Call for Papers

CfP is closed. List of workshops in English can be found here.



The theme of the VIII Ethnology Days is interpretation and analysis. We invite researchers and museum experts to reflect on the way they go about analyzing and interpreting their data. What kinds of concepts do ethnologists use in their analysis? How do we incorporate our informants into the process of interpretation? How to do interpretations that are in line with research ethics? And what kinds of interpretations do museums offer to the wider public? The question of analysis and interpretation concerns both academic research and cultural institutions as well their interactions with their audiences.

The program of the VIII Ethnology Days includes plenary sessions, workshops, and a debate in the end of the seminar. The invited keynote speakers are Professor Thomas O’ Dell (Lund Universitet, Sweden), Professor Anu Koivunen (Stockholms Universitet, Sweden) and Junior Professor Jörg Niewöhner (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany).

The languages of the conference are Finnish, Swedish and English. Session proposals and individual papers may deal with analytical tools of individual research projects or reflect on the ethnological research processes on a more general level.

The first call invited session proposals and the second call invites submission of individual papers abstracts. The first call for sessions is now closed. Titles and descriptions of the sessions in English can be found here.

Abstracts (circa 250 words) of papers should be sent to the panel convenors by December 9th 2013. In case the abstract does not fit in any of the already existing
sessions, it can be also sent to the organisers of the Ethnology Days
(kansatieteenpaivat2014(at) acceptance will be informed by December 16th.

VIII Ethnology Days will be organized by The Society of Finnish Ethnologists Ethnos ry in collaboration with the discipline of European Ethnology of the Helsinki University. For further information you may contact the chair of the organizing committee Tytti Steel: tytti.steel(at) / (09) 191 23784 or seminar secretary Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto: eerika.koskinen-koivisto(at) / 040 7243810.