
Tutkimusintressit ja viimeisimmät tutkimushankkeet

Tämän hetkisenä kiinnostuksen kohteenani on tarkastella vastavuoroisuutta (reciprocity), jota olen lähestynyt viimeisissä tutkimushankkeissani monitieteisesti, kansainvälisesti ja useammasta näkökulmasta.

Olen jo useiden vuosien ajan tehnyt lapsuustutkimusta ja lastensuojelun tutkimusta. Viimeisin tutkimushankkeeni koskee sijaishuoltoa ja sijaishuollosta itsenäistymisen vaihetta, jota olen tutkinut Suomessa ja Englannissa.

Vastavuoroiset kohtaamiset ja nuorten sijaishuollosta itsenäistyminen – Reciprocal Encounters – Young Adults Leaving Care hankkeesta oma blogisivu. EU:n rahoittama hanke vuosiksi 2016-2018.

Vastavuoroiset suhteet ja hyvinvoinnin rakentuminen arkielämän kriittisissä murrosvaiheissa – Reciprocal Relationships and Construction of Well-Being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life hankkeesta oma blogisivu. Suomen Akatemian rahoittama hanke vuosiksi 2012-2016.

Lähes kaikessa tutkimustuotannossani olen ollut kiinnostunut ihmisten, asiakkaiden ja kansalaisten näkökulmasta.

Lapsuustutkimusta olen laajentanut perhetutkimuksen alueelle, josta on ilmestynyt julkaisu keväällä 2012 Onni on joka päivä – Lapsiperheiden arki ja hyvinvointi (Gaudeamus).

Tiedot tieteellisistä ja muista julkaisuistani sekä muista tutkimustoimintaani liittyvistä aktiviteeteista löytyvät Helsingin yliopiston ylläpitämästä TUHAT-tutkimustietojärjestelmästä.

Key Research Interests

  • Theory of reciprocity

  • Welfare and well-being research

  • Family research

  • Childhood and child welfare research

  • Youth research

  •  Ethnic relations

Selected Publications

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  1. Törrönen, M., Munn-Giddings, C., & Tarkiainen, L. (2018) Reciprocal relationships and well-being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
  2. Törrönen, M. (2018) Creating Well-being Through Reciprocal Relationships. In M. Törrönen, M., C. Munn-Giddings, & L. Tarkiainen (eds.) Reciprocal relationships and well-being: Implications for social work and social policy. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 26–45.
  3. Törrönen, M., Vornanen, R. & Saurama, E. (2016) Out-of-Home Care for Children and Young People in Finland. In Islam, T. & Fulcher, L. (Eds.), Residential Child and Youth Care in a developing world 1. Cape Town: The CYC-Net Press, 247−265.
  4. Törrönen, M., Hänninen, K., Jouttimäki, P., Lehto-Lundén, T., Salovaara, P., & Veistilä, M. (Eds.) (2016). Vastavuoroinen sosiaalityö [Reciprocal Social Work]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  5. Törrönen, M., Borodgina, O., Samoylova, V., Juvonen, T. & Heino, E. (Eds.) (2015). Turbulence and Challenging Transitions of Everyday Life.. Thematic Issue of the Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Volume XVII, No 5 (82).
  6. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2014). Young people leaving care: Participatory research to improve child welfare practices and the rights of children and young People. Australian Social Work, 67(1), 135–150. (
  7. Törrönen, M. (2014). Everyday happiness (Peer-reviewed monograph in English). Helsinki: UniGrafia. (
  8. Törrönen, M., & Vornanen, R. (2013). Young people leaving care: Participatory research to improve child welfare practices and the rights of children and young people. Australian Social Work, 67(1), 135–150. (
  9. Törrönen, M., Borodkina, O., & Samoylova, V. (2013). Trust in reciprocal relationships: The construction of well-being. In M. Törrönen, O. Borodgina, V. Samoylova, & E. Heino (Eds.), Empowering social work: Research and practice (pp. 8–19). Kotka: Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education, University of Helsinki, Kotka Unit. (
  10. Törrönen, M., Borodkina, O., Samoylova, V., & Heino, E. (Eds.). (2013). Empowering Social Work: Research and Practice. Kotka: University of Helsinki, Lahden tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus Palmenia. (
  11. Vornanen, R., Törrönen, M., Miettinen, J., & Niemelä, P. (2012). The conceptualisation of insecurity from the perspective of young people. In A. López-Varela (Ed.), Social Sciences and Cultural Studies: Issues of Language, Public Opinion, Education and Welfare (pp. 281−297). Rijeka, Croatia: INTECH. (
  12. Vornanen, R., Törrönen, M., & Niemelä, P. (2009). Insecurity of young people. Young, 17(4), 399–419. (
  13. Törrönen, M. (2008). Everyday well-being in connection with health in immigrant families with children: A study on the everyday lives of families with Russian backgrounds in Finland. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table, 1–10. Available from http:/
  14. Törrönen, M. (2006). Community in a children’s home. Child & Family Social Work, 11, 129–137. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2206.2006.00396.x
  15. Törrönen, M. (1999). Lasten arki laitoksessa – Elämistila lastenkodissa ja sairaalassa [Everyday life in institutions: Lived space in a children’s home and hospital] (Doctoral thesis on social work). Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, (173 pages). (


Research Group Membership

Role in the Preparation of Funding Applications for Research Groups:

Marie Curie Individual European Fellow of Reciprocal Encounters: Young Adults Leaving Care, funded by EU, 1 September 2016 – 31 August 2018

Leader of the Reciprocal Relationships and Construction of Well-Being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life project, funded by the Academy of Finland, 1 September 2012 – 31 August 2016

Finnish scientific leader of the EU-funded Rights of Children in Alternative Care: From Theory to Practice: Filling the Gap through Peer Research project, part of the I Matter Peer Research Project organised by SOS Children’s Village International, in cooperation with practitioners and researchers from Albania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Finland, 2010–2012

Chair of the steering group and Finnish scientific leader of the EU-funded Empowerment of Families with Children project, coordinated by the University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Kotka, 2011–2014

Finnish scientific leader of the Empathos project (Tacis/Interreg) for preventive work among families with children in the border region between Finland and Russia, 2006–2007

Researcher and member of the Early Prevention Project steering group (Varhainen vastuunotto), Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Lasten ja nuorten kuntoutussäätiö), 2005−2007

Leader of the One Parent Families in Social and Economic Context – Implications for Quality of Life and Welfare Production project, financed by the Academy of Finland, 1999-2003 (EU’s 6th program)

Scientific expert of the Monikulttuurisuus (Multiculturalism) project and its side project, Maahanmuuttajaperhe kohtaa sosiaalipalvelut (The immigrant meets the social services), in cooperation with Taina Martiskainen and Sinikka Ikäläinen, Central Union for Child Welfare, 1999−2003

Leader and producer, web-based teaching project SOSWEB – Sosiaalityön työmenetelmät (Social work methods, produced materials for web-based teaching of social work methods as well as two e-courses in childhood and youth research, not in use any more at the moment), in the 2000s

Steering group member and researcher of the planned project Barn och arbete i Norden (Children and work in the Nordic Countries. Cultural understanding and empirical qualities – A Nordic comparative research project). Project leader: Dr. Harriet Strandell, University of Helsinki, Finland; Anne Sohlberg, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Norway; Lisa Frediksen, The Danish National Institute of Social Research/Roskilde University Center, Denmark; Olöf Gardarsdottir, University of Umeå, Sweden (Iceland), 1999−2002

Expert of the project Child as a Client, with the Association of Parents with Children with Chronic Disease (Pitkäaikaissairaiden lasten vanhempainryhmä, YTRY) and Central Union of Child Welfare. Project leader: child psychiatrist Veli-Matti Tainio, funded by Finland’s Slot Machine Association, 1995−2000

Researcher in the Children’s Way into Children’s home (Lapsen tie laitokseen) project. Project leaders: Aulikki Kananoja and Merja-Maaria Turunen, organised by Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskus (Stakes), 1994−1995

Researcher in the Child Welfare in Small Communities (Pienten kuntien lastensuojelu) cooperative project, for the Suomen Kunnallisliitto and Sosiaalihallitus. Project leader: attorney Taisto Ahvenainen and Sosiaalihallitus representatives Tarja Kivinen and Marjatta Bardy, November 1989−May 1990

Research Assistant in the Socialt arbete, kunskapsutveckling, organisation (Social Work, Knowledge Production, Organisation) project. Project leader: Professor Georg Walls, 1987−1988

Project Secretary and the writer of the Vaatimusten liukuhihnalla (The Demands on the Assembly Line) report in the Project of Professional Social Work Profiles (Tehtävätyöryhmä), Sosiaalityöntekijäin Liitto, 1985−1986


Leadership in Research Work:

Leader with Professor Carol Munn-Giddings of Reciprocal Encounters: Young Adults Leaving Care, funded by EU, 1 September 2016 – 31 August 2018

Leader of the Reciprocal Relationships and Construction of Well-Being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life project, funded by the Academy of Finland, 1 September 2012−31 August 2016

Finnish scientific leader and steering group chair of the EU-funded Empowerment of Families with Children project, coordinated by the University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Kotka, in cooperation with many municipal, educational and NGO partners in both Finland and Russia, and with the University of St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011–2014

Finnish scientific leader and steering group chair of the EU-funded Empathos project (Tacis/Interreg) for preventive social work among families with children in the border region between Finland and Russia, coordinated by the University of Helsinki’s Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Kotka, in cooperation with many municipal, educational and NGO partners in both Finland and Russia, and with the University of St. Petersburg, Russia, 2006−2007


Member of International Peer Evaluation Committees of Funding Applications:

Norface applications evaluator for the Welfare State Futures program, Paris, France


Memberships and Positions of Trust in Scientific and Scholarly Societies:

Principal investigator of Reciprocal Encounters – Young Adults Leaving Care project, funded by EU, 1 September − 31 August 2018

Earlier project Reciprocal Relationships and Construction of Well-Being During Critical Periods of Everyday Life project, funded by Academy of Finland, 1 September 2012−31 August 2016

Vice-Chair of the University of Helsinki Chapter of the Finnish Union of University Professors (FUUP), 2013−present

Member of editorial advisory board, Forum on Social Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table, United Kingdom, 2009−present

Scientific expert committee member, Finnish Brain Foundation, Rinnekoti Research Foundation, 2009−2014

Steering group chair and Finnish scientific leader of the Empowerment of Families with Children project, coordinated by the University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Kotka, funded by the EU, 2011−2014

Guest expert for the “Ekspertkonferanse om unge, psykisk helse og ufortrygd i de nordiske landene” conference, organised by NORDEN, Nordens Välfärdscenter, Stockholm, Sweden, 15–16 January 2013

Head of social work, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, 2007–2013 (on research leave 2010−2011)

Chair of the National Post-Graduate School for Social Work and Social Services (SOSNET: a network of six Finnish universities), funded by the Academy of Finland, August–December 2013

Chair of the Finnish National University Network for Social Work (SOSNET), 2011–2013

Vice-Member of Socca – The Centre of Excellence on Social Welfare in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, 2011

Vice Chair of the SOSNET – Finnish National University Network for Social Work, 2008−2010

Steering committee member, Temporary Education for Master’s Degree in Social Work (Sosiaalityön poikkeuskoulutus) 2008−2010

Steering committee chair, Temporary Education for Master’s Degree in Social Work (Sosiaalityön maisterihautomo), 2007

SOSNET steering committee member – Finnish National University Network for Social Work, 2006–2008

Expert and researcher in the Children and Young People in Early Prevention project, organised by the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Children and Young People Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, 2005–2007

Steering committee Vice Chairperson of the Heikki Waris Institute, 2007–2009

Equality contact person, University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy 1995 (approx.)–2010

Steering committee member, Effective Family Work for Families Who Support Children at Risk project (PELAKUU – Tehostetun tukiperhetyön projektin), organised by Save the Children, 2001–2005

Steering committee member, Child Welfare and Development of Taking Care of Children project (PRIDE – lastensuojelun avohuolto-kehittämishanke), organised by Pesäpuu ry.– Lastensuojelun erityisosaamisen keskus, 2000–2003

Hearing of the Social and Health Committee of the Finnish Parliament (Sosiaali-ja terveysvaliokunnan käsiteltävänä asia HE 124/2001 vp laiksi sosiaalihuoltolain 6 §:n muuttamisesta ja eräiksi siihen liittyviksi laeiksi), 10 April 2002


Memberships in National or International Expert Groups, Evaluation or Steering Committees, and Other Expert Duties:

Organising committee member, Nordic 2015 – Forsa Conference on Courage in Social Work, Helsinki, Finland, 10–12 June 2015

Steering group chair and Finnish scientific leader, EU-funded Empowerment of Families with Children project, coordinated by the University of Helsinki’s Palmenia Centre of Continuing Education, Kotka, 2011–2014.

Finnish scientific leader, EU-funded Rights of Children in Alternative Care: From Theory to Practice: Filling the Gap through Peer Research project, part of the I Matter Peer Research Project, organised by SOS Children’s Village International, in cooperation with practitioners and researchers from Albania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Finland, 2010–2012

Work committee member, Nordic Schools of Social Work Committee (Nordiske organisasjon for utdanninger i social arbeid NOUSA), 2008–2010

Vice member, Nordic Schools of Social Work Committee (Nordiske organisasjon for utdanninger i social arbeid NOUSA), 2007–2008.

Organising committee member, Better Future for Children Today – 60 Years of International Cooperation for Children in Care, FICE Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 11–13 June 2008

Member, international and multidisciplinary Research Network on Everyday Life Processes in Nordic Welfare Societies (ELPiNOWS), 2007–present

Finnish scientific leader, Empathos project (Tacis/Interreg) for preventive work among families with children in the border region between Finland and Russia, 2006–2007

Vice board member, Union of Social Work Research (Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen seura – Förening for forskning i socialt arbete), 2006–2008

Invited participant, Oxford Round Table 20th Anniversary. Presentation theme: The Affluent Society and the Quest for Treatment, Oxford, England, 9–14 March 2008.


Positions as Editor-in-Chief, Editor, or Member of Editorial Boards of Scientific and Scholarly Journals and Publication Series:

Member of Review Board, Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, United States, since 2015;

Member of Editorial Board, Social Work Forum, Charles University, Czech Republic, 2015–2017

Vice Member of Editorial Board, Janus-Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti (Journal of Social Policy and Social Work Research), 2008–2010

Editorial Board Member, Janus-Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti (Journal of Social Policy and Social Work Research), 2005–2008


Positions of Trust in Society

Workshop chair, Social Work and Social Policies with Prof. Riitta Vornanen, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Course Director Prof. Vito Flaker, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8–14 June 2014

Coordinator and workshop chair, Reciprocal Relationships and Social Work (members invited from the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Finland and Russia), for the Reciprocal Relationhips and the Construction of Well-being during Critical Periods of Everyday Life – RePro project, at the 4th European Social Work Research Conference, organiser European Social Work Research Association, Bolzano, Italy, 16 April 2014

Workshop chair, Vuorovaikutuksen eettisyys sosiaalityössä ja sen tutkimuksessa (Ethics in Interaction in Social Work Practice and Research; RePro’s Project team), Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät, University of East Finland, Finland, 13−14 February 2014

Co-seminar chair, Vastavuoroiset suhteet ja arjen rytmit lapsuuden ja nuoruuden kriittisissä elämänvaiheissa (Reciprocal Relationships and the Rhythms of Everyday Life during Critical Periods of Childhood and Youth), with co-organiser Dr. Pirjo Korvela, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, as well as their Academy of Finland funded projects ”Reciprocal Relationhips and the Construction of Well-being during Critical Periods of Everyday Life (RePro)” and ”Arjen muuttuvat rytmit ja käytännöt perhe-elämän kriittisissä siirtymävaiheissa”, University of Helsinki, Finland, 14 November 2013

Round table chair, “Reciprocal Relationships and the Construction of Well-Being during Critical Periods of Everyday Life (RePro)”, funded by the Academy of Finland, University of Helsinki, Finland, 16 November 2012

Moderator with postgraduate student Anne-Mari Jaakola (University of Eastern Finland) of workshop Family Welfare and Social Work with Families in Europe in Conference Constructing European Social Welfare and Social Work in the Midst of Diverse Traditions, Policies and Practices, University of East Finland, 2012.

Organiser and workshop co-moderator, Nordiske Sosialhögskolekomitéens (NSHK) 23. Konferanse: Fremtidens utdanninger i sosialt arbeid (Future education in social work), University of Nordland, Bodo, Norge, 2009.

Co-moderator with Prof. Valentina A. Samoylova (State University of St. Petersburg, Russia), Preventive Work with Families and Children, International Conference of Preventive Social Work in Russia and Europe, Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Sociology, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2008

Discussant in session, Changing Everyday Life in Families and Acquiring New Family Work Methods. Agora Auditorio 2, 4th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations EFSR2008 – Cultures, Generations and Family Interactions, University of Jyväskylä, Family Research Centre, 2008

Organiser and discussion leader, Finnish-Canadian Research Sharing Workshop, University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy, in cooperation with Prof. Tuula Heinonen, University of Manitoba, Canada, 30 August 2007, 10:00–14:00

Chairman with Prof. Riitta Vornanen, Lapsi- ja nuorisososiaalityön tulevaisuuden kysymykset (Future questions of social work with children and young people) session, Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen päivät, University of Lapland, Finland, 2007

Workshop co-leader with Prof. Riitta Vornanen, Lapsi-ja nuorisososiaalityön tulevaisuuden kysymykset (The Future Prospects of Social Work with Children and Young People). Conference of Social Work Research, University of Lapland, 15–16 February 2007

Co-chairman with Prof. Riitta Vornanen, Young Generations and Knowledge Production II, 6th Nordic Conference of Forsa (Nordic Societies for Social Work Research), Social Work in the Information Era – Polarisations and New Paradigms in Knowledge Production, at University of Helsinki, 10–11 February, 2006

Chairperson in seminar of social work methods and teaching on the internet (SOSWEB), University of Helsinki, The Faculty of Social Sciences, 19 January 2004

Organiser and discussion leader, Isähahmot vaihtuvat-miten käy lasten (Changing Father Figures – What Happens to the Children?) workshop, Alone and Together project workshop, Seminar: Onko isällä väliä? (Does the Father Matter?), in Järvenpää, Finland, 28 October 2003

Workshop co-moderator with Prof. Riitta Vornanen, Children, Adolescents and Social Work, the Finnish conference of Social Policy, in Tampere, Finland, 27 October 2000

Workshop coordinator, Children and Childhood, together with Erja Saurama, at the Asiantuntijuuden politiikka (The Policy of Expertise) social work conference in Helsinki, Finland, 10 December 1999

Workshop coordinator with lector Marjo Kuronen, Workshop 4. Social Work Research: Methodological Issues and Diverse Approaches, at the European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW): Building Expertise for the 21st Century Conference, University of Helsinki, Finland, 10–13 June 1999

Workshop coordinator, with Katja Forssen, Lapsuuden tutkimus (Childhood Research), at the Social Policy Conference in Helsinki, Finland, Autumn 1998

Workshop coordinator, Riittävä vanhemmuus ja lapsen kuuleminen (Good Enough Parenting) together with Fredrik Almqvist in the Lapsi näkyväksi-seminaarissa (The Child to Be Seen) seminar, Järvenpää, Finland, 17–18 October 1996

Founder and leader of the discussion group Jungle (Viidakko). Based on the discussions edited a book of best interest of the child (Lapsen etu ja viidakon laki 1994), 1993−1994

Workshop discussion leader in the International Global Welfare Conference, Tampere, Finland 1993