
Categories courtesy of The Academy of Finland

Total: 156


A             Peer-reviewed scientific articles

  1. ‘Religion as a troublesome resource in Finnish abortion debates’. Religion, State and Society. w/ Tuomas Äystö. (under review).
  2. ‘The unintended consequences of state-enforced religion: ‘Blasphemous’ metal music as secondary deviation in Iran’. w/ Pasqualina Eckerström. Religion. (under review).
  3. Few to Speak for, but Good for Culture War: The Visibility of Religion-Talk in the Finnish parliament, 2010–2020′. w/ Tuomas Äystö. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society (under review).
  4. ‘An Invitation to the Sociology of Religion: Important Questions Answered by Scholars in the Field’. w/ Landon Schnabel, Katherine Ally Zaslavsky, Brian Haggard, Ashton Pihl, Amara Chiedu, Aisha Conte, Andy Han, Madelyn Leon, Isabelle Potash, Eman Abdelhadi, Joseph Baker, Roger Finke, Ilana Horwitz, Michael Hout, Jelani Ince, Nicolette Manglos-Weber, Salma Mousa, Richard Pitt, John Schmalzbauer, Melissa Wilde & Phil Zuckerman. The American Sociologist. Published online 26 May 2023.
  5. ‘“The Cult of Greta Thunberg”: De-legitimating Climate Activism with “Religion”’. w/ Tuomas Äystö & Jere Kyyrö. Critical Research in Religion. Published online 10 May 2023. 
  6. ‘Miksi suomalaiset eroavat evankelis-luterilaisesta kirkosta?’ w/ Tuomas Äystö, Aki Koivula, Anna Wessman & Jere Kyyrö. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 87(2), 2022.
  7. ‘Secularisation’. In Contested Concepts in the Study of Religion. George Chryssides & Amy Whitehead (eds). London: Routledge, 2022
  8. ‘Religion and Meaning in the Service of Power: Towards a Critical Discursive Sociology of Religion.’ In Interpreting Religion: The Meanings of Religious Belief and Practice. Erin F. Johnston & Vikash Singh (eds). Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022.

  9. ‘Discourse Analysis.’ In The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion. Second edition. Michael Stausberg & Steven Engler (eds). London & New York: Routledge, 2021.
  10. ‘Alternative Lenses for Qualitative Religion Research: Interstitial, Inverted, and Dialogical Approaches.’ Method and Theory in the Study of Religion. Published online 15 Nov 2021.
  11. ‘Johdanto: Diskursiivisen uskonnontutkimuksen perusteita’. In Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta: Johdatus diskursiiviseen uskonnontutkimukseen. Titus Hjelm (ed.). Helsinki: SKS, 2021.
  12. ’Kansankirkkoideologia ja uskonnollisen eriarvoisuuden uusintaminen: Parlamentaarisen diskurssin kriittinen analyysi’. In Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta: Johdatus diskursiiviseen uskonnontutkimukseen. Titus Hjelm (ed.). Helsinki: SKS, 2021
  13. ’Sociology of Religion’. In The Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion. Robert Segal (ed.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
  14. ‘Mapping the Discursive Study of Religion.’ Journal of the American Academy of Religion 88(4), 2020.
  15. ’Uskonnon ”paluu” eduskuntapolitiikkaan: Desekularisaatiota vai metodologinen harha?’ Teologinen Aikakauskirja 125(3), 2020.
  16. ‘Uskontotieteen muuttuvat näkökulmat ja ilmiöt’. In Uskontotieteen ilmiöitä ja näkökulmia. Heikki Pesonen and Tuula Sakaranaho (eds). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2020.
  17. ’Social Constructivism’. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Sociology of Religion. Adam Possamai and Anthony Blasi (eds). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2020.
  18. ’Tasa-arvo erojen tuottajana ja eriarvoisuuden oikeuttajana’. With Veronika Honkasalo. In Tasa-arvopolitiikan suunnanmuutos. Johanna Kantola, Paula Koskinen Sandberg ja Hanna Ylöstalo (eds). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2020.
  19. ‘Rethinking the Theoretical Base of Peter L. Berger’s Sociology of Religion: Social Construction, Power, and Discourse.’ Critical Research in Religion 7(3), 2019. (Published online 20 September 2019).
  20. ‘One Volk, One Church? A Critique of the Folk Church Ideology in Finland.’ Journal of Church and State (Published online 28 May 2019).
  21. ‘Jesus and Metal Don’t Mix? The Controversy over the “Metal Mass” in Finland.’ With Anna Saurama. Journal of Religion in Europe 12(1), 2019.
  22. ‘Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion.’ Journal of Classical Sociology 18 (3), 2018. (Published online 1 March 2018)
  23. ‘Assessing the Influence of The Sacred Canopy: A Missed Opportunity for Social Constructionism?’ In Peter L. Berger and The Sociology of Religion. Titus Hjelm (ed.) London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
  24. ‘What do we talk about when we talk about legitimate religion? Failure and success in the registration of two pagan communities in Finland’ (w/ Essi Mäkelä and Jussi Sohlberg). In Minority Religions in Europe and the Middle East: Mapping and Monitoring. George Chryssides (ed.). Farnham: Ashgate, 2018.
  25. ‘Assessing the Influence of The Sacred Canopy: A Missed Opportunity for Social Constructionism?’ Peter L. Berger and The Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. Titus Hjelm (ed.). London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
  26. ‘Introduction: Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion.’ In Peter L. Berger and The Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. Titus Hjelm (ed.). London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
  27. ‘Sosiologian klassikot ja uskonto.’ In Uskontososiologia. Kimmo Ketola, Tuomas Martikainen and Teemu Taira (eds). Turku: Eetos, 2018. (’Sociology’s classics and religion’).
  28. ’Finlandisation or Media Logic? The Estonian-Russian Border Incident of 2014 in Finnish, Estonian, and British Press.’ With Ülane Vaher. Media, Culture & Society 40 (7), 2018. (Published online 28 November 2017).
  29. ‘Learning Language, Learning Culture: Constructing Finnishness in Adult Learner Textbooks.’ With Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi, Alessia Lee, Alina Linnenweber, Tímea Tárkányi and Phoebe Troll. European Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (3), 2019.  (Published online 19 November 2017).
  30. ‘The “Secularisation” and Ethnicisation of Migration Discourse: The Ingrian Finnish Right to Return in Finnish Politics.’ With Nicholas Prindiville. Ethnic and Racial Studies 41 (9), 2018. (Published online 18 April 2017).
  31. ‘Christ vs. Communism: Communism as a Religious Social Problem in Finland’s Proto-Fascist Lapua Movement in the 1930s.’ With Sami Koskelainen. Journal of Historical Sociology  30 (4),  2017. (Published online 28 July 2016).
  32. ‘Theory and Method in Critical Discursive Study of Religion: An Outline.’ In Making Religion: Theory and Practice in the Discursive Study of Religion. Kocku von Stuckrad & Frans Wijsen (eds). Leiden: Brill, 2016.
  33. ‘Studying Youth in the Streets of the Media City – Field Notes on a Relational Perspective’. With Minttu Tikka, Leena Suurpää and Johanna Sumiala. Observatorio (OBS*) Journal, 2015.
  34. ‘Studying Youth in the Media City: Multi-Sited Reflections’. With Minttu Tikka, Leena Suurpää and Johanna Sumiala. The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth & Media Yearbook, 2015.
  35. ‘Studying Youth in the Media City: Multi-Sited Reflections.’ With Johanna Sumiala, Leena Suurpää, and Minttu Tikka. In Reflections on Media Education Futures. Sirkku Kotilainen & Reijo Kupiainen (eds). Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2015.
  36. ‘Controversial Metal and Controversial Religion: Theorising the Connections’. In Modern Heavy Metal: Markets, Practices and Cultures. Toni-Matti Karjalainen and Kimi Kärki (eds). Helsinki: Aalto University Press, 2015.
  37. ‘Is God Back? Reconsidering the New Visibility of Religion’. In Is God Back? Reconsidering the New Visibility of Religion. Titus Hjelm (ed.) London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
  38. ‘Understanding the New Visibility of Religion: Religion as Problem and Utility.’ Journal of Religion in Europe 7(3–4), 2014
  39. ‘Religion, Discourse and Power: A Contribution towards a Critical Sociology of Religion.’ Critical Sociology 40(6), 2014.
  40. ‘Nuorten katupolitiikat mediakaupungissa—avauksia monipaikkaisen kentän tutkimiseen.’ With Minttu Tikka, Leena Suurpää and Johanna Sumiala. Media & Viestintä 37(1), 2014. (‘Youth street politics in the media city: towards a multi-sited methodology’. The Finnish Journal of Media and Communication).
  41. ‘National Piety: Religious equality, freedom of religion and national identity in Finnish political discourse.’ Religion 44(1), 2014.
  42. ‘Critical Discourse Theory and Critical Sociology of Religion.’ In Social Theory and the Question of Religion. Marta Trzebiatowska and Andrew McKinnon (eds). Farnham: Ashgate, 2014.
  43. ‘Controversial Popular Culture and Controversial Religion: Theorising the Connections.’ In Religion, Media, and Social Change. Kennet Granholm, Marcus Moberg, and Sofia Sjö (eds). London, Routledge, 2014.
  44. ‘Toinen ääni kellossa: Autoetnografinen analyysi asiantuntijuudesta suomalaisessa saatananpalvontauutisoinnissa 1998–2012.’ Media & Viestintä 36(2), 2013. (‘An autoethnographic analysis of expertise in Finnish Satanism journalism, 1998–2012’. The Finnish Journal of Media and Communication).
  45. ‘Empowering Discourse: Discourse Analysis as Method and Practice in the Sociology Classroom.’ Teaching in Higher Education 18(8), 2013.
  46. ‘Heavy Metal as Controversy and Counterculture.’ With Keith Kahn-Harris and Mark LeVine. Popular Music History vol. 6(1–2), 2011.
  47. ‘Uskonto, tiede ja pysyvä “lumous” vampyyrielokuvassa.’ In Elokuva uskonnon peilinä: Uskontotieteellisiä tarkistuksia länsimaiseen populaarielokuvaan. Ed. Heikki Pesonen, Elina Lehtinen, Nelli Myllärniemi & Minja Blom. Uskontotiede 14. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2011.
  48. ‘Discourse Analysis.’ In The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion, ed. Michael Stausberg & Steven Engler. London & New York: Routledge, 2011.
  49. ‘Religion and Social Problems: Three Perspectives’. In Religion and Social Problems. Ed. Titus Hjelm. New York: Routledge, 2011.
  50. ‘Nordic Satanism and Satanism Scares: The Dark Side of the Secular Welfare State.’ With Henrik Bogdan, Asbjorn Dyrendal and Jesper Petersen. Social Compass vol. 56 (4), 2009.
  51. ‘Religion and Social Problems: A New Theoretical Perspective.’ In The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, ed. Peter Clarke. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  52.  ‘Celluloid Vampires, Scientization, and the Decline of Religion.’ In The Lure of the Dark Side: Satan and Western Demonology in Popular Culture, eds. Christopher Partridge & Eric Christianson. London: Equinox, 2009.
  53. ‘To Study or Not to Study Religion and Society: The Institutionalization, Fragmentation, and Marginalization of Sociology of Religion in Finland.’ Acta Sociologica Vol. 51 (2), 2008.
  54. ‘Saatanan tuntijat: Asiantuntijuus suomalaisessa saatananpalvontauutisoinnissa.’ Tiedotustutkimus 01/08, 2008. (‘Expertise in the News Coverage of Satanism in Finland.’ The Finnish Journal of Communication)
  55. ‘Driven by the Devil: Popular Constructions of Adolescent Satanist Careers.’ In The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of Satanism, ed. James R. Lewis and Jesper Petersen. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2008.
  56. ’Pyhän suojassa: Peter L. Bergerin uskontososiologia 40 vuotta The Sacred Canopyn jälkeen.’ Uskonnontutkija/Religionsforskare Vol. 2 (2), 2007. (’Sheltered by the Sacred: Peter L. Berger’s Sociology of Religion 40 years after The Sacred Canopy.’ The Finnish Journal of Religious Studies)
  57.  ‘Uskonto suomalaisen sosiologian kohteena.’ Sosiologia Vol. 42 (2), 2006. (‘Religion as Subject Matter in Finnish Sociology.’ Sosiologia, The Journal of the Finnish Sociological Association)
  58. ‘Between Satan and Harry Potter: Legitimating Wicca in Finland.’ Journal of Contemporary Religion. Vol. 21 (1), 2006.
  59. ‘Kirkkoon kuulumattomat nuoret maallistumisen peilinä.’ With Sami Myllyniemi. In Uskon asia. Nuorisobarometri 2006, ed. Terhi-Anna Wilska. Helsinki: Ministry of Education & The Finnish Youth Research Network, 2006. (‘The ‘Unchurched’ Youth as a Mirror of Secularization.’)
  60. ‘News of the Unholy: Constructing Religion as a Social Problem in the News Media.’ In Implications of the Sacred in (Post)modern Media, eds. Raimo Salokangas & Johanna Sumiala-Seppänen. Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2006.
  61. ‘Communication.’ Rever – Revista de Estudos da religião, Vol. 5 (4), 2005.
  62. ‘Tradition as Legitimation in New Religious Movements.’ In Historizing ‘Tradition’ in the Study of Religion, eds. Steven Engler and Greg P. Grieve. New York: Walter deGryuter, 2005.
  63. ‘Religionizing Crime: Ethos and Action in the Construction of the Finnish Satanism Scare.’ In Religious Innovation in a Global Age. Essays on the Construction of Spirituality, ed. George Lundskow. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2005.
  64.  ‘Kun saatana käskee: Nuoret toimijoina suomalaisessa saatananpalvontauutisoinnissa.’ Nuorisotutkimus Vol. 23 (4), 2005. (‘When Satan Commands: Youth as actors in Finnish News on Satanism.’ The Finnish Journal of Youth Research)
  65. ‘Jumalattaren helmassa. Wicca nuorten uskonnollisena liikkeenä.’ With Jussi Sohlberg. Nuorisotutkimus Vol. 22 (2), 2004. (‘In the Bosom of the Goddess: Wicca as a Religious Movement among Youth.’ The Finnish Journal of Youth Research)
  66. ‘Driven by the Devil: Popular Constructions of Adolescent Satanist Careers.’ Syzygy: Journal of Alternative Religion and Culture. Vol. 11, 2002.
  67. ‘Hnaní Diablom. Populárne konstrukcie dráhy mladých satanistov.’ In Satanizmus, eds. Michaela Moravciková & Lucia Machacková. Bratislava: Ústav pre vzt’ahy státu a cirkví, 2002.
  68. ‘Hautausmaavandalismi ja saatananpalvonta mediassa: Toiminnan ja eetoksen vuorovaikutuksen tarkastelua.’ In Uskonto, julkisuus ja muuttuva yhteiskunta, eds. Tuula Sakaranaho & Heikki Pesonen. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2002. (‘Cemetery vandalism and Satanism in the Media: A study of the interaction between action and ethos.’)
  69. ‘Koukussa saatananpalvontaan. Saatananpalvonta mediassa: diskursseja, metaforia, ideologiaa.’ In Retorinen tutkimus uskontotieteessä, ed. Tuula Sakaranaho. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Department of Comparative Religion, 2001. (‘Hooked on Satanism. Satanism in the Media: Discourse, Metaphor and Ideology’)
  70. ‘The Making of a Media Panic: Satanism in the Finnish Press.’ In Beyond the Mainstream. The Emergence of Religious Pluralism in Finland, Estonia and Russia, ed. Jeffrey Kaplan. Helsinki: SKS, 2000.

B              Non-refereed scientific articles

  1. ‘Peter Berger’s Three Religions’. In The Anthem Companion to Peter L. Berger, ed. Jonathan Imber. London: Anthem Press, 2023.
  2. ‘Rethinking Rethinking: A Response to Paul-Francois Tremlett. Religious Studies Project, February 12, 2021.
  3. Review of Kim Östman, Mormonit: Historia, oppi ja elämä. Mormon Studies Review 8, 2021.
  4. Review of Phil Zuckerman & John R. Shook (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Secularism. Religion, State, and Society. DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2020.1841981
  5. Review of Sara Farris, In the Name of Women’s Rights: The Rise of Femonationalism. Teologinen aikakauskirja 125(3), 2020.
  6. Review of Inger Furseth (ed.), Religious Complexity in the Public Sphere. Journal of Religion in Europe 12(1), 2019.
  7. Review of Amanda van Eck Duymaer van Twist, Perfect Children: Growing Up on the Religious Fringe. Journal of Religion in Europe 11(1), 2018.
  8. Review of Brenda Gardenour Walter, Gabby Riches, Dave Snell, and Bryan Bardine (eds), Heavy Metal Studies and Popular Culture. Journal of Popular Music Education 1(1), 2017.
  9. ‘National Piety: Religious equality, freedom of religion and national identity in Finnish political discourse.’ In Helsinki Study of Religions Reader. Terhi Utriainen and Riku Hämäläinen (eds.) Helsinki: Department of World Cultures, 2016.
  10. Review of Sean McCloud, American Possessions. Religion 46(4), 2016.
  11. Review of Philip C. Almond, The Devil: A New Biography, Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 7(1), 2016.
  12. Review of Tuomas Martikainen & Francois Gauthier (eds), Religion in the Neoliberal Age and Francois Gauthier & Tuomas Martikainen (eds), Religion in Consumer Society. Journal of Religion in Europe 9(1), 2016.
  13. ‘Driven by the Devil: Popular Constructions of Adolescent Satanist Careers.’ In The Finnish Youth Research Anthology 1999–2014. Tommi Hoikkala (ed.). Helsinki: Finnish Youth Research Society, 2015.
  14. ‘National Piety: Religious equality, freedom of religion and national identity in Finnish political discourse.’ In Is God Back? Reconsidering the New Visibility of Religion. Titus Hjelm (ed.) London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
  15. Review of Peter L. Berger, The Many Altars of Modernity. Critical Research in Religion 3(3), 2015.
  16. Review of Jesper Aagaard Petersen & Peter Faxneld (ed.), The Devil’s Party: Satanism in Modernity. Journal of Religion in Europe 7(2), 2014.
  17. ’Introduction: Heavy Metal as Controversy and Counterculture.’ With Keith Kahn-Harris and Mark LeVine. In Heavy Metal: Controversies and Countercultures. Titus Hjelm, Keith Kahn-Harris & Mark LeVine (eds). Sheffield: Equinox, 2013.
  18. ’Introduction: On Sociological Self-Reflection.’ In Studying Religion and Society: Sociological Self-Portraits. Titus Hjelm and Phil Zuckerman (eds). London & New York: Routledge, 2013.
  19. ‘Finland’ In Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, 2nd Edition, ed. Thomas Riggs. Missoula, MT: Gale Group, 2013.
  20. Review of Peter Knapp & Alan J. Spector, Crisis and Change Today: Basic Questions of Marxist Sociology. Marx and Philosophy Review (online), 2013.
  21. ‘Introduction: Islam and Muslims in European News Media’. Journal of Religion in Europe vol. 5(2), 2012.
  22. Review of Bäckström et al., Welfare and Religion in 21st Century Europe, vols 1 and 2. Acta Sociologica vol. 55(4), 2012.
  23. Review of Peter L. Berger, Adventures of an Accidental Sociologist. Acta Sociologica vol. 55(3), 2012.
  24. Review of Adam Possamai, Sociology of Religion for Generations X and Y. Religion vol. 42(3), 2012.
  25. Review of Rachel McCleary (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Religion. Journal of Religion in Europe vol. 5(2), 2012.
  26. ‘Desecularization’. In the Encyclopedia of Global Religions. Eds. Mark Juergensmayer & Wade Clark Roof. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2011.
  27. ‘Peter L. Berger.’ In the Encyclopedia of Global Religions. Eds. Mark Juergensmayer & Wade Clark Roof. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2011.
  28. ‘Finland.’ In the Encyclopedia of Global Religions. Eds. Mark Juergensmayer & Wade Clark Roof. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2011.
  29. Review of J.C. Hallman, The Devil is a Gentleman: Exploring America’s Religious Fringe. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, vol. 1(2), 2010.
  30. Review of Jesper Aagaard Petersen (ed.), Contemporary Religious Satanism. Advances in Research: Religion and Society vol. 1(1), 2010.
  31. ‘Introduction’. Social Compass vol. 56 (4), 2009.
  32. ‘Uskontoa ja terrorismia käsittelevää perusteosta etsimässä.’ Review of Mark Juergensmayer, Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence. Media & viestintä 02/09, 2009. (Finnish Journal of Media and Communication)
  33. Review of David Frankfurter, Evil Incarnate: Rumors of Demonic Conspiracy and Ritual Abuse in History. Religion Vol. 38 (3), 2008.
  34. Review of Jenny Blain, Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic: Ecstasy and Neo-Shamanism in North European Paganism. Religious Studies Review Vol. 32 (1), 2006.
  35. Review of Raymond L.M. Lee & Susan E. Ackerman, The Challenge of Religion after Modernity: Beyond Disenchantment. Religious Studies Review Vol. 32 (1), 2006.
  36. Review of Jenny Blain, Douglas Ezzy, and Graham Harvey (eds.) Researching Paganisms. Religious Studies Review Vol. 32 (1), 2006.
  37. Review of Sabina Magliocco, Witching Culture. Religious Studies Review Vol. 32 (1), 2006.
  38. ‘Anti-Cult Movements.’ In The Brill Dictionary of Religion, ed. Kocku von Stuckrad. Leiden: Brill, 2005.
  39. ‘Cult.’ In The Brill Dictionary of Religion, ed.. Kocku von Stuckrad. Leiden: Brill, 2005.
  40. ‘Finland’ In Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, ed. Thomas Riggs. Missoula, MT: Gale Group, 2005.
  41.  ‘Haastattelututkimus kohtaamisena.’ Review of James A. Holstein & Jaber F. Gubrium (eds.), Inside Interviewing: New Lenses, New Concerns. Kulttuurintutkimus 3/2004. (Finnish journal of Cultural Studies)
  42. Review of Robert Heiner, Social Problems: An Introduction to Critical Constructionism, Acta Sociologica, Vol. 47 (1), 2004.

C              Scientific books and journal special issues

  1. Peter L. Berger on Religion: The Social Reality of Religion. London & New York: Routledge, 2024.
  2. Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta: Johdatus diskursiiviseen uskonnontutkimukseen. (ed.) Helsinki: SKS.
  3. Peter Berger and the Sociology of Religion: 50 Years after The Sacred Canopy. (ed.) London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
  4. Is God Back? Reconsidering the New Visibility of Religion. (ed.) London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
  5. Social Constructionisms: Approaches to the Study of the Human World. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
  6. Heavy Metal: Controversies and Countercultures. (ed.) with Keith Kahn-Harris & Mark LeVine. Sheffield: Equinox, 2013.
  7. Studying Religion and Society: Sociological Self-Portraits. (ed.) with Phil Zuckerman. London & New York: Routledge, 2013.
  8. Islam in European News Media. Titus Hjelm (ed.) Special issue of Journal of Religion in Europe 5(2), 2012.
  9. Perpetual Motion? Transformation and Transition in Central and Eastern Europe & Russia. (ed.) with Tul’si Bhambry, Clare Griffin, Christopher Nicholson and Olga G. Voronina London: UCL SSEES, 2011.
  10. Religion and Social Problems. (ed.) New York: Routledge, 2011.
  11. Heavy Metal as Controversy and Counterculture. Titus Hjelm, Keith Kahn-Harris and Mark LeVine (eds). Special double issue of Popular Music History 6(1–2), 2011.
  12. Satanism and Satanism Scares in the Modern World. Titus Hjelm (ed.). Special issue of Social Compass 56(4), 2009.
  13. Saatananpalvonta, media ja suomalainen yhteiskunta. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2005.
  14. Uskonto. Titus Hjelm (ed.). Nuorisotutkimus 22(2), 2004.

D             Publications intended for professional communities

  1. Elements of Research Design. Bristol: Policy Press, 2024.
  2. Historical Dictionary of Finland. w/ George Maude. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021.
  3. Aava 6: Uskonto ja Media. w/ Johanna Sumiala. Helsinki: Edu-Kustannus/Kirjapaja, 2018.
  4. Aava 5: Uskonnot tieteessä, taiteessa ja populaarikulttuurissa, w/ Visa Immonen, Marjaana Kavonius, Ida.Maria Pankka & Joona Salminen. Helsinki: Edu-Kustannus/Kirjapaja, 2018.
  5. Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Nordic Culture. (ed.) w/ Helena Försås-Scott & Mary Hilson. Online publication at, 2019.
  6. Globaalisti Akateeminen: Opas kansainväliseen tiedejulkaisemiseen. Tampere: Vastapaino, 2016.
  7. Dialog 2: Kunskap och världsbild, with Sebastian Slotte and Tuukka Tomperi. Helsinki: Utbildningsstyrelsen, 2007. (A Dialogue on Knowledge and Worldviews. Swedish translation)
  8. Dialog 1: Ett gott liv, with Sebastian Slotte. Helsinki: Utbildningsstyrelsen, 2007. (A Dialogue on a Good Life. Swedish translation)
  9. Dialogi hyvästä elämästä. Opettajan aineisto, with Sebastian Slotte. Helsinki: Tammi, 2002. (A Dialogue on a Good Life. Teacher’s Material.)
  10. Dialogi tiedosta ja maailmakuvista, with Sebastian Slotte and Tuukka Tomperi. Helsinki: Tammi, 2002. (A Dialogue on Knowledge and Worldviews. A textbook for upper secondary school philosophy of life/ethics)
  11. Dialogi hyvästä elämästä, with Sebastian Slotte. Helsinki: Tammi, 2002. (A Dialogue on a Good Life. A textbook for upper secondary school philosophy of life/ethics)

E              Publications intended for the general public

  1. Uskonto, politiikka ja suomalaisten asenteet: Raportti. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.
  2. ‘Rethinking Rethinking: A Response to Paul-Francois Tremlett. Religious Studies Project.
  3. ‘Oikeassa paikassa oikeaan aikaan? Väitöskirja kriittisenä uskontososiologiana’. In Miten minusta tuli uskontotieteen tohtori? Tuula Sakaranaho & Peter Nynäs. Helsinki: Finnish Society for the Study of Religion, 2013. (‘In the right place at the right time? The PhD thesis as critical Sociology of Religion’)
  4. ‘Metal Music Representing Finnishness’. Finnish Music Quarterly 1/2013.
  5. ‘Introduction: Islam and Muslims in European News Media’. Journal of Religion in Europe vol. 5(2), 2012.
  6. ‘Introduction’. Social Compass vol. 56 (4), 2009.
  7. ’Kommunikaatio ja media uskontososiologian uusina ydinalueina’. An article in, the Finnish Online Journal of Theology. 15.1.2009. [] (‘Communication and Media as the New Core Areas of Sociology of Religion’)
  8. ‘1999: Kun Suomen nuoriso meni pain helvettiä’. In Välähdyksiä nuoruusvuosilta: Nuorisotutkimusseura 20 vuotta, ed. Leena Suurpää et al. Helsinki: Nuoristutkimusseura, 2008. (1999: When Finland’s Youth went to Hell’)
  9. ‘Paholaisen musiikkia kunnan kannustuksella’. A column in Kommentti, the Finnish Youth Research Blog. 7.5.2008. [] (‘Playing the Devil’s Music with the Support of the Municipality’)
  10. ‘USA:n polarisoitunut ilmapiiri kärjistää kansalaiskeskustelun’. A column in Helsingin Sanomat. 12.1.2007. (‘The polarization of the US makes civil discussion a form of hate-speech’)
  11. ‘Saatananpalvonta suomalaisessa mediassa – tutkija tieteenalojen risteyksessä.’ Nuorisotutkimus Vol 23(3), 2005. (‘Satanism in the Finnish Media – The researcher at the intersection of disciplines.’ Finnish Journal of Youth Research.)
  12. Mitä Wicca on? Titus Hjelm (ed.) Helsinki: Like, 2005. (What is Wicca?)
  13. ‘Miksi wicca?’ In Mitä Wicca on? Titus Hjelm (ed.) Helsinki: Like, 2005. (‘Why study Wicca?’)
  14. ‘Wicca kohtaa valtion.’ In Mitä Wicca on? Titus Hjelm (ed.) Helsinki: Like, 2005. (‘Wicca Meets the State.’)
  15. ‘Uskonnon paluu nuoruuteen ja julkisuuteen?’ Nuorisotutkimus Vol. 22(2), 2004. (‘The Return of Religion into Youth and into the Public Sphere?’ Editorial for the Finnish Journal of Youth Research.)
  16. ‘Uskonto sekoittaa Yhdysvaltain vaaleja’. A column in Helsingin Sanomat. 26.4.2004. (‘How does religion affect the U.S. election?’)
  17. Passio. Rakkauden, seksin ja seurustelun filosofiaa nuorille. Helsinki: Tammi, 2002. (Passio. A Philosophy of Love, Sex and Dating for the Youth)
  18. ‘Uusien uskonnollisten liikkeiden tutkimus ajankohtaista.’ With Jyri Komulainen. Teologinen aikakauskirja 5/2001. (‘Research on New Religious Movements is Timely.’ A report on the CESNUR 2001 conference in London. Finnish Journal of Theology.)

F              Public artistic and design activities


G             Theses

  1. Saatananpalvonta, media ja suomalainen yhteiskunta. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2005. (Satanism, Media, and Finnish Society)

H             Patents and invention disclosures


I               Audiovisual material, ICT software