Category: Administration

  • Case study: Conducting user testing provides insights into the design of online courses related to energy transition

    Iskala E & Aejmelaeus M (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences) 27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3010 Based on the feedback from user testing and results from prior research we developed the “Energy Transition Today” online course. In this presentation, we discuss the processes of course development and user testing. The aim of the course is not only to…

  • Case: Jamk student Moodle orientation

    Minkkinen S & Kivioja T (Jamk University of Applied Sciences) 28.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3017 At the beginning of each semester, we acquaint our new students with a range of digital systems essential for their academic journey. Knowing the basics of a learning management system (LMS) allows students to focus on learning on the content courses in…

  • Level up! – A useful tool for online courses?

    Kärppä L (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3017 Gamification of learning has increased its popularity as a teaching strategy, increasing student motivation, especially in self-directed online courses. There are different approaches to gamification of learning, for example gathering experience points and progressing from one level to another based on a learner’s activity on online course…

  • Step inside the assessment: A student’s journey & building powerful exams

    Neves S & Martin S (Inspera) 27.5.2024, 15:20-15:50, F3010 We’ll unveil Inspera’s assessment ecosystem through a student demo, then empower you to create assessments (from simple to complex) as the instructor, and finally dive into the backend to show you how it all works with Moodle.