Summary about period 1.

A little summary how was my first period with ALMS gone. So I had planed to do about 55h of work in this period. Well I did not managed to do that much. I did over plan my reading and at the end I did not even have time to finish my book, so I will continue reading it. It took most my planed hours off. I did also plan an hour too much for the support group. Moodle tasks I was planned to do I did forget. So 3h down to the well. Same with news reading, an hour too less.

How ever I did do more movies/series than planned. I did also add podcast listening because it fit better my day-to-day life, just listening it while walking my dog or cleaning the house. I will continue doing it. Writing these blog posts take a lot of time, more than I expected (even more I did mark I think) so I need to add more hour there for the next period.

Overall nice start, 46h of total 98h. I’m almost in the halfway, but I think this is going to be easier now when I have got the idea and journey started.

Here is my preliminary plan for second period.

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