Mariette Aïkpé

Mariette Aïkpé

Mariette Aïkpé is a junior researcher in health anthropology at the Laboratory of Applied Medical Anthropology (LAMA) at the University of Abomey-Calavi in ​​Benin. She holds the Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in sociology-anthropology, option: sociology of development. She has been a research assistant in the Equity in Health program, respectively; Palevalut program and EbBen program in which she investigated the management of suspected cases of Ebola virus disease at the National Hospital and University Center (CNHU) in Benin. Currently, she is a research assistant on the project ‘Socialities of a Vaccine Trial: Bacteria, Tourists , Local Communities, and Scientists in Benin’, conducted by the University of Helsinki in Finland.