi mukava kuulla lisää, mitä tiedetään juuri ruisleivän FODMAP-yhdisteistä. Oletteko törmänneet asiaan blogia kirjoittaessa?

      • Kommentti taisi tulla väärään kohtaan, mutta oli siis tarkoitettu kirjoittajille 🙂

        • Emme törmänneet blogia kirjoittaessamme rukiin FODMAP-yhdisteisiin, mutta herkäävatsaisille / ärtyneen suolen oireyhtymästä (IBS) kärsiville ihmisille, jotka haluavat välttää FODMAP-yhdisteitä sisältäviä elintarvikkeita kauraleipä olisi paras vaihtoehto. Viljalajeista juuri nimenomaan kaura on se, joka ei ärsytä vatsaa eikä sisällä FODMAP-yhdisteitä.

    • Ylen-uutisessa olevat teoriat ei ole riittäviä selittämään herkkävatsaisten reaktioita rukiiseen. Aiheesta saatta löytyä tieteellisiä tutkimuksia, joista löytyisi luotettavampaa tietoa aiheesta. Jos saataisiin kehitettyä herkkävatsaisille paremmin sopiva ruisleipä, voi olla, että kyseinen tuote ei kuitenkaa sopisi kaikille. Ruisleivästä aiheutuvat vatsanväänteet voivat johtua eri syistä.

  3. Teillä oli oikein mielenkiintoinen aihe.

    Kirjoitatte: “Ruisleivän syöminen voi ehkäistä monia syöpäsairauksia, kuten paksusuolisyöpää, rintasyöpää ja eturauhassyöpää.” Olisin kiinnostunut, mistä lähteestä tämä on?

    Ruisleipä on kovana ruokana myös hyvää hampaiden terveydelle. Ja empiirisen tutkimuksen mukaan hampaiden puhjetessa helpottaa ikenien kutinaa.

  4. Hei!
    Mitä mieltä olette vaaleasta ruisleivästä ja sen merkityksestä terveellisessä ruokavaliossa? Onko se yhtä terveellistä kuin “tavallinen ruisleipä”? Kovasti esimerkiksi Vaasan mainostaa tuotteitaan ja onhan ne valmistettu rukiista höystettynä muilla aineilla!

    • Vaalea ruisleipä voi olla herkkävatsaisille parempi vaihtoehto. Siitä kuitenkin saa enemmän kuitua kuin esimerkiksi vaaleasta vehnäleivästä.

  5. Ruisleivän suhteen (niin kuin kaiken muunkin ruoan) on varmaan fiksuinta kuunnella omaa kroppaansa. Ruisleipä voi varmasti kuulua osana terveelliseen ruokavalioon, kun vaan kiinnittää huomiota kuitu- ja suolapitoisuuteen sekä täysjyväviljan määrään, mutta omalla kohdallani olen huomannut, että vatsani voi huomattavasti paremmin ilman gluteeniviljoja. 🙂

  6. Hei,

    kirjoitat: ” Glykeemiseen indeksiin vaikuttaa ruuan sisältämän hiilihydraatin ja kuidun lisäksi useat eri tekijät, minkä vuoksi muilla leivillä voi olla pienempi glykeeminen indeksi.” Mitä nämä useat eri tekijät ovat? Mistä voisin löytää taulukon, josta kävisi ilmi se, kuinka nopeita hiilihydraatteja eri ruoissa loppujen lopuksi on huomioiden nämä kaikki eri tekijät, joihin viittaat?

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  38. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  39. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  40. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  41. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  42. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  43. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  44. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  45. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  46. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  47. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  48. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  49. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  50. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  51. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  52. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  53. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  54. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  55. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  56. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  57. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  58. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  59. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  60. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  61. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  62. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  63. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  64. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  65. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  66. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  67. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  68. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  69. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  70. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  71. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  72. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  73. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  74. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

  75. OTS List. One of the largest Open Tibia server bases from around the world. The list was created to make it easier for the owners of OTS to advertise, and thus to win players. Adding a server is completely free, and it brings the expected results – an increase in the number of online players. The website has a very friendly search engine, thanks to which you will find a server for yourself.

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  190. Thanks for the recommendations on credit repair on this site. The thing I would offer as advice to people is to give up the actual mentality that they may buy now and pay out later. Like a society we tend to make this happen for many things. This includes vacation trips, furniture, and also items we want. However, you’ll want to separate a person’s wants from all the needs. If you are working to improve your credit rating score make some sacrifices. For example you’ll be able to shop online to save money or you can go to second hand retailers instead of pricey department stores to get clothing.

  191. Thanks a lot for the helpful write-up. It is also my belief that mesothelioma has an really long latency interval, which means that signs of the disease would possibly not emerge until finally 30 to 50 years after the initial exposure to asbestos fiber. Pleural mesothelioma, which can be the most common variety and is affecting the area throughout the lungs, might result in shortness of breath, chest muscles pains, along with a persistent cough, which may produce coughing up blood vessels.

  192. Thanks for discussing your ideas right here. The other matter is that any time a problem takes place with a laptop or computer motherboard, individuals should not go ahead and take risk connected with repairing the item themselves for if it is not done right it can lead to irreparable damage to the entire laptop. It will always be safe to approach a dealer of that laptop for any repair of its motherboard. They’ve technicians who have an skills in dealing with laptop computer motherboard issues and can make right analysis and perform repairs.

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  407. Another thing I’ve really noticed is for many people, a bad credit score is the reaction of circumstances over and above their control. For example they may happen to be saddled by having an illness so that they have more bills going to collections. It would be due to a job loss or even the inability to work. Sometimes separation and divorce can truly send the financial circumstances in the undesired direction. Many thanks for sharing your notions on this website.

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  419. It’s my belief that mesothelioma is usually the most lethal cancer. It contains unusual qualities. The more I really look at it the more I am confident it does not behave like a real solid cells cancer. If mesothelioma can be a rogue virus-like infection, then there is the probability of developing a vaccine in addition to offering vaccination to asbestos subjected people who are vulnerable to high risk regarding developing upcoming asbestos connected malignancies. Thanks for expressing your ideas about this important health issue.

  420. In my opinion that a property foreclosures can have a significant effect on the client’s life. House foreclosures can have a 6 to a decade negative effects on a debtor’s credit report. A borrower that has applied for a mortgage or any loans for that matter, knows that the actual worse credit rating is actually, the more difficult it is to have a decent bank loan. In addition, it may possibly affect the borrower’s capacity to find a respectable place to let or rent, if that turns into the alternative homes solution. Interesting blog post.

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  422. According to my observation, after a in foreclosure process home is available at a bidding, it is common for that borrower to be able to still have the remaining unpaid debt on the loan. There are many loan providers who attempt to have all rates and liens paid off by the upcoming buyer. Nevertheless, depending on specified programs, laws, and state regulations there may be many loans which aren’t easily solved through the switch of financial loans. Therefore, the obligation still lies on the debtor that has got his or her property in foreclosure. Many thanks for sharing your thinking on this web site.

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