A lecture course on Luther’s theology in Helsinki

Lectures on Luther’s theology will give an overview of the Reformator’s theology. A special emphasis is laid on such topics as theology and philosophy, theology of love and doctrine of Trinity. Results of the recent Finnish scholarship on Luther’s theology are discussed in detail. The lectures will take place on Thursdays, from January 15th to April 16th 2009. Speakers include several young and advanced Finnish scholars specializing in Luther and Reformation theology: Jari Jolkkonen, Katja Juntunen, Ilmari Karimies, Jussi Koivisto, Kari Kopperi, Pekka Kärkkäinen, Jairinho Lopez-Pereira and Antti Raunio.The contents of the individual lectures:

  1. Luther’s Intellectual Background (Jussi Koivisto, Pekka Kärkkäinen)
  2. Luther’s Exegesis (Katja Juntunen)
  3. Trinity and Christology (Pekka Kärkkäinen)
  4. Word of God (Antti Raunio)
  5. Theology of the Cross (Kari Kopperi)
  6. Sin and Justification (Jairinho Lopez-Pereira, Olli-Pekka Vainio)
  7. Anthropology and Faith (Ilmari Karimies)
  8. Pastoral Care (Jussi Koivisto)
  9. Love and Spirituality (Jussi Koivisto & Ilmari Karimies)
  10. Church, Liturgy and Sacraments (Jari Jolkkonen)
  11. Social Ethics (Antti Raunio)

For more information about the lectures, please contact Pekka Kärkkäinen: http://www.helsinki.fi/teol/steol/pmp/members/karkkainen.htm.For information on studies in the Faculty of Theology in the University of Helsinki, please consult http://www.helsinki.fi/teol/english/studies.htm

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