News and Events

  • Conference presentations

Holma, K. “Education, autonomy and emotions” in Philosophy of Education as a Lived Experience: Navigating Through Dichotomies of Thought and Action -Conference, July 6–9, 2014. Tilos, Greece.

Huhtala, H-M. ”Deploying Marcuse’s and Adorno’s psychoanalytical insights for pedagogical theorizations“. International Conference on Critical Pedagogies and Philosophies of Education, June 12–13, 2014. Liverpool Hope University, England.

Tiainen, K. “Educational Challenges on the Conception of Hope as Civic Virtue of Democratic Citizenship”. International Conference on Critical Pedagogies and Philosophies of Education, June 12–13, 2014. Liverpool Hope University, England.

Huhtala, H-M. “Kriittisen teorian psykoanalyysitulkintojen kasvatusfilosofinen relevanssi”. Kasvatuksen historian ja kasvatusfilosofian päivät, June 3–4, 2014. University of Eastern Finland, Savonlinna, Finland.

Tiainen, K. ”Civic virtues of democratic citizen in the context of Carlos Alberto Torres´s notion of citizenship”. History and philosophy of education –conference, June 3–6, 2014. University of Eastern Finland, Savonlinna, Finland.

Huhtala, H-M. & Giacchetti, S. “Subjectivity and Identity in Adorno”. 7th International Critical Theory Conference in Rome, May 8–10, 2014. John Felice Rome Center, Loyola University, Rome, Italy.

Tiainen, K. “The Educational Challenges of the Conception of Hope – Beyond the Blochian Principle of Hope”. 7th International Critical Theory Conference in Rome, May 8–10, 2014.
John Felice Rome Center, Loyola University, Rome, Italy.

Leiviskä, A. “Gadamer’s Dialectical Concept of Truth: Overcoming Objectivism and Relativism in Hermeneutics”.12th Annual Conference of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, April 24–26, 2014. House of Sciences and Letters, Helsinki, Finland.

Leiviskä, A.The Gadamer-Habermas Debate and The Concepts of Tradition and Authority in the Philosophy of Education”. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference 2014, March 28–30, 2014. New College, Oxford, Great Britain.

Huhtala, H-M. & Holma, K. “Non-idealizing the Theory of Autonomy: Theodor W. Adorno´s Psychological and Political Critique of Immanuel Kant”. Philosophy of education society. March 12–16, 2014. Albuquerque, USA.

Tiainen, K. ”Civic virtues in the context of C. A. Torres´s theory of democratic citizenship”. Research meeting of adult education. Adult Education – Education, Markets, Politics February 6–7, 2014. University of Turku, Finland.

Leiviskä, A. “The Possibility of a Postmetaphysical Concept of Bildung: a Gadamerian Perspective”. 11th Annual Conference of The Nordic Society for Phenomenology, April 18–20, 2013. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Tiainen, K. “Democratic Citizenship as an Educational Aim” –  Beyond the Philosophy of Critical Pedagogy”. FERA Conference on Education, November 21–22, 2013. University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Huhtala, H-M. ”Marcuse and Adorno on Freud´s Psychoanalytic Theory”.
International Herbert Marcuse Society, Fifth Biennial Conference, November 7–9, 2013. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.

Huhtala, H-M. “Experience of Bildung in Adorno’s Critical Theory”
Justice through education (ESC seminar XV), May 16, 2013. University of Helsinki, Finland.
(Presentation and a chair of Justice & Education theme group)

Huhtala, H-M. “Experience of Bildung in Adorno’s Critical Theory”.
6th International Critical Theory”. Conference of Rome, May 6–8, 2013.
John Felice Rome Center, Loyola University, Chicago.
Rome, Italy.

Leiviskä, A. “Gadamer on Modern and Postmodern Thought: an Educational Perspective”. Research Seminar in Phenomenology, May 3, 2013. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland.

Leiviskä, A. ”The Possibility of a Postmetaphysical Concept of Bildung: a Gadamerian perspective”. 11th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, April 18–20, 2013. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Huhtala, H-M. “Autonomy from the perspective of Critical Theory”.
the Annual Nordic Conference on Educational Research, March 7–9, 2013. Reykjavík,  University of Iceland. The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA).

Leiviskä, A.: ”Tradition käsite Hans-Georg Gadamerin filosofiassa: kasvatusfilosofisia implikaatioita”. Colloquium of the Philosophical Society of Finland: “Memory”, January 7–8, 2013. University of Tampere, Finland.

Leiviskä, A. “From Ethical to Moral: Gadamerian and Habermasian Perspectives to Contemporary Moral Education”. The 40th Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, March 8–10, 2012. Department of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Leiviskä, A. “Discourse Ethics and Philosophical Hermeneutics in the Philosophy of Moral Education”. Fera Conference on Education, November 22–23, 2012. Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland.


  • Research visits

Holma K. Visiting scholarship at the Department of Educational Policy, Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, March 15–May 15, 2015.

Leiviskä, A. Research visit, February–April 2014, Research unit for Political, Ethical and Religious Development, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Huhtala, H-M. January–May 2014, John Felice Rome Center, Loyola University Chicago,
Rome, Italy.

  • Seminars

Researc seminars take place several times a year. Seminars are held at the institute of behavioural sciences.

To attend to a seminar please contact by e-mail project leader Katariina Holma