Gendered aspects of propaganda and disinformation on the Russo-Ukrainian war: Online talk in January

Online talks continue in January with Valentyna Shapovalova’s talk on “Gendered aspects of propaganda and disinformation on the Russo-Ukrainian war”. Shapovalova’s Ph.D. project in the University of Copenhagen is an empirical exploration of gendered discourses in Russian disinformation and propaganda, as well as a theoretical dive into the (authoritarian) media systemic developments in Russia, in the context of the war in Ukraine. The core of the project is critical, scrutinizing the political and ideological structure in Russia built on the conservative notion of traditional values. Here, a discursive view of ideology and power is applied (in line with Norman Fairclough), focusing on the intersection of Russian disinformation/propaganda, gender, and representations of the  ongoing war.

The Online talk will be held on Zoom on January 9 from 12:00 to 13:30 (Helsinki time). If you wish to participate and receive emails with updates about the future online talks, please leave your contact information here by January, 18:00: registration form. If you have already subscribed to the Online talks mailing list, you don’t need to register again: you will receive further information via email.

Speaker’s bio: Valentyna has been conducting her PhD research in the Media Studies section of the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen since September 2020. Her project is an exploration of the gendered discourses in the Russian state-aligned media, with the focus on propaganda and disinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Valentyna’s main research interests include Russian disinformation and propaganda; information warfare; non-democratic media systems and ecologies; feminist disinformation studies; and critical discourse analysis. Parallel to conducting research, Valentyna has appeared extensively in the Danish media, providing insights on the (dis)information aspect of Russia’s invasion, as well as speaking on the topic at a multitude of conferences and symposiums, both academic and political.

Moderator: Olga Dovbysh (Helsinki University)

Online talk on Russian Media is a collaborative initiative between Russian Media Lab Network, University of Helsinki, and Tampere Research Center for Russian and Chinese Media.

Photo by Fran Jacquier on Unsplash

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