10:00 Opening remarks

10:10 (Invited speakers) Riikka Möttönen & Saara Kaskivuo


11:00 Alicja Kielpinska: Polish as a Resource – a comparative study of linguistic attitudes of Polish L1 and L2 speakers in the UK

11:30 Natchanun Sanitdee: Unveiling Agency: A Corpus-based Study of Passive Voice Constructions in Media Discourse on the Russo-Ukrainian War


12:00-13:00 Lunch break (lunch will be served)


13:00 (Invited speaker) Erofili Psaltaki: The expression of deixis in the Cretan dialect: the adverbs επά [e.’pa] and εκειά [e.’ca]

13:30 Emma Kurkinen: Towards a Typology of Modality in Sino-Tibetan: Exploring modality systems in Trans-Himalayan


14:00-14:30 Coffee + cake


14:30 (Invited speaker) Dana Römling: Forensic Authorship Analysis: Moving Beyond Traditional Approaches in Geolinguistic Profiling

15:00 Lenka Kalvodová: Wavelet-based Visualisation of Weak Forms and Connected Speech Processes in English


15:30 Closing remarks

16:00 After-event at Thirsty scholar