Audio visual


Ongoing audio-visual documentation based on my street ethnography in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (2012-14)

Totaliter: Penjara Pemikiran. Punk video (2013)

Marjinal: Luka Kita. Punk video (2013)

Romi and the Jahat’s & Museum Street Punks Aceh: Film murahan. Punk video (2013)


Animation ‘This is gender’ (2012) based on my aid ethnography on gender mainstreaming in Aceh, Indonesia (2006-9)

Script: Marjaana Jauhola

Animation: Anna Bergman

Sound editing: Julle Juntunen


Other projects

2009                Co-producer of photo exhibition and film screening of Cynthia Weber’s documentary film project ’I am an American’, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Depertment of International Politics, Aberystwyth University

2004                Helsinkiläisiä nyt!/Helsinkians now! –group photo exhibition, exhibiting 18 images ”Encounters in Hakaniemi market hall”, Jugendsali, Helsinki, Pohjois-Karjalan museo Carelicum, Joensuu, Nurmes-talon Tyko-Galleria, Nurmes

2003                Solo exhibition “Aman ke hum rakhwale – olemme rauhan turvaajia” conflict prevention seminar, KATU 02/2003, Helsinki

2002           Photographs on organic farming in Finland, Merkur bank website

Photographs used in:

  • Finnwid -women’s economic literarcy -website 2002
  • National Human Development Report, Planning Commission Government of India, 2002
  • UNDP India country office brochure, 2001
  • UNDP India country office posters 2001
  • website images 2000-2001, 2002
  • Cover photos in ‘Adolescents in India – a profile’. UNFPA for UN System in India 2000

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