Trial: Treasury of Linguistic Maps database ~ 31.5.2016


The e-resource Treasury of Linguistic Maps presents linguistic maps selected from various atlases and other publications that have been published over the years by De Gruyter Mouton and other De Gruyter imprints. For the first time, this material is made available and searchable in one place and in a new, improved format. All maps have been scanned in high-resolution for maximum quality and enriched with detailed metadata. Thanks to specific search functionalities (e.g. category/subdiscipline, language described in the map, geographical location, period described), Treasury of Linguistic Maps is a unique and indispensable resource for visualized information on various topics in linguistics. Many of these maps have not been digitally available before, and some are difficult to find even in printed form. The map interface allows zooming in on details, printing, and PDF export.

More information and user guide here.

The initial release version contains 2,000 enriched maps. Following the launch year there will be two updates a year with about 1,200 maps added each year. The updates will feature both rediscoveries from De Gruyter’s archives and material from new publications.


Trial period: 28.4. – 31.5.2016

Rapid Transition To Open Access Publishing Essential

The proliferation of open access publishing models in academic publication provides researchers and the academic community with opportunities to share and access academic information faster and more flexibly than before. Finnish institutions of higher education and research institutes are currently negotiating with academic publishers to enable the efficient use of open publication methods. “Our goal is to simultaneously ensure that the overall costs of academic publication do not increase,” states Mikael Laakso, assistant professor at the Hanken School of Economics and member of the strategy group for the negotiations.

Libraries pave the way for researchers towards open access (Picture by Jussi Männistö)
Libraries pave the way for researchers towards open access (Picture by Jussi Männistö)

The Ministry of Education and Culture has stated as its goal that Finland will become one of the leading countries in the openness of science and research by 2017. “To reach this goal, we must rapidly transition from subscription-based licensing agreements towards new, open access publishing models,” says Laakso.

Overlapping expenses must be minimised

Currently, institutions of higher education and research institutes pay for academic publications through subscription fees. In an open access model, the author or the author’s organisation pays for the publication of an article. The overall expenses of publication must be examined, as particularly large publishers currently favour hybrid publication, in which a researcher whose article has been accepted for publication in a subscription-based journal can pay a separate publication fee to make his or her article open access. It is important for researchers to publish in journals which are esteemed by the academic community, even if making the article open access requires a separate fee. This model of article fees, however, generates overlapping expenses, unless the publisher correspondingly lowers the subscription fees for the journals in question.

The National Library’s FinELib consortium, which represents institutions of higher education and research institutes in the negotiations, has insisted that the hybrid model, which involves both subscriptions and article fees, be considered an interim solution on the way to full open access publishing. During this transition period it is essential that overlapping expenses from the new open access model and the old subscription model are minimised.

Aiming for a contract with integrated support for open access publishing

The subscription fees for academic journals represent an annual expense of about €23 million for institutions of higher education and research institutes. The exact costs of open access publishing are unknown as they are not monitored in Finland on a national level. However, according to estimates from the project Tieteen avoin julkaiseminen (Open Publication of Science in Finland), in 2014 Finnish universities paid at least €1 million to publish open access articles, and these expenses are on the rise.

Open access models which would be both financially sustainable and easy for researchers are currently also being sought internationally. At the moment, several international campaigns promoting open access are underway, including the Christmas is over campaign organised by the League of European Research Universities and undersigned by several Finnish institutions of higher education. Dutch universities, for example, have been able to negotiate package deals with the major publishers Springer and Wiley which facilitate open access publishing.

Libraries to support open access

Researchers can find support for open access publishing from the library of their organisation as well as the many open access resources online, such as:

Open Access (Helsinki University Library)

Open Access and Aalto University

Open Access instructions in Finnish (University of Eastern Finland)

The Open Science and Research Initiative

Further information:

Vice-Rector Keijo Hämäläinen, University of Helsinki, chair of the strategy group for the contract negotiations, tel. 029 415 0640,

Assistant Professor Mikael Laakso, Hanken School of Economics, member of the strategy group for the contract negotiations, tel. 050 9100 864,

FinELib on Twitter

Folklore and Ethnology – together they are strong

Take a minute to welcome our newest subject guide dedicated to Folklore and Ethnolgy.

Library guides are especially designed to fulfill researchers’ information needs. You will find the most relevant sources of information, core databases, journals, articles and news feeds from our guides. You find ResearchGuides-service in the shortcuts of our web pages.

Photograph:Fabianinkatu 22, yard
Brander Signe, 1907. Helsinki City Museum

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ResearchGuides – Library’s information sources from various research fields, expert librarians and help guides

The ResearchGuides lists a selection of major information resources in various research fields provided by the Library. ResearchGuides collects library’s information sources and services from the viewpoint of each research field. It is targeted especially for researchers and advanced students.




Ejournals and Database Subscriptions Renewed

Helsinki University Library has been able to acquire some e-journals and database subscriptions that were originally cancelled for 2016 due the financial cuts. The purchases are made with extra funding from the University Rector. The subscriptions chosen for renewal were the ones the university community missed the most.

On top of the purchases, the library has received a few subscriptions as donations from the Finnish scientific publishers. Continue reading “Ejournals and Database Subscriptions Renewed”

Trial: Biblioclub – University Library Online ~31.5.2016


Biblioclub – University Library Online is a  Russian eBook platform and an internet library containing more than 80 000 ebooks on literature, history, philosophy, social sciences, culture, arts, religion, natural and information sciences. The collection is offered in page-by-page view and includes all subject collections, textbooks, and a number of publishers’ collections: Siberian division of Russian Academy of Sciences, ABV-press, Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Labaratoriia knigi, Literaturnoe agentstvo “Akademicheskii proekt”, Moscow State University, Flinta.

Users are able to have access to materials in page-by-page view, save, copy and download fragments of books.

If the browser used for work is Internet Explorer, the recommended version is not lower that Internet Explorer 9.

Trial period:  until 31.5.2016


Trial: IUPAC Standards Online 6.5. asti


IUPAC Standards Online is a database built from IUPAC’s standards and recommendations, extracted from the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC).

Covered topics:

Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Safety
Data Management
Environmental Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Nomenclature and Terminology
Nuclear Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Theoretical & Computational Chemistry



Trial: Education Full Text until 31.5.2016

Education Full Text provides full text of articles from more than 530 journals, with full-text coverage dating back to 1996. Additionally, this database includes indexing for more than 1,000 periodicals dating back to 1982. Education Full Text also features in-depth coverage of special education, with more than 30 full-text journals dedicated to this important topic.

Feedback: e

Trial: Norden iLibrary until 30.5.

On trial Norden iLibrary. Being primarily research-based analyses the publications form the basis for political decisions in the Nordic co-operation.

Every year around 100 new Nordic titles are published, approximately 65% of which are in English. They cover all the subjects that are part of the Nordic co-operation, with particular focus on:

•climate and environmental studies
•green growth and bioeconomy
•sustainable development
•health and social welfare
•education and research
•labour and employment
•the Arctic


Trial: MarinLit until 21.4.

MarinLit is a database dedicated to marine natural products research. The database was established in the 1970s by Professors John Blunt and Murray Munro at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. It was designed as an in-house system to fulfil the needs of the University of Canterbury Marine Group and has evolved to contain unique searchable features and powerful dereplication tools. The extremely comprehensive range of data contained along with these powerful features makes MarinLit the database of choice for marine natural products researchers.
