Research team / Tutkijat

Jaana Hujanen, Professor

University of Helsinki (HY), Swedish School of Social Science (SSKH)

PI Professor Jaana Hujanen is responsible for coordinating the research. She will participate in planning and organizing the interviews and ethnographic data, the analysis of the data as well as writing the articles and research report. She has a wide experience of media and journalism research, as well as leading and coordinating research projects.



Leo Leppänen, Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Helsinki

Postdoctoral researcher Leo Leppänen works at The Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, where he studies the generation of natural language as well as online teaching. His doctoral dissertation (2023) studied the automatic generation of reports in natural language (e.g. English or Finnish) using computers, from a journalistic perspective. Additionally, he studies teaching computer sciences, online teaching as well as learning analytics. In this project Leppänen brings knowledge of AI to the research team, specifically methods that produce natural language, meaning the automation of news production.



Carl-Gustav Lindén, Professor

Swedish School of Social Science, University of Bergen (UiB)

Photo by: Harry Lunabba

Carl-Gustav Lindén is a professor of data journalism at the University of Bergen as well as a Docent of Journalism Development at the Swedish School of Social Sciences. He will function as an advisor in this project. Lindén has nearly a decade of experience in researching AI-development in media and has led the development of new tools used in journalism, such as document analysis and automatically generated text. UiB is an internationally leading research environment for AI and media development.



Juho Ruotsalainen, Doctoral Researcher

University of Helsinki, Swedish School of Social Science, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC)

Photo by: Vesa-Matti Väärä.

Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, Juho Ruotsalainen integrates journalism studies, sociology, and futures studies in his research. In the current project, Ruotsalainen examines journalists’ futures knowledge concerning AI in journalism. Futures knowledge encompasses journalists views on the threats, possibilities, and potential applications of AI within journalism. Futures knowledge is an essential dimension of journalistic AI, since it shapes the ways in which AI is developed and implemented in journalistic and organizational routines.



Stefanie Sirén-Heikel, Doctoral Researcher

University of Helsinki

Doctoral researcher Stefanie Sirén-Heikel is completing a PhD in Media and Communication Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki, where she studies the impact of automation and AI on journalism and newswork. Her research has been published in journals such as Nordic Journal of Media Studies and Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Sirén-Heikel approaches technological changes in journalism as a sociomaterial practice, focusing on the interplay between work, technology, and values.
