
Books and edited volumes

(forthcoming) Citizenship utopias in the global South: The emergent forms of activism in an era of disillusionment (ed. with M. Kaskinen & E. Ranta). Abingdon & New York: Routledge.

(2019) “Me ollaan tavallisia ihmisiä, mitä eroa onko Muslimi vai ei!” – näkökulmia muuttuvaan nuoruuteen Suomessa [”We are just normal people, Muslim or not! – perspectives on changing youth in Finland”] (ed. with M. Tiilikainen & H. Oikarinen-Jabai). A special issue of Nuorisotutkimus 37(2). Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network.

(2018) What politics? Youth and political engagement in Africa (ed. with E. Oinas & L. Suurpää). Leiden & Boston: Brill. (www)

(2017) Young people in reception centres (ed. with V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää). Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network. (www)

(2017) Nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden elämää vastaanottovaiheessa (ed. with V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää). Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network.

(2015) Being a young activist in the late Mubarak era: An ethnography of political engagement in Egypt. Helsinki: Department of Political and Economic Studies. (www)

(2015) Citizenship, civil society and development: Interconnections in a global world (ed. with T. Kontinen). Abingdon & New York: Routledge. (www) Published as a special issue of Journal of Civil Society 8(4): 327-415. (www)

(2010) Crises, conflicts and development: Multifaceted perspectives to security (ed. with L.M. Jokivirta). Helsinki: Finnish Society for Development Research.

Articles, chapters and reports

(2023) ”How on Earth does one find a job in Finland?” Reflections on using documentary film as a research method to study young asylum seekers’ employment prospects (with A. Zaidan) in P. Honkatukia & T. Rättilä (eds) Young people as agents of sustainable society: Reclaiming the future. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. (www)

(2021) “”Miten ihmeessä Suomesta löytää töitä?” Kokemuksia tutkimuksellisen dokumenttielokuvan tekemisestä turvapaikanhakijanuorten parissa” (with A. Zaidan) in T. Rättilä & P. Honkatukia (eds) Tutkien ja tarinoiden kohti pakolaistaustaisten nuorten hyvinvointia. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network. (www & www 18.11.2020)

(2020) “Dynamics of engagement among youth in Arab Mediterranean countries” (with B. Lefort, K. Maiche & S. Laine) in The Journal of North African Studies 25(2): 280-303. (www)

(2019) “Pääkirjoitus: “Me ollaan tavallisia ihmisiä, mitä eroa onko Muslimi vai ei!” – näkökulmia muuttuvaan nuoruuteen Suomessa” [”Editorial: ”We are just normal people, Muslim or not!” Perspectives on changing youth in Finland”] (with M. Tiilikainen & H. Oikarinen-Jabai). Nuorisotutkimus 37(2): 1-6.

(2018) “Evasive youth, oblique politics” (with E. Oinas & L. Suurpää) in E. Oinas, H. Onodera & L. Suurpää (eds) What politics? Youth and political engagement in Africa. Leiden & Boston: Brill.

(2018) “Friendship and youth activism in pre-revolutionary Egypt” in E. Oinas, H. Onodera & L. Suurpää (eds) What politics? Youth and political engagement in Africa. Leiden & Boston: Brill.

(2017) “On shifting grounds of ‘citizen journalism’ in Egypt” in Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 10(1): 49-68.

(2017) “Johdanto: Nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden elämää vastaanottovaiheessa -kirjoitussarja” (with V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää ) in V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, H. Onodera, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää (eds) Nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden elämää vastaanottovaiheessa. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network.

(2017) “Article collection examines the lives of young asylum seekers in the reception phase” (with with V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää) in V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, H. Onodera, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää (eds) Young people in reception centres. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network.

(2017) “Friendship, social relationships, and the exceptional life circumstances of young asylum seekers” (with M. Peltola) in V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, H. Onodera, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää (eds) Young people in reception centres. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network.

(2017) “The diversity of waiting in the everyday lives of young asylum seekers” in V. Honkasalo, K. Maiche, H. Onodera, M. Peltola & L. Suurpää (eds) Young people in reception centres. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network.

(2017) “Sinkkuuden nurja puoli: Avioitumisen haasteista Egyptissä” in, 21.4.2017. (www)

(2017) Breaking the triple marginalisation of youth? Mapping the future prospects of youth inclusion in Arab Mediterranean countries (with K. Maiche, B. Lefort, S. Laine  & M. Myllylä). SAHWA Policy Report 1/2017. Barcelona: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs. (www)

(2016) Towards more inclusive youth engagement in Arab-Mediterranean countries (with S. Laine, B. Lefort, K. Maiche & M. Myllylä). SAHWA Policy Report 11/2016. Barcelona: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs. (www)

(2016) Odottamisen monimuotoisuus nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden arjessa. Näkökulma 42/2016. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network. (www)

(2016) Ystävyys, sosiaaliset suhteet ja nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden poikkeukselliset olot (with M. Peltola). Näkökulma 32/2016. Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Network. (www)

(2016) “On waithood and social change in Egypt” in Horn of Africa Journal Issue 11, 1/2016. (www)

(2016) “Kaduilla ja kahviloissa: kairolaisnuoret ja politiikka ennen Tahririn kansannousua” in S. Dahlgren (ed.) Teheranin kodeissa, Kairon kaduilla – Nuorten elämää islamin maissa. Helsinki: Otava. (www)

(2016) “Etnografinen häilyvyys ja tietämisen halu: Kriittisiä peilauksia kenttätyöhön Egyptin aktivistinuorten parissa” [“Ethnographic vacillation and the will to know: Critical reflections on fieldwork among young activists in Egypt”] in J. Gould & K. Uusihakala (eds) Tutkija peilin edessä: Refleksiivisyys ja etnografinen tieto. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. (www)

(2015) “Polyphonic ethos in team research: Lessons from the World Social Forum, Tunis 2013” (with S. Laine, E. Oinas, L. Suurpää, T-M. Levamo, P. Lavila and M. Rantama) in Allaste, A-A. & Tiidenberg, K. (eds) “In search of…”: New methodological approaches to youth research. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. (www)

(2012) “Introduction: Citizenship, civil society and development: Interconnections in a global world” (with T. Kontinen) in Journal of Civil Society 8(4): 327-331. (www)

(2011) “”Raise your head high, you’re an Egyptian!“: Youth, politics and citizen journalism in Egypt” in A. Salvatore (ed.) New Media and Collective Action in the Middle East, a thematic section in Sociologica: Italian Journal of Sociology 5(3): 1-22. (www)

(2011) “A few reflections on not naming Egypt’s young revolutionaries” in Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 36(4): 70-73. (www)

(2011) “Egyptin vallanvaihto alkoi tietoverkosta” in Ulkopolitiikka 2/2011: 30-34.

(2010) “Globaalia ulottuvuutta suomalaiseen nuorisotutkimukseen”  [”Calling for more global dimensions for youth research in Finland”] (with S. Laine, T-M. Levamo, P. Mattila, S. Kotilainen and A. Suoninen) in Nuorisotutkimus 28(2): 84-95.

(2010) “Legal pluralism and human rights” in Jokivirta, L.M. & Onodera, H. (eds) Crises, conflicts and development: Multifaceted perspectives to security. Helsinki: Finnish Society for Development Research.

(2009) “The kifaya generation: Politics of change among youth in Egypt” in Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 34(4): 44-64. (www)

(2006) “Länsi-Sahara: Siirtomaavallasta kehityksen pauloihin?” in O. Hakkarainen and A. Onali (eds.) Köyhdytetyt – Suomalaisen kehitysmaaliikkeen juurilla. Helsinki: Like & KEPA.

Conferences, seminars and speeches

(2023) “Fighting for racial equality: Activism, hope and perseverance in post-revolutionary Tunisia” European Conference on Africa Studies 2023: African futures. 1.6.2023. Cologne, Germany.

(2019) “Between education and the labour market: Youth perspectives from the Middle East” Repositioning global development: Changing actors, geographies and ontologies. 1.3.2019. Helsinki, Finland.

(2018) “Muslim youth associations and the quest for autonomy: Views from Finland” 15th ETMU Conference 2018: Vulnerability, Resilience and Resistance in Diverse Societies. 15.11.2018. Turku, Finland.

(2018) “Revisiting waithood: Being young and umarried in post-revolutionary Egypt” The Fifth World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies. 17.7.2018. Seville, Spain.

(2018) “Sustained participation in democratic processes: Quadrilogue seminar” by North-South Centre & National Youth Observatory of Tunisia. 10.5.2018. Tunis, Tunisia.

(2018) “Youth activism in pre- and post-revolutionary Egypt” in Youth and political engagement in Africa, National Museum of Iceland. 3.5.2018. Reykjavik, Iceland.

(2018) “Nuorten yhdistystoiminta ja omaehtoisuuden rakentuminen” in Migration Institute of Finland. 13.3.2018. Turku, Finland.

(2017) “Youth, waithood and shifting life-spheres in post-revolutionary Egypt” in Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies, National Museum of Ethnology. 19.6.2017. Osaka, Japan.

(2017) “Khamsa: Five youngsters, five Mediterranean cities, five stores – a commentary” in Sophia University. 14.6.2017. Tokyo, Japan.

(2017) “Youth political and civic engagement” in CIDOB: Youth in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Realities, Agencies and Perceptions. 23.3.2017. Barcelona, Spain.

(2016) “A few reflections on youth engagement in Arab Mediterranean countries”. Keynote speech. EU-CoE Youth Partnership: Building Knowledge Networks for Evidence-based Policy and Practice. 12.12.2016. Brussels, Belgium.

(2016) “Dynamics of youth engagement in Arab Mediterranean countries” in AUC Forum: The Portrait of Arab Mediterranean Youth in 2016: Insights from the SAHWA Project. 6.12.2016. Cairo, Egypt.

(2016) “On waithood and shifting life-spheres in Egypt today”. Keynote speech. Global Responsibility in Youth Research: XV Annual Conference of Finnish Youth Studies. 8.11.2016. Helsinki, Finland.

(2014) “Times of friendship, spaces of sociability: Youth activism and everyday solidarities in Mubarak’s Egypt” in EASA 2014: Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution. 1.8.2014. Tallinn, Estonia.

(2014) “Politics as Life-Sphere: Youth activism and the question of multiple transitions in Mubarak’s Egypt” in XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. 19.7.2014. Yokohama, Japan.

(2014) “Values of friendship: Youth and democratic struggle in Mubarak’s Egypt” in Inclusions/Exclusions? Communities, identities, and value systems reconsidered. Development Research Day 2014. 12.2.2014. Helsinki, Finland.

(2013) “Youth activism and aspired citizenships: An ethnography of political engagement in Egypt” Zentrum Moderner Orient, 28.11.2013. Berlin, Germany.

(2013) “Youth activism in Egypt: Between past and future” (YoPo Africa & ISA-RC 47) World Social Forum. 26.-30.3.2013. Tunis, Tunisia.

(2012) “Etäinen tarkkailija vai vannoutunut puolestapuhuja? Kriittisiä peilauksia tutkija(minä)n tiedonintresseihin Egyptin aktivistinuorten parissa” VII Kansatieteen Päivät. 16.-17.3.2012. Jyväskylä, Finland.

(2011) “Youth activism and aspired citizenships: An ethnography of political engagement in Egypt” Middle East Studies Colloquium. 9.-10.9.2011. Helsinki, Finland.

(2011) “Promoting ‘citizen journalism’ in Egypt: Blogging, activism and politics” Between Everyday Life and Political Revolution: The Social Web in the Middle East. 21.-22.3.2011. Naples, Italy. (program)

(2010) “(Re)Claiming the streets of Cairo: Geographic reflections on a research site” Development Resarch Methods in a Geographical Context. 24.-27.8.2010. Turku, Finland.

(2010) “Between acquiescence and action: Youthful despairs and political engagement in Egypt.” The Third World Congress of Middle Eastern Studies. 19.-24.7.2010. Barcelona, Spain.

(2010) “From acquiescence to action: Youthful despairs and political engagement in Egypt.” What makes a good Muslim? Complexities of moral practice and subjectivity in the age of global Islam. International symposium, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 15.-16.4.2010. Helsinki, Finland.

(2009) “Kahvia ja katupolitiikkaa: Nuorten kokemuksia poliittisuudesta 2000-luvun Egyptissä” [Coffee and Street Politics: Egyptian youth experiences of being political in 2000s] XIII Youth Research Conference, 10.11.2009. Helsinki, Finland.

(2009) “Coffee, Courage and Contention: Reflections on fieldwork in Egypt.” IDS Research Seminar, 21.4.2009. Helsinki, Finland.

(2009) “The ‘kifaya’ generation: Politics of change among youth in Egypt.” 10th Mediterranean Research Meeting. European University Institute, 25.-28.3.2009. Florence, Italy.

(2009) “Between the street and the internet: Making a youth in the Egyptian opposition.” Knowledge, Development and Parnerships. Finnish Society for Development Research and UniPID, 12.-14.2.2009. Helsinki, Finland.

(2008) “Citizen participation, social movements and a “new protest culture” in Egypt – Theoretical considerations.” Nordic PhD Seminar on Middle East Studies, 2.-8.6.2008. Alexandria – Cairo, Egypt.

(2008) “Citizen participation and social movements: In search of a theoretical framework” Political Theory Lab. Institute of Development Studies, 21.2.2008. Helsinki, Finland.

(2007) “Kifaya movement as a collective experience: Research implications.” The Middle East: Diversity – Variation – Interpretation. VII Nordic Conference of Middle Eastern Studies, 21.-23.9.2007. Helsinki, Finland.

(2007) “Kifaya movement and ideological crossings on the Egyptian street.” The Construction of ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Discourses on populism and nationalism, 7.-8.9.2007. Helsinki, Finland.

(2007) “Kifaya movement and ideological crossings on the Egyptian street.” Mobility and Development. Finnish Graduate School in Development Studies, 23.-25.8.2007. Tampere, Finland.

(2007) “Facts on the ground or merely hot air? A look at different imaginaries of citizenship in Egypt”. Development Studies: Landscapes and Horizons, 16.-17.2.2007. Helsinki, Finland.

(2006) “Developing democracies, developing citizens? Views from Islamic Egypt.” Histories/Developments. Finnish Graduate School in Development Studies conference, 25.-27.8.2006. Turku, Finland.