First Year in Kaisa House

The Helsinki University Main Library in Kaisa House opened a year ago, September 3rd, 2012.
During the first year there have been:

  • 1 288 078 visitors
  • 387 882 loans
  • 408 865 returns
  • 72 371 reserved items
  • 8250 new customers.

The American Resource Center, a European Documentation Centre, a Statistics Finland service point and the Gaudeamus book café are also located in the Kaisa House.
Happy birthday Kaisa House and warm thanks to all our customers!


Trial: Historical Newspapers from around the United States (–>30.9.) is the online home of 48+ million pages of historical newspapers from 1700 newspapers from around the United States and beyond.

Trial period: 26.08.-30.09.2013

When you use at University of Helsinki you have access all the papers on the site. You can register for free to clip articles or other interesting things you find.

Further information–>


HELDA ranks 54th on the international list of digital repositories

HELDA, the digital repository of the University of Helsinki, ranks 54th on the global list of publication archives.

Main reasons for the good placement on the list are visibility and high-quality contents. Visibility on this ranking list is determined simply by the quantity of links leading to HELDA.  As to contents, the most important factor is the number of scientific articles in the repository. The articles are counted with the help of Google Scholar –service.

HELDA is an open digital repository, maintained by the Helsinki University Library’s web-services. University members can save to the archive publications such as parts of research material and theses that are openly and publicly accessible. The object of HELDA is to enhance the visibility, use and impact of the university’s research publications.

The” Ranking Web of World repositories” is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.

Stories highlighting remarkable inventions and advancements in science

How the first papers about DNA were received at the time in the 1950s? What kind of a shock was the discovery of the ozone hole in the mid-1980s?

The Nature Nature PastCast is a podcast series telling the stories behind some of the biggest papers in Nature’s archive. Each month for a year, the PastCast will explore Nature‘s back catalogue, setting in context key moments in the history of science – and rooting out some of the quirkier reports from the journal.

On the same site as the links to the  audio shows are the links to the contents of archives of Nature and Scientific American.

Textbooks to circulate faster

The loan period for textbooks in the Main Library (Kaisa House) will be 14 days, starting from August the 19th, 2013. The change in loan period will speed up the circulation of the books so that more students are able to get the required textbook in time.

If you currently have textbooks from Main Library checked out, you can proceed to renew the loans normally. If there are no reservations for the books, the loans will renewed with 14 day loan period.

The loan periods for library material may vary depending on the library location and the collection.


Change in textbook loan period on the city centre campus

Starting in August, the textbook collection in Kaisa House will have a loan period of two weeks (14 days). The collection has previously contained both 28 day and 14 day loans. The change is intended to make books circulate faster so that as many students as possible can get the books they need.

If you have textbook loans from Kaisa House in August, you will be able to renew them as usual, but the loan period will be 14 days. The short-term loans will continue to have a loan period of 2 days.

Main Library Night Check-In Available From May 31st

From today (May 31st) it is possible to return books to the Helsinki University Library when the library is closed.

The night check-in unit is located to the left of the main entrance of Kaisa House on Fabianinkatu.

During the summer, night check-in will be available weekdays from 5:45 PM to 10:15 AM and all weekend. The check-in unit opens with a Helka card and it will accept books of normal size from the Helsinki University Library.The books will be registered as returned when the library opens again.