Two new IMAGES dissertation

Michael Egerer defended his dissertation Institutional footprints in the addiction image: A focus-group study with Finnish and French general practitioners and social workers from University of Helsinki  12th of September 2014. Opponent was Geoffrey Hunt.

Tanja Hirschovits-Gerz at Tampere University is defending her dissertation”Suomalaisten riippuvuuksia koskevat mielikuvat” [Finnish people’s images of addiction]  on September the 6th. Opponent was Pekka Hakkarainen, THL.

Both Egerer and Hirschovits-Gerz are researchers who have been tied to the IMAGES project (2007-2011) — Egerer in Pekka Sulkunen’s team on qualitative inquiries into professional views, and Hirschovits-Gerz in Anja Koski-Jännes team that performed surveys among lay people in different countries.