Tag: Case study: institution

  • How to develop Moodle in a user-centred way without losing focus

    Laatikainen J (University of the Arts Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, Small Hall (F4050) The development of Moodle at the University of the Arts is defined directly from the teaching. Unlike the delivery of a finished product, Moodle was introduced as a technical platform, with an emphasis on collaborative development with teaching professionals. Behind this is Moodle…

  • Case study: Uniarts Helsinki’s Rosetta’s stone for Moodle service development

    Malinen M (University of the Arts Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 11:10–11:30, Small Hall (F4050) In 2021 University of the Arts Helsinki started a strategic development project to create a new digital learning environment and a service around it. We had the rare opportunity to create a new education technology service from scratch and rethink the way Uniarts…

  • Unite! European university network with Moodle and LTI

    Martikainen J (Aalto University) 27.5.2024, 12:40–13:20, F3017 Unite! is the European university alliance of innovation, technology, and engineering, with nine universities connecting entrepreneurial, innovative European regions. Aalto University is the Finnish Unite! member. Eight of the nine member universities, including Aalto, use Moodle as their learning management system. The nineth uses Canvas. Unite! is committed…

  • Case: Jamk student Moodle orientation

    Minkkinen S & Kivioja T (Jamk University of Applied Sciences) 28.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3017 At the beginning of each semester, we acquaint our new students with a range of digital systems essential for their academic journey. Knowing the basics of a learning management system (LMS) allows students to focus on learning on the content courses in…

  • Using a table as the course navigation and calendar

    Niinisalo R (University of Jyväskylä) 27.5.2024, 11:10–11:30, F3010 In the Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication at the University of Jyväskylä, we have developed a table-based Moodle structure for blended learning courses. This one table works both as a course calendar and as navigation to all the course information, materials, and tasks. This Moodle structure allows…

  • Our Moodle Journey at TU Wien: 18 years of successes, lessons and the road ahead

    Rakoczi G (TU Wien) 27.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, Small Hall (F4050) TU Wien, Austria’s largest technical and scientific research and education institution, has been using Moodle continuously for almost two decades. In this presentation, we will describe how Moodle has grown to become the central learning platform for the entire university, acting as a central hub for…

  • Katsaus taaksepäin: 20 vuotta Moodlea Suomessa – Miten olemme onnistuneet? (Looking back at 20 years of Moodle in Finland – How have we succeeded?)

    Rytkönen A (Aalto university) 28.5.2024, 12:30–13:30, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish First Moodle installations in Finnish Higher Education were set up in about 2004. Until then, at least BSCW and WebCT/Blackboard were used, with some additional in-house tools. The variety of tools was wide and heterogeneous. At CS departments, in-house tools focused on a specific pedagogical…

  • Development of Moodle course templates for the University of Oulu and Oamk – Quality for Moodle courses with course templates made with AI

    Ylitalo A, Kononen J & Mattila A-L (University of Oulu) 28.5.2024, 14:40–15:00, F3017 In spring 2023, the steering group for the Moodle learning environment of the University of Oulu and Oamk decided that there is a need to create course templates which would guide teachers to build Moodle courses. By using course templates, the aim…

  • Virtual University of Occupational Health (VUOH) at DigiCampus – Boundless learning in a nationwide curriculum

    Antila A, Karjalainen P, Koivisto-Rautio H & Selänne L (University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University, University of Oulu) 27.5.2024, 14:10–14:30, F3017 Specialist physician training in Occupational Health is coordinated by five universities providing medical education in Finland. The universities are responsible for the national curriculum of almost 900 trainees. Essentials of six-year…

  • Running Moodle on AWS: Architectures, scaling, and security

    Asuja A (AWS) 27.5.2024, 10:30–11:30, F3005, Workshop On AWS, there are several ways to run a Moodle installation. In this talk, we’ll explore various architectures and their respective pros and cons. Additionally, we’ll delve into the scaling and security features that aid in running Moodle on AWS efficiently and securely. During the session, you can…