Welcome to SciFinder training update on 19th November 13:15–15, Chemicum A127

SciFinder training update
Thursday, 19.11.2015 13:15-15, Chemicum A127, Kumpula Campus

• How to explore, analyze, refine and categorize intellectually indexed CAS content from 10,000 scientific journal publications and 63 patent offices including bio, geo, environmental, medicinal sciences
• How to search structures, sub-structures and polymers
• SciPlanner tool to create and customize own synthetic pathways
• PatentPak – new viewer to locate hard finding chemical substances inside of patent documents

Veli-Pekka Hyttinen,   SciFinder_pieni
Regional Marketing Manager,
ACS International, Ltd.

The event is bilingual (fin-eng)

For further information contact:

Kaija Sipilä
Chief Information Specialist – Research Services
Helsinki University Library – Kumpula Campus Library
PL 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2)
FI-00014 Helsingin yliopisto, Finland
02941 50889, 050 448 5676

Helka Unavailable 14.-15.11.2015 – Kaisa House Open on Weekend

HELKA-database will be unavailable from Saturday, November 14th, 2015 at 21 p.m. until Sunday, November 15th, 2015. Service should resume no later than Monday morning.

The break covers the HELKA online catalogue as well as the libraries’ systems.

The following HELKA-services are not available during the break:

  • database search
  • loans
  • renewals
  • reservations
  • paying library fees
  • updating customer information

Loans will not be due between 13 – 17.11.2015.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Kaisa House open on Sunday

The Kaisa House will be open normally during the weekend, from 11 am until 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday there will be limited service as Helka is unavailable. Loans cannot be checked out.

Access to other online resources

Library’s other online resources, for example electronic journals can be used normally. Search through Google Scholar or Nelli Search Portal, for example.

Trial: IMD World Competitiveness Online until 30.11

IMD World Competitiveness Online is a comprehensive database on the competitiveness of nations. It includes a 20-year time series from the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook. Functionalities include any combination of data for 61 countries and more than 300 criteria. Criterias are among others ageing of society, ecological footprint, educational system, healthy life expectancy, scientific articles, scientific research, long-term unemployment and immigration laws.

Feedback: e -library@helsinki.fi

Subscription for communication studies resource CIOS/ComserveService expires 31.10.2015

Due to low usage, ComserveService (including ComAbstracts, Open Journals Index) has been unsubscribed.

The resource will not be available any more starting from November 1st.

There are still several communication studies databases available, eg.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)

Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO)

Social & Behavioral Sciences (ProQuest)

More communication and media resources on the library website.

Feedback: e-library@helsinki.fi

Trial: Bloomsbury eBooks for the Faculties of City Centre Campus (till December 5)

Bloomsbury Collections provide thousands of e-books in the fields of humanities, education, social sciences, law, religious studies and theology. Both quite recent research monographs and classics are included.

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Now those of our customers who took advantage of the trial for  Ancient Commentators on Aristotele have now a chance to return to this book series again.

Feedback as comment or by e-mail e-library[at]helsinki.fi

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Trial : The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection until 31.10

The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection provides immediate access to over 1,500 online seminar style talks presented by many of the world’s leading experts including a number of Nobel Laureates. Following categories are represented: biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, diseases, disorders & treatments, drug discovery, genetics, immunology, methods, microbiology & virology, neurobiology and pharmaceutical science.

Feedback: e -library@helsinki.fi

Times Higher Education rating 76 – what lies behind this rise

Autumn is the time of University Rankings. In August we got Shanghai, in September QS World University and now Times Higher Education (THE). The latter offered the University of Helsinki a considerable rise from place 103 to 76.

Let´s see more detailed which role the bibliometric methods play in these results. In the Shanghai ranking they comprise 40% of the total result, in the QS ranking only 20%. In the THE ranking references bring 30% of the result and publication volume 6%.


Sometimes databases can play a central role. Instead of Web of Science, THE is now for the first time using Scopus. This crossover has also raised the rankings of other European and Finnish universities in contrast to American Universities whose ratings now sank. However, also QS uses Scopus but in its ratings the ranking of the University of Helsinki has sunk. Explanation to this is the significant change which has taken place in the means of measuring. Five of the largest disciplines are now equally emphasized. In this method medicine and natural sciences usually lose impact in publication ratings.

 Library and Metrics Tools

Shanghai ranking uses the Web of Science in its quantitative method likewise Taiwan (TNU) ranking, which results we expect in October. TNU rankings are solely based on the bibliometric indicators.

Both Web of Science and Scopus are accessible in the University of Helsinki network, likewise the Analyzing tools of these databases: InCites and SciVal. The Helsinki University Library´s Metrics team actively uses these tools as part of their analysis.

Text: Eva Isaksson
Translation and editing: Ursula Virolainen