A few moments from fieldwork in the summer

I have published a couple of pictures from my summer field work on the Instagram platform. The post is available here. I am still looking for research participants for the final stage of the work. I am interested in both people with experience of depression and anxiety, as well as specialists in the field of… Continue reading A few moments from fieldwork in the summer

Self-care. Different perspectives

When asking people how they take care of their mental health, I have received responses that critically assess the prevailing societal stereotypes about self-care, such as associating self-care with “smoothie drinking” and strictly distinguishing it from their everyday activities. Likewise, people have pointed out to me that their daily life with mental health difficulties does… Continue reading Self-care. Different perspectives

The first six months of the research

    Since I started in January, I have collected 26 interviews with young people experiencing depression and anxiety and mental health experts. In addition, I have established contact with several research participants, with whom I meet regularly, in order to get a broader picture of their daily lives and changes over time. During the… Continue reading The first six months of the research