Biosophical society

I guess most of you have seen thisBS-poster poster tacked on the elevators walls and on the front door of Biocenter 3. If you are a student, or a researcher and you aim at understanding science, then the events organized by the society will surely broaden your view. At least from time to time, we all need to stop, and spend some time pondering the deeper questions about Biology. This helps in many ways: 1) it will make us think about things and assumptions we normally take for granted, 2) it will allow us to put our own research in a much broader context, which could reveal either unsuspected implications or logical flaws, 3) hopefully they will lift to some extent our blindness to the “logic” behind research in other disciplines, allowing us to see new patterns and connections. The current group of participants comes from several different disciplines and have different research backgrounds which should make the discussions particularly interesting for everybody.

I will myself participate, and chair one session some time in November.

For the programme and additional infrmation see the society’s own web site.

For info or booking a date, email


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