2023 Programme and schedule

9:45 Registration

10:15 Opening remarks

Session 1: On the Voice of Minorities
10:30 Anna Sedlackova: Sociolinguistic situation in Timișoara, Romania, with focus on Serbian speaking minority
11:00 Natchanun Sanitdee: So fierce, mom! A study of LGBTQ+ colloquial language in Thailand in terms of phonological and pragmatico-semantic changes
11:30 Monika Murgova: Language Attitudes Towards Eastern Slovak – A Pilot Study

—– 12:00-13:00 Lunch break (lunch will be served) —–

Session 2: Phonetics: On the field and in the laboratory
13:00 Anna Busheva: Field research methods in phonetics
13:30 Lenka Kalvodová & Xinyuan Wan: Perception and Production of Quantity in Finnish with Predictive Processing
14:00 Lucas Weidinger: The role of boundary tone in chunking spontaneous speech

—– 14:30 – 15:00 Coffee break (serving coffee and cake!) —–

Session 3: Machine Translation and Creativity of (non)Human Language
15:00 Zhixu Gu: On low-resource NMT for Finnish-Chinese(simplified) translation
15:30 Toivo E H Qiu: The poems of the Book of Odes were not set to a metre… or were they?
16:00 Teemu Pöyhönen: RPG-GPT: Creative NLG with RPG dialogue

17:30 After-event at Thirsty Scholar