PhD course: Theories and Realities of Care. Policies and Organizations of Care.

Time and venue: 8.-10 of February 2010, Roskilde University

Aim of the course: This PhD course aims to bridge contemporary theorizing on care with more empirically grounded research in relation to some of the current changes and ambiguities in the development of care,  the work-family-care relations, new forms of governance (marketization, personalization, de-professionalization), as well as struggles about recognition of care. The impact of globalisation in a European context on care, its provision and the various state strategies towards migration of carers will also be discussed. Core themes will be the importance of different policy regimes, new forms of governance and the migration of carers. Often research on care is split functionally into different fields which hinders an understanding of the similarities and differences in different policy fields. Here the complexity of care will be illustrated by the various keynotes in an interdisciplinary field with a focus on different kinds of care. Continue reading “PhD course: Theories and Realities of Care. Policies and Organizations of Care.”

New research report: What Future for Social Investment?

What Future for Social Investment?
Editors: Nathalie Morel, Bruno Palier, Joakim Palme
Institute for Futures Studies Research Report 2009/2, 101p.

This report assesses the diversity feasibility, but also the relevance of the social investment strategy in Europe. What policies have been implemented in different countries, with what success? What have been the key drivers of change or impeding factors in pursuing a social investment strategy? The report also questions whether the goals defined in 2000 are still relevant,
and whether the social investment strategy can help face not only traditional European problems but also new issues created by the current crisis.

Download or order report at the website of Institute for Futures Studies:

Seminar: Migration and Labour Market, Helsinki, 23 November 2009

23 November 2009, University of Helsinki, 12-17
Venue: Unioninkatu 40 (Metsätalo), 3rd floor, room 10


12.15        Heidi Vad Jønsson (University of Southern Denmark): Labour immigration and the policy making in Denmark in the 1960’s
13.15        Åsmund Arup Seip (Fafo, Oslo): Recruitment of high-skilled labour from third countries
14.15        Coffee
14.45        Mika Helander & Rolle Alho (University of Helsinki): Project on posted workers
15.45        Marja-Liisa Trux (Helsinki School of Economics): Talking about cleaners and immigrants – memories from a field work not fully reported
16.45        Discussion

The seminar is open to all interested, please register to by 19 November 2009.

Call for papers published: Summer School 2010


Joint NordWel and REASSESS International Summer School:

State, Society & Citizen – Cross- and Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on Welfare State Development

Odense, 15-20 August 2010

NCoE NordWel and NCoE REASSESS in cooperation with the Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark, organize an international summer school in Odense, 15-20 August 2010.

Welfare states can be studied from a number of theoretical and methodological approaches, with various chronological perspectives and with a focus on different empirical phenomena. The aim of the summer school is to stimulate discussions across disciplines and thereby foster innovative cross-disciplinary and multi-perspective research. To this purpose the Summer School bring together PhD students and well-established scholars in scientific exchanges.

Distinguished international scholars lecture in thematic sessions on: Religion & the Welfare State, Immigration & the Welfare State, The Service Sector in the Welfare State, as well as Agency & Welfare State Development.

Continue reading “Call for papers published: Summer School 2010”

Seminar: New reproductive technologies and family policies in the Nordic welfare states, University of Copenhagen

Time: 26 – 27  November 2009
Place: University of Copenhagen, Faculties of Humanities, Njalsgade 120

The Nordic welfare states are among some of the countries in the world, whEre the new reproductive technologies are mostly widespread. However, the legal regulation on new reproductive technologies, and the family Policies that has been developed due to the Implementation of new reproductive technologies, differs between the countries. We will investigate and compare, how inclusion and exclusion of different types of parenting, children, and family constellations, historically and in current time, has formed the existing policies within the Nordic welfare states. Questions of interest will be: What are the differences and similarities in the use of new reproductive technologies within the different Nordic countries? What is the historical background, for the existing differences? Which influence has the welfare state had on family policies developed, as part of the regulations on the use of new reproductive technologies? And what consequences does the existing policies have on families everyday life?


The seminar is open for all interested participants.

Participants traveling from abroad can receive some substitution for travel and hotel.

For information and registration please contact: Stine Adrian, e-mail:, tel. +4527269307.

Registration deadline: 1 November 2009

The seminar is part of the activities of Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges (NORDWEL).

Seminar: Changes in the collective agreement system, University of Helsinki, 2 November 2009

Time: 2 November 2009
Place: The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions – SAK, Hakaniemenrant 1

Organised by the Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges (NORDWEL), University of Helsinki


The seminar is open to all interested, for catering please register by 28 October to

The European Union: How and to what extent does it govern social policy?

Seminar at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense
Time: 8 October 2009, 12:00 – 13:30
Venue: U66

Speaker: Professor Jean-Claude Barbier, Université Paris/Panthéon Sorbonne
Discussant: Associate Professor Christilla Roederer-Rynning, SDU

Organised by the Centre for Welfare State Research and the Euro-politics network

To participate register with Tina Guldbrandt Jakobsen ( by 5 October 2009.

Download presentation.

Seminar: “A Nordic model in social services and social work?”

22 September 2009, 13.00-15.30
Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki
(venue: Snellmaninkatu/Snellmansgatan 12), Seminar Room 219

The seminar will discuss similarities and variations in the performance of social services, with an emphasis on social work in the Nordic countries in a broader European context. Both theoretical approaches, recent empirical findings as well as options for future research agendas will be discussed.

Download programme.

Inaugural lectures: Perspectives on the Nordic Model

Perspectives on the Nordic Model.
Two inaugural lectures by adjunct Professors Pauli Kettunen and Olli Kangas

Date: 29th of September 2009 from 14.30-16.30
Location: U91, University of Southern Denmark

Organizers: Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark

Internationally, the Nordic countries have become known for their welfare model. Historically, this Nordic model is based on a trust in positive virtuous circles between democracy, equality and efficiency. Today, globalization processes lead to new circles and the question arise whether we can maintain or modify the Nordic welfare model so to continue topping international league tables on welfare. This is the scene set by two distinguished Finnish Professors in their inaugural lectures at the University of Southern Denmark. Everybody interested is welcome and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the event. Following the lectures the Centre will host a light reception.

Download seminar PROGRAMME