Day 3: Helvetinjärvi National Park and Forest Field Site Visit 10.8.17

No time was wasted in jumping right into day 3 at the Hyytiala Forestry Field Station. After a filling breakfast with coffee we got to meet Tiina Hakkarainen.
  Ms.Tiina is a customer service manager for Metsahallitus. Metsahallitus manages, operates, and develops 1/3 of Finland’s land and water. In 2016 the state was able to make €93 700 000 in profit with € 96 000 000 in state revenue contribution. Wow that is amazing sense all that money goes right back into the 40 National Parks, 6 hiking parks, 12 wilderness area, and 19 strictly regulated areas. So of course once you learn all this wonderful information about the very national parks that surround you, you of course have to go hike one! We choose Helvetinjavi National Park aka “Hell’s Hole”.

Now let me tell you a bit of advice if you have never been to a Finland National Park, it is a bloody must! On top of all National Parks being free of charge, the beauty of the National Park will blow your socks right off.

So after our goodbyes we climbed back into the vans and headed towards our next adventure, Stora Enso logging site. We learned about Finland’s logging practices and two different types of logging machines, the harvester and the forwarder. Both machines were Komatsu. The harvester was a mid-grade 911.5 model, perfect for a second cut site. The operators showed us how the machines worked and even let us get up into the cab of the harvester. Overall, a truly neat experience!

Check also the Stora Enso website: Sorry, it is in Finnish though.

We once agian said our goodbyes and last questions over coffee and a pulla (pastry). From here we climbed back into the vans, this time exhausted. We slowly made our way back to Hyytiala for some dinner, sauna, Lake Swim, and barbecue. What a fun filled day it was! Learned, hiked and saw so many unique and new things. A day I don’t think any one of us 8 will ever forget.

-Kaleena Jones

Day 2: Metsä Board Tako mill 09.08.17

An introductory lecture was conducted at the beginning of the day to introduce the students to the concepts that will be covered during the summer school. Professor Markku Kanninen explained to the students that there are two current trends in rural landscapes – decline/ degradation as well as diversification. Rural landscapes have faced degradation and decline, with major drivers including land use change, agricultural expansion, large scale commercial logging, mining and urbanisation. However, trees are also increasing on farmland and landscapes are diversifying. In recent times farms have moved back to being forested land. One reason for this is that farmers are increasingly abandoning farms and moving to urban areas. Further, trees in farmland are a helpful tool in establishing boundaries and diversifying the landscape, with a combination of trees and agriculture, increases productivity.

Following this, the students travelled to Tampere, a former industrial city. The students were given a talk and tour at Tako paperboard mill, a Metsä board mill that produce high quality fresh fibre board. The Tako mill employs around 200 people and supplies paperboard to companies all over the world. The mill was established in 1865 and has two board machines.

Metsä board is part of Metsä group which is owned by a cooperative of 104,000 forest owners. Metsä group has made around €4.7 million in sales, with €1.7 million of this from paperboards. The company operates in 30 countries, produces in 7 and 100% of its raw wood materials are traceable.

After this, the students travelled to Hyytiälä field station where they will spent the next 2 days.


– Maria Mills

The First day of the course and an opening ceremony

It is on, first day of our summer school course Managing Sustainable Forest Landscapes.

Professor Markku Kanninen introduced the objectives and some guidelines of the course and we were telling that we are trying to focus on big picture when talking about forest landscapes. Overall I was very glad to see you guys eventhough we had only half an hour time for introduction.

First day of the Helsinki Summer School 2017 is officially on when students, coordinators and HSS staff gathered together in University Main Building when opening ceremony started. We heard some interesting stories about history of Universities of Nordics by Vice-Rector Anne Mauranen who is also one of the summer school teachers.

Mr. Stuba Nikula told some jokes about Finnish holiday tradition and how people in Helsinki are a bit dissapointed when they need not to guide tourists holding citymaps next to street corners.

The day was all about introducing every course of the summer school and there were so many of them. And it felt like people all around the world were present. So many nationalities and great moments, it was a great opening ceremony. Hope that every one of you will find your way to Viikki tomorrow morning when we are beginning our field trip to Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station.
