Programme and announcements


10:00 Opening remarks

10:30 Héloïse Calame: Micro-typological study of negation in Polynesian languages

11:00 Roosa Pöllänen: Galician Periphrasis

11:30 Nora Muheim: Uncovering Serial Verb Constructions in Tibeto-Burman Languages

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break (lunch will be served)

13:30 Lina Junctorius: Investigating Inner Speech Using A Generalized Questionnaire and Experience Sampling

14:00 Ümit Bedretdin and Pihla Toivanen: Supervised multi-class classification for humanities research: An article classifier using BERT and topic modeling

14:30 Coffee break (serving coffee…)

14:30 Telma Peura: Once Upon a Time… – or what makes a story good? Studying narratology from the computational point of view. (surprise bonus talk!)

15:00 Coffee break cont. (…and cake!)

17:30 After-event at Thirsty Scholar


Cancelled talks:

Suvi Tynnilä: The different uses of the numerals cien(tos) and mil(es) in Peninsular and Mexican Spanish

Helene von Martens: Actitudes y perceptiones lingüísticas en la diaspora hispanoamericana en Finlandia


Various announcements! (events, classes and such that might be of interest)

– Interested in learning more about linguistic diversity and learn about languages beyond the Western world? Consider taking classes about African studies, such as courses on African linguistics and languages spoken on the continent, like Swahili. New study tracks focusing on African studies are under preparation. Friederike Lüpke’s classes are particularly interesting for linguists!

– If you are interested in research on Africa and associated events (such as talks, study days,…), you are also welcome to join AfriStadi, Africa Research Forum for Social Sciences and Humanities:

– Indigenous Studies classes are regularly taught, they are worth checking out. I recommend them if you are interested in doing research in an Indigenous community. Search for classes starting with IND- on mycourses.

– There is reading circle meeting regularly, organized collaboratively by students in our program. It is called Helsinki linguistics circle, and we discuss different topics that are not very covered by classes in the program. Lately we have been talking about decolonizing linguistics, but we plan on tackling language documentation, revitalization, policy, minoritized languages, and more. We meet in person for discussions, keep each other informed of events on campus and beyond, and also use Discord for better accessibility. Contact me (sara.carrier-bordeleau AT to learn more!

– Many scholars in our department are open to collaborating on research with students, although this information has not been circulating very well. There are many ongoing projects, which you could help with, earning both academic credits and research experience that is relevant to your field of studies. Contact Matti Miestamo (matti.miestamo AT to get access to the course page, mentioning ‘General Linguistics research project’.

– Helsinki Diversity Linguistics Group (HALS) organizes a variety of events, including regular research seminars, which students are welcome to attend. If you want to get acquainted with research happening in our programme, such as what PhD students and hired researchers are working on, check it out! Sign up to the mailing list hals-info AT and/or contact Andrei Dumitrescu (andrei.dumitrescu AT to learn more.

– There’s a sociolinguistics reading circle in Finnish, which is organized by linguists in University of Eastern Finland. It is open to everyone, and a great way to study sociolinguistics beyond the few courses offered in our programme. Contact Hanna Lappalainen to learn more (hanna.lappalainen AT

– There are a variety of events happening soon, organized for LingDig students to enable socializing in a casual environment! The following have been announced in the student newsletter: (1) Spring picnic on May 14 at 12:00 in Kaivopuisto. (2) Thirsty Scholar evenings on May 10 and May 17 at 19:00. (3) Trip to Tallinn on June 4. Check out the email “LingDig Student Newsletter April” for more details.

– Finally, if you haven’t joined the LingDig Whatsapp group already, I recommend it to stay updated about what is going on in our programme, and keep in touch with fellow students! There is a link to join in the newsletter email.