About Deleted User

Special user account.

Indicator fungi

Check this page! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indicator_fungi_in_forest_protection,_Finland. Thanks to the funding from https://www.facebook.com/siunytt/ with the support from ForBio http://www.forbio.uio.no/, there will be a course in Lammi on the topic in September.

Poster & book

The DWM 2016 poster is ready, please print for the student noticeboards, or share electronically. The number of confirmed teachers keeps growing, and we have contacts from Japan and from Czech republic. The Afterlife… book is available on the website and we are testing the registration form.

Here it begins

Hello deadwooders and saproxylics!

Today we start information campaign on the Dead Wood Meeting and Course 2016. There are some 800+ e-mails to send, program to fix, teachers to invite and registration to open. We hope to see many of you this year in Lammi.