The fascination of addiction realities

What’s so fascinating about addiction realities? Petteri Koivula’s doctoral dissertation work enquires into how addiction is performed as an illness of the brain in scientific and media practices. He explains why this can have meaningful implications for people with addiction.

With rapid advances in neurotechnology, such as neuroimaging, the brain has become the most prominent site for exploring addictive behaviours. Meanwhile, people’s capability to stay healthy and well-functioning is increasingly seen to be intimately connected to their capability to exercise personal agency. While finishing his master’s studies, Koivula got interested in this strange contradiction. How does the view of addiction as a brain disease affect addiction policies and treatment, and influence how people with addiction are viewed? A possibility to study this matter came about in 2018 within the CEACG project for the ethical implementation of addiction neuroscience (the A-BRAIN).

Continue reading “The fascination of addiction realities”

System comparisons expose patters of inequality

In a twist of fate French sociology student Sébastien Berret ended up conducting his PhD studies at the University of Helsinki. In our December edition of the Researcher of the Month series, Berret reveals how he found himself interested in gambling regulation policies – and moving from Paris to Pasila.

In his PhD work Berret is analyzing and comparing the lottery sector and its vested interests between Finnish, French and Hungarian gambling policy contexts.

– I look into how and why these systems are different, and what kind of underlying vested interests there are. The main objective is to define which kind of gambling contribution to society is the most redistributive.

Berret is also involved in the Political Economy of Gambling Academy project. The project focuses on the circulation of gambling revenues which benefits the public sector, operators and other beneficiaries through taxation, fees, direct contributions, by creating employment, and so on. Continue reading “System comparisons expose patters of inequality”

The NAD journal is moving to the University

Starting from January 2020, the journal Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) will be collaborating with the University of Helsinki and CEACG!

Tom Kettunen, Eva Franzen, Juri Mykkänen & Matilda Hellman. Kuva: Jessica Gustafsson

The journal’s editorial staff will move to the premises of the university but the journal is still published by the Nordic Welfare Centre. The aim of the collaboration is to enhance the centre’s connection to academia. Read more on Nordic Welfare Centre’s web page!

Online marketing as a game changer

The last couple of years Emmi Kauppila has been partaking in international meetings, lecturing about marketing in the social media. In our first profile piece for the series Researcher of the month, she unfolds her fascination for social media as an environment for marketing  “vices” such as alcohol, sugary food and gambling.

Kuva: Helsingin yliopisto / Jussi Ala-Lahti
Kuva: Helsingin yliopisto / Jussi Ala-Lahti

Continue reading “Online marketing as a game changer”

Tampere residents welcome the new casino with little desire for increased tourism

CEACG’s latest report presents the first results from a study that inquires into opinions on gambling policy among residents in the city of Tampere. It is also the first study to examine city residents’ opinions on the upcoming casino.

Basically, the focus-group participants saw the casino as something positive. Yet, they did not share the hopes of the city officials that Tampere is to become a destination for international tourism. Continue reading “Tampere residents welcome the new casino with little desire for increased tourism”

New office at Siltavuorenpenger

CEACG has moved to Siltavuorenpenger in the North of Kruununhaka.
Staring May 17th our office is situated at the fourth floor of the Psychologicum building at Siltavuorenpenger 1 A.
With the new office the CEACG-researchers now all sit together in the same corridor.

The group is very excited about the new office – the atmosphere of the beautiful old building and the breathtaking views over the city and the sea will undoubtedly be inspiring and get our research blooming!

Please, feel free to pay us a visit!

Moral governance in responsible beverage serving

Katariina Warpenius is well-known to the alcohol research community, especially for her work on local alcohol policy. In her doctoral dissertation she unfolds local alcohol policy projects and trials as political and epistemic projects which channel certain kinds of governance. “It reflects a Nordic post-centralized governance mode”, explains Warpenius, who is defending her PhD work on Friday. Continue reading “Moral governance in responsible beverage serving”

Lakiuudistuksen vaikutukset sosiaalisen median alkoholimainontaan jäivät heikoiksi

Suomalaiset ja ruotsalaiset alkoholibrändit eivät markkinoi aggressiivisesti sosiaalisessa mediassa, mutta mainokset näkyvät myös alaikäisille. Mainonnan sääntelyllä on ollut vain vähän vaikutusta sosiaalisen median alkoholimainontaan. Kuluttajien osallistamista mainontasisällön tuottamiseen laki on onnistunut vähentämään.

Helsingin yliopiston Riippuvuuksien, yhteiskunnallisen sääntelyn ja hallinnan tutkimuskeskuksen tuoreen raportin mukaan vuoden 2015 alkoholilakimuutoksen rajoitukset ovat vaikuttaneet sosiaalisen median markkinointiin vain vähän. Lakimuutoksessa Suomi rajoitti ensimmäisenä maana maailmassa sosiaalisen median alkoholimainontaa, ja esimerkiksi kuluttajien tuottamien sisältöjen sekä pelien, kilpailujen ja arvontojen käyttö osana alkoholimainontaa kiellettiin. Suomen tilannetta verrattiin Ruotsiin, jossa vastaavaa sääntelyä ei vielä ole.
Continue reading “Lakiuudistuksen vaikutukset sosiaalisen median alkoholimainontaan jäivät heikoiksi”

Guest lecture: Gambling regulation and harm prevention

The Gambling Network has the pleasure to host the guest lecture of Dr Angela Rintoul and Prof Charles Livingstone on gambling regulation and harm prevention. Based at the University of Monash, Australia, they are currently on a research visit to Europe funded by the Churchill Fellowship in order to investigate international lessons for gambling reform and regulation.

Time: 27 March 2019, 14.00-16.00

Place: Soc & Kom building, 2nd floor, room 210 (Address: Yrjö-Koskisen katu 3) Continue reading “Guest lecture: Gambling regulation and harm prevention”