Meilahti Campus Library Terkko is closed from May 22nd, 2017 for renovations

The Meilahti Campus Library Terkko will be closed for renovations on May 22nd, 2017 and the building will reopen in the beginning of the autumn term in 2017. So the last day Terkko will be open is Friday May 19th 2017.

Renovating the facilities is part of a larger project of the University of Helsinki, HUS, Health Capital Helsinki, and Think Company.

See more of the timetable and library services during the renovations from the page Changes in Terkko. The page will be updated as more information becomes available during spring and summer.

Meilahti Campus Library Terkko. Photo: Veikko Somerpuro

Trial: Are you interested in Victorian? Adam Matthew´s databases available until 12.4

Defining Gender 1490-1910 provides access to original British source material of history, literature, sociology and education.

Literary Manuscripts: Berg. The Berg Collection´s unique manuscripts are unavailable in any medium elsewhere. They are supplemented by some rare printed materials, including early editions annotated by the authors. Each author collection is included in its entirety, allowing users to browse and search the manuscripts as they would in the Berg Reading Room. Authors represented in this collection include among others : Matthew Arnold, The Brontës, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Wilkie Collins, Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens and George Eliot.

Literary Manuscripts: Leeds. This project offers literary scholars the opportunity to examine complete facsimile images of 190 manuscripts of 17th and 18th century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds.

Perdita Manuscripts is produced in association with the Perdita Project based at the University of Warwick and Nottingham Trent University. “Perdita” means “lost woman” and the quest of the Perdita Project has been to find early modern women authors who were “lost” because their writing exists only in manuscript form.

Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape presents the manuscript collections of the Wordsworth Trust, this digital collection offers students and researchers of the Romantic period access to the working notebooks, verse manuscripts and correspondence of William Wordsworth and his fellow writers, including Dorothy Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas De Quincey and Robert Southey.

Shakespeare in Performance showcases rare and unique prompt books from the Folger Shakespeare Library. These prompt books tell the story of Shakespeare’s plays as they were performed in theatres throughout Great Britain, the United States and internationally, between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Seventeen performances of particular cultural importance have been selected as case studies, including additional archival material such as photographs, costume designs and music scores. These case studies include David Garrick’s revised 1772 production of Hamlet, Henry Irving’s famous 1879 production of The Merchant of Venice, and Laurence Olivier’s Academy Award-winning cinema release of Hamlet in 1948.

Victorian Popular Culture is a portal comprised of four modules, inviting users into the darkened halls, small backrooms, big tops and travelling venues that hosted everything from spectacular shows and bawdy burlesque, to the world of magic, spiritualist séances, optical entertainments and the first moving pictures.

Feedback you can write e-library[at]


Trial: Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda until 12.4

Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda available in University of Helsinki until 12.4.

This collection of films from the communist world reveals war, history, current affairs, culture and society as seen through the socialist lens. It spans most of the twentieth century and covers countries such as the USSR, Vietnam, China, Korea, much of Eastern Europe, the GDR, Britain and Cuba.

Feedback you can write e-library[at]


Jubilee Exhibition by The Finnish Gem Hobbyists’ Society at the Kaisa House

The Finnish Gem Hobbyists’ Society will be holding their Jubilee Exhibition at the Kaisa House. The exhibition is on display on the entrance hall of the library (3rd floor) from Friday March 17th until Thursday April 13th. Free entry.

On display there are jewelry and small items made of Finnish rocks and gemstones as well as silver made by members of the Society during the years.

The Society was founded in Helsinki on March 17, 1977. The purpose of the Society is to provide information on rocks and minerals to its members, to further their stone polishing skills, and to provide a forum for the exchange of views.

Social science research method videos and other resources on trial

SAGE publishes resources for anyone doing research or learning how to do research, providing information on writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, collecting and analyzing data, and writing up the findings.

Products on trial:

Trial continues until 30.6.2017 in the Helsinki University network.

SAGE Video presents educational video across key social science disciplines. Each collection includes a breadth of video types to support diverse research and learning needs.

Videoiden hakulaatikko > Bringing teaching, learning and research to life - Search in SAGE video

SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool which has been in use in the Helsinki University network for a long while. It contains e-books, encyclopedias and journal articles.

Tietokannan hakulaatikko - What every researcher needs - search field

Feedback: e-library [at]

Open Science springs to you! Open Access Pop Up 20.–23.3. on every Campus

Want to discuss Open Science themes, Open research data, ORCID or publishing Open Access? Share some researchers’ views? Come and meet Open Access experts at our stand on every Campus!

Meilahti Campus
Mon 20.3.2017 11–13 o’clock,  Biomedicum.
Viikki Campus
Tue 21.3.2017 12–14 o’clock, A-Building.
City Centre Campus
Tue 21.3.2017 12–14 o’clock, Main Building, lobby.
Kumpula Campus
Wed 22.3.2017  12–14 Physicum, lobby..
City Centre Campus
Thu 23.3.2017 12–14 o’clock Porthania, lobby.

Answers to questions concerning Open Access or Research Data Management you´ll find on our Open Access and RDM -Guides.

You are warmly welcome!

Trial: eBook Religion Collection until 30.4

EBook Religion Collection features more than 6,900 e-books from trusted publishers covering a broad range of religious subjects including philosophy, ethics, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, religious texts and more. This dynamic compilation of texts explores religious beliefs, faith, cultural systems and world views and provides a key resource to meet the needs of students and scholars in their research.

Titles are available from a variety of academic, university and religious publishers, Oxford University Press, University of California Press, Brill Academic Press, De Gruyter, InterVarsity Press, Harvard University Press, Society of Biblical Literature, State University of New York Press, Peter Lang and The Jewish Publication Society.




Trial: Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies until 30.4

Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies provides an index to journal and newspaper articles, books, research and scholarly discourse on the culture and politics of the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.

A valuable resource for a variety of disciplines, Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (MECAS) combines sources from these databases: School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS) Library Catalogue (1900-present), Middle East Bibliography (1946-2001), Middle East Book BibliographiesTheses & Dissertations and MECAS Citations Database.
