Summer Course: In­tro­duc­tion to Chinese Po­etry

Summer Course: In­tro­duc­tion to Chinese Po­etry (KUKA-AA214)
10-31.5.2022, 22h

This summer course is primarily for students with intermediate-level of Chinese skills to learn about basics of classical and modern Chinese poetry and to experience poetry recitation. Maximum 40 students will be admitted to this course. Priorities will be given to

-Students with intermediate-level Chinese ability in KUKA programme at the University of Helsinki
-Students with intermediate-level Chinese ability in Confucius Institute/Language Center at the University of Helsinki
-High school students and above with intermediate-level Chinese ability in Finland

This course will begin with introductory lessons on classical and modern Chinese poetry. Topics to be covered include main features of the poetry, major poets and poems, and historical contexts of their creation. Students will get to practice recitation of the poems with Chinese language teachers for several times. In the end of the course, there will be a poem recitation event and best performers will get prizes for their performance.

Full programme

University of Helsinki Student register both in SISU and via e-form
Other students register via the following e-form: