In English


I’m doctoral student and animal nutritionist specialized on protein nutrition of ruminants and microalgae. I’m doing my PhD in the University of Helsinki, at the Department of Agricultural Sciencies. Developing sustainable livestock production is my passion and the driving force behind my PhD thesis, and I believe we can find the solutions to environmental issues related to livestock production in the changing world.

In my doctoral thesis, I study the use of microalgae as a protein feed for dairy cows and how the substitution of conventional protein feeds (rapeseed meal, soya bean meal and faba bean) by microalgae affects animal performance, amino acid metabolism and nitrogen and phosphorus utilisation. The microalgae species studied are Spirulina platensis, Chlorella vulgaris and Nannochloropsis gaditana. The high protein content, rapid growth and high productivity of microalgae make them a very attractive alternative to conventional protein feeds. As they can be grown in land areas unsuitable for other agricultural production, microalgae do not compete with other food production for land area. These characteristics are valuable, as a future aim is to double food production for feeding the increasing human population while halving the ecological footprint.

The data of my PhD project consist of four physiological trials each conducted with 4 to 8 dairy cows. Four peer-reviewed articles will be published of the trials. Currently, I’m finishing the manuscript of my first article and hoping to submit it during the autumn 2016. The supervisors of my PhD are docent Seija Jaakkola and professor Aila Vanhatalo (Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki). I started my PhD project in June 2014 and I’m planning to defend my doctoral thesis in 2018.


Marjukka Lamminen
PhD student
University of Helsinki, Department of Agricultural Sciences
P.O.Box 28 (Koetilantie 5), room 204
FI-00014 University of Helsinki
email: marjukka.lamminen(a)
Twitter: @LaMarjukka
OrcidID: 0000-0002-2300-8887
ResearchGate profile
TUHAT-research database profile

Research group:
Marjukka Lamminen (PhD student), Anni Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau (postdoctoral researcher), Tuomo Kokkonen (university lecturer, docent), Seija Jaakkola (university lecturer, docent) and Aila Vanhatalo (professor)

Partners/Financial support for projects:
Cursor Ltd.
Raisio Ltd.
European Regional Development Fund