Tag: Accessibility

  • Our Moodle Journey at TU Wien: 18 years of successes, lessons and the road ahead

    Rakoczi G (TU Wien) 27.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, Small Hall (F4050) TU Wien, Austria’s largest technical and scientific research and education institution, has been using Moodle continuously for almost two decades. In this presentation, we will describe how Moodle has grown to become the central learning platform for the entire university, acting as a central hub for…

  • Development of Moodle course templates for the University of Oulu and Oamk – Quality for Moodle courses with course templates made with AI

    Ylitalo A, Kononen J & Mattila A-L (University of Oulu) 28.5.2024, 14:40–15:00, F3017 In spring 2023, the steering group for the Moodle learning environment of the University of Oulu and Oamk decided that there is a need to create course templates which would guide teachers to build Moodle courses. By using course templates, the aim…

  • Panel discussion: Leveraging open education to maximize learner potential

    Achour M, Hunt T, Juuti K, Rytkönen A, Chair: Järvinen J-P 28.5.2024, 15:10–16:00, Small Hall (F4050) Educational institutions and organizations that have integrated Moodle, alongside other open educational resources, are paving the way towards a more accessible learning environment. This panel aims to delve into the unrealized possibilities of open educational tools, seeking strategies for…

  • Embracing accessibility: Building awareness in your institution

    Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield) 28.5.2024, 10:30–11:00, F3005 This session proposal, titled “Embracing Accessibility: Building Awareness in your Institution.” aims to educate university staff on the importance of accessibility in higher education. The workshop will include insights on inclusive teaching practices, for face to face and asynchronous learning. The session will also highlight case studies…

  • Tearing down the accessibility barriers in online education

    Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield) 27.5.2024, 12:40–13:40, F3005, Workshop Disability is a conflict between someone’s functional capability and the world we have constructed – be it the physical or digital world. Looking through the lens of the social view of disability, it is therefore the product (course and content) that creates the barriers, not…

  • Using the Moodle Accessibility Toolkit to fix your content

    Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield) 27.5.2024, 15:20–15:50, F3017 Brickfield provides an integrated platform for your Moodle LMS to enable a more accessible and inclusive learning delivery by helping institutions manage content accessibility and usability of their course materials. The Accessibility Toolkit automates the analysis of course content inside Moodle against a set of accessibility…

  • Case study: Conducting user testing provides insights into the design of online courses related to energy transition

    Iskala E & Aejmelaeus M (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences) 27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3010 Based on the feedback from user testing and results from prior research we developed the “Energy Transition Today” online course. In this presentation, we discuss the processes of course development and user testing. The aim of the course is not only to…

  • Moodle as an instant accessibility improvement

    Kivelä M (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3010 This paper examines the user-perceived accessibility of a fully online course for Uni Helsinki undergraduates. The course has been running since August 2017, first on Confluence Wiki, then Teams and nowadays in Moodle. We focus on comparing delivering the same content on two different platforms in relation…

  • eOppiva Moodle: Experiences and future directions

    Kurkipää T (HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management) 28.5.2024, 14:00–14:40, F3017 eOppiva serves as a vital learning hub for the Finnish civil service and beyond. Originating from a modest experiment, it has evolved into a comprehensive ecosystem offering open learning materials for all and a robust Moodle platform to 170 central government organizations. We appreciate…

  • Easy livin’ in Moodle – Student and teacher perspectives on cognitive load

    Lindholm S & Miettinen I (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 12:40–13:20, Small Hall (F4050) A typical university student is often juggling several different courses on the Moodle platform. Meanwhile, a teacher may manage and teach multiple courses with varying levels of Moodle involvement. Given the amount of time and energy spent on Moodle, the intricacies of…