Anna Stankevich

Anna Stankevich is a Polish illustrator and visual artist. Having lived in the United Kingdom, Anna moved to Finland where she practices as a self-employed artist.  

Through Art Meets Science, Anna has been collaborating with Manlio Fusciello, a PhD candidate from Prof. Vincenzo Cerullo’s Lab focusing on viral immunotherapies to treat diseases such as cancer.  

Anna shares her thoughts on the collaboration and participation in Art Meets Science thus far: “I was invited to join the project and was excited to do so as this was an interesting opportunity through which I have learnt a lot of fascinating things about viruses and their potential role in the treatment of cancer. It has also been great to work on a collaborative project and to try and incorporate scientific ideas with symbolism in my artwork”.  

Thinking ahead to the exhibition, Anna is curious to see the pieces of art created through the other collaborations and to partake in a group show such as this.  

You can read more about Anna’s other work on her website and Instagram

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