Updates / Ajankohtaista

Seminar invitation for the research project ‘Envisioning artificial intelligence into journalism practice’

The seminar ‘Promises and pitfalls of artificial intelligence in journalism’ will be held on Monday April 22nd at 1-4pm at the Swedish School of Social Science (room 209), Snellmaninkatu 12, Helsinki.

How is the conceptual framework for studying AI and journalism evolving? What are the underlying assumptions and normative expectations shaping our anticipation of AI’s development in journalism? At this upcoming seminar, these critical questions will be discussed. Preliminary findings of an analysis of Nieman Lab predictions regarding AI in journalism will also be presented.

The seminar is open to all interested parties; however, advance registration is required.  Please confirm your attendance no later than 17.4.2024 by email to Charlotte Lackman (charlotte.lackman@helsinki.fi).

Warmly welcome!