Renewal work started in Kumpula Campus Library

The amendment of Kumpula Campus Library will be completed during 2014. When the construction work is finished, a new, more functional learning environment is available for patrons.

During the first half-year the library operates only on the 2nd floor, where workstations and reading places are available, in addition to the collections. For the duration of the construction work, all the volumes of periodicals have to be in storage, and they are inaccessible, until the fall. Articles unavailable in electronic form can be acquired via interlibrary lending.

The construction work will cause exceptions in services and be quite noisy at times. We regret the disturbance. Free earplugs are available at the info desk. More information is available f. ex. on the blog Kumpulan kampuskirjaston remonttiblogi (in Finnish).

Library of Parliament gives information management training (in Finnish)

The Library of Parliament arranges information management training regarding

    • parliamentary information sources
    • legal information sources
    • the EU’s and international organisations’ information sources and databases

Courses are intended for all users and are held in Finnish. Customised training is also arranged for key user groups.

The Library of Parliament also arranges presentations for groups. More information.


New Portal: MITCogNet for your use

MITCogNet is an online location for the brain and cognitive science community´s scientific research.

Portal includes 10 major reference works including The Cognitive Neurosciences (4 th Ed.) by Michael Gazzaniga, fulltext of six MIT Press journals including the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and over 530 full-text MIT Press books related to the brain sciences.

New database: ART SOURCE

New database ART SOURCE in University of Helsinki.

Art Source features full-text articles – as well as detailed indexing and abstracts – for an array of journals, books and more. Art Source includes periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch and is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.



New Resource: Early European Books online

Early European Books Online provides scholars with new ways of accessing and exploring the printed records of early modern Europe, drawing together a diverse array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries.

Collection 2 contains early printed volumes from the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (National Central Library of Florence). The selection of works focuses on four collections of particular historic and bibliographic importance within the library’s holdings from this period:

1. Nencini Aldine
2. Marginalia
3. Incunabula, mm. Danten Petrarcan ja Boccaccion teoksia. 100 Girolamo Savonarolan teosta (1452-1498)
4. Sacre rappresentazioni

The usage of EEB coll. 2. is restricted to the students, faculty and staff of the Helsinki University and to local users in the National Library and in Helsinki University library.

SanomaPro eBooks – access problems solved

SanomaPro has announced that the access issues due to the release of a new e-book platform have been solved during the past weekend. If you encounter further access problems with SanomaPro’s eBooks, please, contact us: