Folklore and Ethnology – together they are strong

Take a minute to welcome our newest subject guide dedicated to Folklore and Ethnolgy.

Library guides are especially designed to fulfill researchers’ information needs. You will find the most relevant sources of information, core databases, journals, articles and news feeds from our guides. You find ResearchGuides-service in the shortcuts of our web pages.

Photograph:Fabianinkatu 22, yard
Brander Signe, 1907. Helsinki City Museum

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ResearchGuides – Library’s information sources from various research fields, expert librarians and help guides

The ResearchGuides lists a selection of major information resources in various research fields provided by the Library. ResearchGuides collects library’s information sources and services from the viewpoint of each research field. It is targeted especially for researchers and advanced students.




Trial: Biblioclub – University Library Online ~31.5.2016


Biblioclub – University Library Online is a  Russian eBook platform and an internet library containing more than 80 000 ebooks on literature, history, philosophy, social sciences, culture, arts, religion, natural and information sciences. The collection is offered in page-by-page view and includes all subject collections, textbooks, and a number of publishers’ collections: Siberian division of Russian Academy of Sciences, ABV-press, Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Labaratoriia knigi, Literaturnoe agentstvo “Akademicheskii proekt”, Moscow State University, Flinta.

Users are able to have access to materials in page-by-page view, save, copy and download fragments of books.

If the browser used for work is Internet Explorer, the recommended version is not lower that Internet Explorer 9.

Trial period:  until 31.5.2016


Trial: Education Full Text until 31.5.2016

Education Full Text provides full text of articles from more than 530 journals, with full-text coverage dating back to 1996. Additionally, this database includes indexing for more than 1,000 periodicals dating back to 1982. Education Full Text also features in-depth coverage of special education, with more than 30 full-text journals dedicated to this important topic.

Feedback: e

Trial: Norden iLibrary until 30.5.

On trial Norden iLibrary. Being primarily research-based analyses the publications form the basis for political decisions in the Nordic co-operation.

Every year around 100 new Nordic titles are published, approximately 65% of which are in English. They cover all the subjects that are part of the Nordic co-operation, with particular focus on:

•climate and environmental studies
•green growth and bioeconomy
•sustainable development
•health and social welfare
•education and research
•labour and employment
•the Arctic


Open by default: Open Access guide for researchers

Wondering where to publish Open Access or how to cope with all the demands of openness by the research funders? How can an individual researcher publish openly? And what do we mean in the first place when we talk about Open Access publishing?

You can now reach it all with one click:

Open Access: Guide for Researchers is aimed to those looking for practical guidance on Open Access policies and possibilities (inc. self-archiving) at the University of Helsinki.

Should any questions arise, feel free to use this e-mail address:


Read more:
Open Science and Research
Open Scholarship
SPARC Europe

Our OA-guide is also available in Finnish:

ResearchGuides – Library’s information sources from various research fields, expert librarians and help guides


Opening hours during Easter

tiputDuring Easter the libraries are closed from Good Friday until Easter Monday March 25th to March 28th, 2016.

On Maundy Thursday (March 24th), the libraries are open as follows:
– Kaisa House  8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
– Kumpula, Terkko and Viikki 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
– Dental Library 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The Main Library in Kaisa House will be open on four Sundays after Easter from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Learning Centres Aleksandria and Minerva are open 8 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. on Maundy Thursday. Aleksandria can be accessed with magnetic key during Easter (from 7 a.m. until 1 a.m.).

Library’s and learning centres’ opening hours

Basic e-reference book on French language now available: Le Petit Robert Encyclopédique

The large French language dictionary Le Petit Robert de la langue française and the reference book Le Petit Robert des noms propres have been united into the online version called Le Petit Robert Encyclopédique.

Le Petit Robert Encyclopédique describes accurately the French language and increases knowledge of French culture and different sciences from prehistory to petitrobertthe present.

The reference book contains 300 000 words with complete inflections, more than 40 000 proper names, 35 000 literary citations, a chronology, an interactive atlas and 2 000 illustrations. It includes multifaceted search options, e.g. phonetic and etymological functions. The content is updated monthly.


More Reading Space in Kaisa House

More space for reading and working is being made available in various parts of the library in Kaisa House. Some places are already available, and more is to come in the near future.

2nd floor
Studio_20160307_131744– In addition to the quiet reading room there is now a smaller space for quiet reading in the room 2015 behind the elevators.
– A few tables will be added to the reading area in the Kaisaniemenkatu at the end of the floor.

– About 10 reading places will be added; the tables are already on the spot, but we are still waiting for the chairs.

K3 and K4
– We are reorganizing in order to get a few more work places.

Studio_20160307_131025Entrance floor (3rd floor)
– There are some reading places and a workplace where you can work standing. We will try to get a few more of those.