
Koivukoski, J. (2024) Poliittinen huumori hybridissä mediajärjestelmässä. Maisteriopintojen kurssi Helsingin yliopistossa 13.3.-19.4.2024.

Koivukoski, J. (2024) Huumori politiikan valtakamppailuissa. Public talk. Think Corner, University of Helsinki. 31 January 2024.

Herkman, J. & Koivukoski, J. (2023) From the ”willy-card” to Nazi salute: humor scandals in Finnish political public sphere in 1990-2020. Presentation in Nordmedia conference in Bergen, Norway, 17 August 2023.

Herkman, J. & Koivukoski, J. (2022) “It was just a joke!”: Right-wing populist humor scandals. Presentation (online) in 5th international Scandalogy conference in Bamberg, Germany, 30 November 2022.

Hyttinen, A. Unkari, kenttätutkimus Budapestissa 19.8.-17.9.2022. Unkarin kansallispäivän kokoontumisten havainnointi ja aineiston kerääminen Kaksihäntäisen koiran puolueesta.

Hyttinen, A. (2022) Possibilities and limits of political humour – a visual study of the Hungarian Two-tailed Dog Party. Presentation in PSA22 conference, York, 13 April 2022.

Hyttinen, A. (2022) Possibilities and limits of political humour – a visual study of the Hungarian Two-tailed Dog Party -artikkelin esittely Sosiologipäivillä 25.3.2022.

Koivukoski, J. (2022) Humor and Power in the Hybrid Media Environment: A Multifunctional Framework. Presentation at 8th International Power, Future and Agency Conference, Helsinki, November 2022.

Koivukoski, J. (2022) A public defense of doctoral dissertation Political humor in hybrid media environment. University of Helsinki, 29 October 2022.

Koivukoski, J. (2022) Poliittinen huumori. Luento Herkman J. kurssilla PVK-V201 Poliittinen viestintä 6.10.2022, Helsingin yliopisto.

Koivukoski, J. (2022) Politics of Humor in the Hybrid Media Environment. Presentation at 3rd Emotions, Populism, and Polarization Conference (HEPP3), Helsinki, June 2022.

Koivukoski, J. & Herkman, J. (2022) ”It was just a joke!” Right-wing populist humor scandals in Finland. Presentation in 3rd Emotions, Populism and Polarization conference (HEPP3) at the University of Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

Laaksonen, S-M. (2022) Connective action theory and humour culture online. Luento kurssilla DOM-E5123 – Designerly Approaches to Social Media, Aalto University, 20 April 2022.