All’s fair in nuclear power and war? Ecological narratives in international media coverage on Ukrainian nuclear power plants during the Russian war: Online talk in December

In December, Mika Perkiömäki from Tampere University will give a presentation on the international media coverage of the Chornobyl and Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The research aims at assessing whether the prevailing narratives emerging from the media are of ecological or geopolitical character. The Online talk will be held on Zoom …

RJEX project update: Researchers discussed resilience, resistance and compliance at the Aleksanteri Conference

by Anniina Sonerva and Katja Lehtisaari On 27 October, researchers of the project “Russian independent journalism in exile: in search of relevance and resilience” participated Aleksanteri Conference at the University of Helsinki with a panel “Resilience/Resistance/Compliance: Russian Journalistic and Activist Communities in Exile and in the Country”. Katja Lehtisaari chaired this panel on Russian journalistic …

Fortress Belarus: Understanding Portrayal of the Enemy in Belarusian State Propaganda: Online talk in November

In November, Nerijus Maliukevičius, from the Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Science, and Makimas Milta, from the Eastern Europe Studies Centre of Vilnius, will give a presentation on the case of Belarus and its regime’s enemy representations. The talk will be based on their research on how Lukashenka’s regime portrayed its enemy …