Category: Education

  • Digitaalisen koulutuksen käsikirjoittaminen (Scripting courses: crafting effective workshops and scripts)

    Kurkipää T, Salovuori A, Kosola H & Kalinainen T (HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management) 27.5.2024, 13:50–14:30, continues 15:00-15:50, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish Työpajassa esittelemme lyhyesti eOppivan yhteiskehittämiseen perustuvan digikoulutusten tuotantoprosessin ja teemme ryhmissä harjoituksen oppimissisältötyöpajasta ja käsikirjoitustyöpajasta: oppimistavoitteiden kiteyttäminen oppijaymmärryksen hankkiminen sisällön rajaaminen koulutuksen rakenteen ja esitystapojen suunnittelu käsikirjoittaminen 3–30–300 mallin mukaan käsikirjoituksen työstäminen…

  • Development of Moodle course templates for the University of Oulu and Oamk – Quality for Moodle courses with course templates made with AI

    Ylitalo A, Kononen J & Mattila A-L (University of Oulu) 28.5.2024, 14:40–15:00, F3017 In spring 2023, the steering group for the Moodle learning environment of the University of Oulu and Oamk decided that there is a need to create course templates which would guide teachers to build Moodle courses. By using course templates, the aim…

  • Panel discussion: Leveraging open education to maximize learner potential

    Achour M, Hunt T, Juuti K, Rytkönen A, Chair: Järvinen J-P 28.5.2024, 15:10–16:00, Small Hall (F4050) Educational institutions and organizations that have integrated Moodle, alongside other open educational resources, are paving the way towards a more accessible learning environment. This panel aims to delve into the unrealized possibilities of open educational tools, seeking strategies for…

  • Easy livin’ in Moodle – Student and teacher perspectives on cognitive load

    Lindholm S & Miettinen I (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 12:40–13:20, Small Hall (F4050) A typical university student is often juggling several different courses on the Moodle platform. Meanwhile, a teacher may manage and teach multiple courses with varying levels of Moodle involvement. Given the amount of time and energy spent on Moodle, the intricacies of…

  • Virtual University of Occupational Health (VUOH) at DigiCampus – Boundless learning in a nationwide curriculum

    Antila A, Karjalainen P, Koivisto-Rautio H & Selänne L (University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University, University of Oulu) 27.5.2024, 14:10–14:30, F3017 Specialist physician training in Occupational Health is coordinated by five universities providing medical education in Finland. The universities are responsible for the national curriculum of almost 900 trainees. Essentials of six-year…

  • Case study: Uniarts Helsinki’s Rosetta’s stone for Moodle service development

    Malinen M (University of the Arts Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 11:10–11:30, Small Hall (F4050) In 2021 University of the Arts Helsinki started a strategic development project to create a new digital learning environment and a service around it. We had the rare opportunity to create a new education technology service from scratch and rethink the way Uniarts…

  • Involving everyone – Learning experience 360°

    Dudoravičė A (Vextur) 27.5.2024, 15:20–15:50, Small Hall (F4050) E-learning system Moodle is a global platform that is used not only by educators, but also by the public and private sectors. The variety of tools, functionalities and extensions is wide, but a problem that is increasingly being noticed by users is the lack of comprehensiveness, feedback,…

  • Kuinka saada kaikki irti Tietokanta-aktiviteetista (Database activity: How to get the most out of it)

    Matveinen K & Kivinen B (University of Helsinki) 28.5.2024, 14:00–15:00, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish Työpajassa pääsee ymmärtämään Tietokanta-aktiviteetin toimintaa. Tässä työpajassa pureudumme Tietokanta-aktiviteetin toimintaan, opimme tunnistamaan ja korjaamaan mahdollisia ongelmia sekä rakentamaan toimivan Tietokanta-aktiviteetin alusta alkaen. Työpaja on suunniteltu sopivaksi niin aloittelijoille kuin edistyneemmillekin käyttäjille. Tarjoamme konferenssitunnusten avulla osallistujille mahdollisuuden tutustua ja harjoitella tietokannoissa tyypillisesti…

  • Embracing accessibility: Building awareness in your institution

    Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield) 28.5.2024, 10:30–11:00, F3005 This session proposal, titled “Embracing Accessibility: Building Awareness in your Institution.” aims to educate university staff on the importance of accessibility in higher education. The workshop will include insights on inclusive teaching practices, for face to face and asynchronous learning. The session will also highlight case studies…

  • Case: Jamk student Moodle orientation

    Minkkinen S & Kivioja T (Jamk University of Applied Sciences) 28.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3017 At the beginning of each semester, we acquaint our new students with a range of digital systems essential for their academic journey. Knowing the basics of a learning management system (LMS) allows students to focus on learning on the content courses in…