A Capable Parent project. Justice through Education –seminaari 16.5.2013.

Esittelin ensimmäisen kerran väitöskirjani tutkimusasetelmaa ja kerroin kenttätyöstän Helsingin yliopistossa pidetyssä Justice through Education -seminaarissa.  Samaisesta tutkimuksesta kirjoitin syksyllä yhteisartikkelin Pirkko Matkaselän kanssa Kieliverkoston lehteen otsikolla “Osaava vanhempi – toiminnallista suomen kielen oppimista äiti & lapsi –ryhmässä”.

Tämän merkinnän yhteyteen liitän JustEd-seminaarissa pitämäni esitelmän abstraktin. Olen kiinnostunut ja kiitollinen kaikista kommenteista, ehdotuksista, vinkeistä ja keskustelusta tutkimukseeni liittyen!

 A Capable Parent project – stay-at-home mothers learning Finnish

I am doing ethnographic research in the Finnish language and culture course which  is aimed at stay-at-home mothers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The group consists of 10 mothers who participate in the group with their children.

There are both low-educated and high-educated mothers, and some of them are also non-literate, but they all study in the same mother & child activity group. Their teacher is a social worker who has no pedagogical education. Besides learning the language this education is aimed at strengthening parenthood and helping mothers in supporting the growth of their children in the Finnish society.

I have been very much inspired by the dialog-based pedagogy of Paolo Freire. Freire’s pedagogy opposes adaptive and passivating education and aims instead to action and change – not only to construe information. My research aims to find out about the role of this group in the adaptation process of the mothers in the society from their point of view. I analyse the process of learning in light of the following questions:

  1. What they feel they are learning? What they tell about their learning process in this group?
  2. How does the presence of the child affect to the pedagogy and learning and how the mothers feel about that?

The data has been collected by doing participatory observation and interviews and photographing. The target of my research is to bring out the learners´ voice about their language learning process.

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