Call for papers: NordWel Summer School 2009 “State, Society & Citizen – Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Welfare State Development”

NCoE NordWel in cooperation with the Rokkan Centre, the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion and the Department of Comparative Politics at University of Bergen is organizing a summer school in Bergen, 7-12 June 2009.
More information about the summerschool is available here

PhD students and young researchers interested in participating in the summer school should send an abstract (½ page) and a short biography by email no later than 10 Febru-ary 2009 to coordinator Anna Alanko via e-mail: anna.alanko[at]

Call for Papers: The Welfare State in Capitalism Revisited

Pauli Kettunen, Klaus Petersen and Chris Lloyd are on behalf of Nordwel organizing a session at the upcoming World Economic History Congress ( in Utrecht 3-7 August 2009. The session is entitled The Welfare State in Capitalism Revisited.

If you’re interested in presenting a paper in this session please send an abstract (½-1 page) to: before 10 February.

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Seminarium i Stockholm om den nordiska modellens framtid

Den 25 november 2008 organiserar Institutet för Framtidsstudier ett utåtriktat seminarium i samarbete med Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (ABF) i Stockholm. Det tema som skall behandlas är den nordiska modellens framtid. Syftet är att genom själva diskussionen påminna om att det har funnits och kanske fortfarande finns en gemensam nordisk värdegrund i centrala politiska och sociala frågor. 
Tid 13.30-16
Plats ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41, Stockholm

För att vi skall kunna reservera platser måste anmälan ske senast den 20 november till

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Call for papers: Exposing Modernity: Poul Henningsen and the Modern(ist) Design Movement

Conference 26, March 2009 at the University of Southern Denmark


This one-day session makes up the international part of an interdisciplinary conference on Danish architect, designer, poet, cultural critic, film maker etc. Poul Henningsen (1894-1967), a.k.a PH. The conference marks the conclusion of a research project on Poul Henningsen´s role in the process of cultural modernisation, and his attitude to heritage and the function of tradition in that process. The research project is being generously supported by The Danish Research Council for the Humanities, and is being hosted by the University of Southern Denmark at Kolding (Jutland).

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New Research grant: University of Southern Denmark recieves 1,3 mio. Euro for Danish Welfare State History

Centre for Welfare State Research at University of Southern Denmark has recieved 1,3 mio Euro from the Carlsberg Foundation for researching and writing a comprehensive history of the Danish welfare state 1800-2000. Both from an organizational and an analytical perspective Centre for Welfare State Research’s participation in Nordwel activities has given a strong background for the succesful application. Nordic comparisons has been an important aspect in the making of the national Danish welfare state and comparative Nordic research will be an important contribution to the understanding of Danish developments.
The project is directed by professor Jørn Henrik Petersen and professor Klaus Petersen runs from 2008 to 2014. It will involve additional 6-7 reseachers and result in publishing of 6 volumes during the period covering the period from 1800 until today.

For a full description of the project (only available in Danish) see:

Second call for papers til konferencen Forandelige Mænd og Maskuliniteter i Ligestillede Samfund

Nordisk Forening for Maskulinitetsforskning inviterer maskulinitets- og kønsforskere til første officielle nordiske konference om maskulinitetsforskning:

Foranderlige mænd og maskuliniteter i ligestillede samfund?
– En konference om igangværende transformationer og muligheder for forandring af mænd og maskuliniteter i Norden. 
Den 28–30. januar 2009, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Danmark 
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Call for papers: Labour Markets and Welfare States. The Nordic Model in Comparative and Transnational Historical Perspectives

Labour Markets and Welfare States. The Nordic Model in Comparative and Transnational Historical Perspectives  

Date: 13–15 May 2009
Place: Stockholm
Organizers: The Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges (NCoE NordWel) in cooperation with the Department of History, Stockholm University. 

Since the 1930s, the Nordic countries have been singled out as a special case in international politics. In comparative welfare state research the concept The Nordic Model has become a standard term. However, the Nordic model is often and inadequately described in terms of distinct social policy configuration when it is better seen as a particular complex of welfare policies, labour market institutions, and gender relations which has emerged in the Nordic countries over the last century. According to this interpretation, two principles characterize the model. On the one hand, a universalist idea of social rights based on citizenship, and on the other hand, the normalcy of wage work as the social form of labour. The second international conference organized by the NCoE NordWel is devoted to the historically contingent interconnectedness of welfare states and labour markets.

We invite proposals for papers that analyze these complex relations in a broad historical perspective covering the period from ca 1900 to the present. Papers can be both theoretical and empirical in their approach. They can deal with particular cases, focus on national themes or have a comparative/transnational perspective.

Among the suggested themes are 
*   Comparative analysis of labour markets and welfare states 
*   Gender, wage work, family policies and welfare states 
*   Labour market policies and activation policies – continuities and discontinuities  
*   Sectorialized wage work (health care, social services) in the making of welfare states  
*   Unions, employers and welfare states 
*   Migration, global labour markets and national welfare policies 
*   Changing and competing concepts, images and definitions of work and welfare 

Paper proposals (1/2 page) should be submitted to the following e-mail address: The deadline for submissions of abstracts is December 15, 2008. Authors of submitted abstracts will be notified not later than January 15, 2008. 

NCoE NordWel will provide accommodation for all participants with accepted papers. Travel grant can be applied for in connection with abstract submission.