# Sustainable Global Technologies minor programme open for UH students

Under The Flexible Study Rights Agreement (JOO), Aalto University Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) and the University of Helsinki Global South Studies (GSS) are glad to announce that students from both universities can sign up for courses offered by the two minor programmes.

The SGT Programme (Sustainable Global Technologies) is a 20 credit multidisciplinary educational programme taught since 2006 at the Aalto University School of Engineering in Helsinki – Sustainable Global Technologies (R324-C).

 The SGT Programme aims at offering Master’s and PhD level educational modules, which increases research and educational awareness in the fields of sustainability, development and technology. By combining viewpoints from urbanization, technology, development and communication skills, it also aims at creating long-term research and educational institutional partnerships between Finnish universities and developing world universities.


For further information:

Sustainable Global Technologieshttp://www.sgtprogramme.fi/

Contact: Matleena Muhonen, programme coordinator, Sustainable Global Technologies Programme,  Aalto University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, P.O.Box 15200, FI-00076 AALTO, matleena.muhonen@aalto.fi


Global South Studies (25 ects)

 The minor caters for multidisciplinary learning and familiarizes the student with Global South related studies offered at the various faculties of the University of Helsinki. It targets students finalizing their Bachelor´s, in their Masters or Doctoral studies. The GS course basket entails a variety of optional courses, plus one compulsory course called Introduction to Global South studies. UniPID- virtual courses can also be included.

The GS-minor student can learn about different approaches to development and to gain awareness of the complex and interdisciplinary nature of developing country research. The minor adds a Global South twist suiting one´s major by combining courses from humanities, social science and natural and life sciences.


For further information:

Global South Studies (GSS): https://blogs.helsinki.fi/viikki-devnet/

Courses programme and schedules:

Global South Studies course basket



Contact: Nina Himberg, programme coordinator, Global South Studies, University of Helsinki Global South Network, Viikinkaari 11, P.O.box 62, 00014, nina.himberg@helsinki.fi