Tag: Course design

  • Simplifying assessment: Streamlining grading schemes for clarity and technical ease

    Hölttä M, Kamula A & Lindholm S (University of Helsinki) 28.5.2024, 12:30–13:10, Small Hall (F4050) Designing clear and concise assessment schemes guide students towards understanding what is expected from them. Furthermore, transparency increases the objectivity and fairness of assessment. Ensuring the assessment scheme can be technically executed with ease will also reduce teachers’ workload and…

  • Case study: Conducting user testing provides insights into the design of online courses related to energy transition

    Iskala E & Aejmelaeus M (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences) 27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3010 Based on the feedback from user testing and results from prior research we developed the “Energy Transition Today” online course. In this presentation, we discuss the processes of course development and user testing. The aim of the course is not only to…

  • Level up! – A useful tool for online courses?

    Kärppä L (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3017 Gamification of learning has increased its popularity as a teaching strategy, increasing student motivation, especially in self-directed online courses. There are different approaches to gamification of learning, for example gathering experience points and progressing from one level to another based on a learner’s activity on online course…

  • Moodle as an instant accessibility improvement

    Kivelä M (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, F3010 This paper examines the user-perceived accessibility of a fully online course for Uni Helsinki undergraduates. The course has been running since August 2017, first on Confluence Wiki, then Teams and nowadays in Moodle. We focus on comparing delivering the same content on two different platforms in relation…

  • Videotallenteiden luonti, säilytys ja jakelu helposti ja turvallisesti (Create, store and share video recordings easily and securely)

    Kolmakow A (Ilona IT) 27.5.2024, 13:20–13:40, F3017, in Finnish Videotallenteiden merkitys opetuksessa on kasvanut ja tulee edelleen kasvamaan. Kuinka videoiden tekeminen tallennus opetuksesta voidaan automatisoida ja tallenne lopuksi julkaista helposti opiskelijoiden käyttöön? Esityksessä kerron esimerkein yleisesti Suomessa käytössä olevan videoneuvottelujärjestelmän, Zoomin ja sen tallenteiden automatisoinnista Panopto ympäristöön. Lopuksi tallenteet julkaistaan helposti opiskelijoiden käyttöön.

  • H5P tools demonstration area to help and support teachers

    Kuitunen S, Hörkkö P & Suokari E (University of Turku) 27.5.2024, 11:10–11:30, F3017 The H5P toolkit is a popular and versatile family of tools in Moodle that allow you to diversify a Moodle course area. They are well suited for small quizzes and self-reflection, for example. H5P tools add variety and visualization to the course.…

  • In the Mood(le) for visual learning: the art of engaging students

    Kujala S (University of Helsinki) 27.5.2024, 13:20–13:40, Small Hall (F4050) Visuals are not just embellishments; they can be bridges between ideas and student understanding. This presentation will cover simple, yet effective, ways to visualize content. With the help of Bootstrap’s components, you can create intuitive and engaging interfaces. The Bootstrap examples will include the use…

  • Digitaalisen koulutuksen käsikirjoittaminen (Scripting courses: crafting effective workshops and scripts)

    Kurkipää T, Salovuori A, Kosola H & Kalinainen T (HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management) 27.5.2024, 13:50–14:30, continues 15:00-15:50, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish Työpajassa esittelemme lyhyesti eOppivan yhteiskehittämiseen perustuvan digikoulutusten tuotantoprosessin ja teemme ryhmissä harjoituksen oppimissisältötyöpajasta ja käsikirjoitustyöpajasta: oppimistavoitteiden kiteyttäminen oppijaymmärryksen hankkiminen sisällön rajaaminen koulutuksen rakenteen ja esitystapojen suunnittelu käsikirjoittaminen 3–30–300 mallin mukaan käsikirjoituksen työstäminen…