Industrial Pharmacy Research

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Industrial pharmacy includes manufacturing, development, marketing and distribution of drug products and quality assurance of these activities. This broad research area relates to several functions in pharmaceutical industry. Research in industrial pharmacy is conducted both at the academia and in pharmaceutical industry as collaboration projects. The research can either include laborative work, interview or survey studies. The main research topics at the university are the novel formulation technologies for paediatric, elderly and veterinary patients and the stabilisation of biopharmaceuticals in freeze-dried or in spray-dried formulations.


Scientific publications and academic activities, see University of Helsinki Research Portal

Professor Anne Juppo

Docent Mia Sivén


Specialisation Ecucation in Industrial Pharmacy (ERKO) since 2016

Specialisation Education Theses can be found in the Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki HELDA. Recent Theses:

2020 B.Sc. Linda Tossavainen-Niikki “The bioequivalence of generic medicines leading to referrals in the EU: The impact of guidance”  (Full text in here)

2019 B.Sc. Marjaana Ahvenlammi-Sieppi “Pään alueen sunttien erityispiirteet rekisteröinnin ja laadun näkökulmasta”   (Full text in here)

2019 B.Sc. Elina Viitanen Risk Assessment – Transportation of medicinal products (Full text in here)


Doctoral Dissertations in Industrial Pharmacy

Jaana Hautala, M.Sc.(Pharm.) 2017 “Improving the Palatability of Minitablets for Feline Medication” in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki. Opponent Professor Jörg Breitkreutz, Heinrich-Heine-University, Germany, Custos Professor Anne Juppo. e-thesis

Minna Matikainen, M.Sc. (Pharm) 2015 “Launching New Products in the Finnish Pharmaceutical Industry: A Relationship Approach”. Opponent Adjuct Professor Paula Rytilä, University of Helsinki, Custos Professor Anne Juppo. e-thesis

Kirsi Rosenqvist, M.Sc.(Pharm) 2014 “The effect of systemically and locally administered clodronate on bone quality”. Opponent Professor Jukka Mönkkönen, University of Eastern Finland, Custos Professor Anne Juppo. e-thesis


Licentiate Dissertations in Industrial Pharmacy

M.Sc.(Pharm.) Anu Gummerus (DRA Consulting) 2017 “Outsourcing the Regulatory Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry”

M.Sc.(Pharm.) Satu Kujala (Medfiles) 2016 “Imidatsoliini-1-agonistin (moksonidiini) ja beetasalpaajan (atenololi) vaikutus insuliiniherkkyyteen, postmenopausaalisiin oireisiin ja verenpaineeseen hypertensiivisillä postmenopausaalisilla naisilla”.


Other Publications and Media

2016 Anne Juppo and Mia Sivén “Research in Specialization Studies in Industrial Pharmacy benefits pharmaceutical industry” (Full text in here)

2020 University of Helsinki News Spe­cial­isa­tion stud­ies in in­dus­trial pharmacy pro­duce top ex­perts for the phar­ma­ceut­ical in­dustry

2020 Proviisori -lehti Erikoistumiskoulutus tuo varmuutta työhön (s.15)

2020 Farmasia -lehti Teollisuusfarmasian erikoistumiskoulutus alkaa Viikissä


Seminar presentations (previous)