Tag: Course design

  • In the Mood(le) for visual learning: the art of engaging students

    Kujala S (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 13:20–13:40, Small Hall (F4050) Visuals are not just embellishments; they can be bridges between ideas and student understanding. This presentation will cover simple, yet effective, ways to visualize content. With the help of Bootstrap’s components, you can create intuitive and engaging interfaces. The Bootstrap examples will include the use…

  • Digitaalisen koulutuksen käsikirjoittaminen (Scripting courses: crafting effective workshops and scripts)

    Kurkipää T, Salovuori A, Kosola H & Kalinainen T (HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management) 27.5.2024, 13:50–14:30, continues 15:00-15:50, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish Työpajassa esittelemme lyhyesti eOppivan yhteiskehittämiseen perustuvan digikoulutusten tuotantoprosessin ja teemme ryhmissä harjoituksen oppimissisältötyöpajasta ja käsikirjoitustyöpajasta: oppimistavoitteiden kiteyttäminen oppijaymmärryksen hankkiminen sisällön rajaaminen koulutuksen rakenteen ja esitystapojen suunnittelu käsikirjoittaminen 3–30–300 mallin mukaan käsikirjoituksen työstäminen…

  • Easy livin’ in Moodle – Student and teacher perspectives on cognitive load

    Lindholm S & Miettinen I (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 12:40–13:20, Small Hall (F4050) A typical university student is often juggling several different courses on the Moodle platform. Meanwhile, a teacher may manage and teach multiple courses with varying levels of Moodle involvement. Given the amount of time and energy spent on Moodle, the intricacies of…

  • Kuinka saada kaikki irti Tietokanta-aktiviteetista (Database activity: How to get the most out of it)

    Matveinen K & Kivinen B (University of Helsinki) 28.5.2024, 14:00–15:00, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish Työpajassa pääsee ymmärtämään Tietokanta-aktiviteetin toimintaa. Tässä työpajassa pureudumme Tietokanta-aktiviteetin toimintaan, opimme tunnistamaan ja korjaamaan mahdollisia ongelmia sekä rakentamaan toimivan Tietokanta-aktiviteetin alusta alkaen. Työpaja on suunniteltu sopivaksi niin aloittelijoille kuin edistyneemmillekin käyttäjille. Tarjoamme konferenssitunnusten avulla osallistujille mahdollisuuden tutustua ja harjoitella tietokannoissa tyypillisesti…

  • Case: Jamk student Moodle orientation

    Minkkinen S & Kivioja T (Jamk University of Applied Sciences) 28.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3017 At the beginning of each semester, we acquaint our new students with a range of digital systems essential for their academic journey. Knowing the basics of a learning management system (LMS) allows students to focus on learning on the content courses in…

  • From learning to teaching: The continuum of using Moodle in teacher training and vocational education

    Palkinen V & Saarinen R (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere Vocational College Tredu) 28.5.2024, 11:10–11:30, F3017 Moodle is actively used at Tampere University of Applied Sciences and in its Professional Teacher Education program, where teacher students become acquainted with Moodle from the student’s perspective. In the optional course “Teachers’ Basic Digital Competencies”, students get…

  • From repository to ILE: Improving user experience in Moodle with H5P

    Swanepoel C (Tampere University) 27.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3017 From the first LMS in the early nineties (Pressey’s “Teaching Machine”), the use of these systems in Higher Education continues to advance alongside rapidly changing technology. Initially, course pages at universities only provided a space where students submitted assignments and downloaded teaching resources as files. Over time, more…

  • How do computer-marked quizzes best help students learn? How does Moodle help you make the best quizzes?

    Hunt T (The Open university) 28.5.2024, 9:30–10:20, Small Hall (F4050) This talk will be in two sections, a theoretical part, and a practical part. I will start by talking about what is most important in our use of Moodle: teaching and learning. Considering what is known about how education works, when can computer-marked question be…

  • Database activity in the creation of collective course work: Mixed pedagogical experiences, promising prospects

    Wahlström M (University of Helsinki) 28.5.2024, 13:10–13:30, Small Hall (F4050) The paper presents a pedagogical experiment that made use of the Moodle Database activity module in creating collective course work. The students were working on a newspaper archive and tasked to each make short resumes of articles about the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 for a…

  • Virtual University of Occupational Health (VUOH) at DigiCampus – Boundless learning in a nationwide curriculum

    Antila A, Karjalainen P, Koivisto-Rautio H & Selänne L (University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University, University of Oulu) 27.5.2024, 14:10–14:30, F3017 Specialist physician training in Occupational Health is coordinated by five universities providing medical education in Finland. The universities are responsible for the national curriculum of almost 900 trainees. Essentials of six-year…