WILS Lunch with Dr Valerie Weaver/ November 8th at Biomedicum

Dear all,

The WILS network has the privilege to organise lunch with Dr Valerie Weaver before her seminar on Friday November 8th. In addition to her ground breaking work in the field of tumor and mechanobiology, Dr Weaver has mentored several post docs and PhD students and has been involved in organising eg. power hour for female researchers during Gordon research conferences.  She has kindly agreed to meet with our network to discuss on topics related to women in academia. This is an excellent opportunity to meet with one very successful PI to talk about how she made it in the academia and everything else you would be interested in, science or equality related.
The lunch is sponsored by WILS and will take place in Biomedicum seminar room 4 from 12-1pm. There is room for 10 people, so if you are interested in meeting with Valerie please reply to Johanna Englund by email soon (first come, first serve!). Dead line for registration is Friday 1st of November.
On behalf of WILS,
-Johanna Englund

WILS event “Check your blind spot: Exploring unconscious gender bias”

Dear colleagues,
Welcome to our next WILS event “Check your blind spot: Exploring unconscious gender bias”, that will be held on the 27.11 from 14:00 – 16:00 in Biomedicum, meeting room 8-9.

What is unconscious bias? Why should you care? Why does it matter to personnel evaluation and recruitment?

Members of the Helsinki Association of Women Researchers (https://blogs.helsinki.fi/tutkijanaiset/) will talk about unconscious gender bias in Academia. Unconscious gender bias affects everyone, men and women. You may think of yourself as fair and impartial, however, our own bias can be elusive.  Come and learn about it!

On behalf of WILS Helsinki
-Blanca Fernández López, PhD