Travel Time Matrix 2023 for Helsinki Metropolitan Area is out

We have published the Travel Time Matrix 2023 for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area

What’s new?

  • Updated travel times for Walking, Cycling, Public Transport and Private Car based on 2023 situation
  • More variation within travel modes (e.g., slow, average and fast walking) to reflect different life realities
  • A new computation framework that allows us to easily produce travel time matrices for other cities

The dataset extends the history of travel time matrices from the region produced by the Digital Geography Lab (since 2016, before that ‘Accessibility Research Group’). This also marks the 10-year anniversary of the first travel time matrix, published in 2013. Matrices were also published in 2015 and 2018.

Read more about the data and download it


Featured in City of Helsinki’s magazine Helsinki Quarterly (Kvartti)

The dataset is featured also in the newly published autumn issue of Kvartti-magazine (in Finnish):

Fink, Willberg & Toivonen (2023). Sujuvaa, helppoa, hidasta vai epäekologista? Avoimesta matka-aikamatriisista ymmärrystä pääkaupunkiseudun liikenneyhteyksiin ja saavutettavuuteen. Kvartti 3/2023.

Travel Time Matrix 2023 was produced with the support of City of Helsinki

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The Digital Geography Lab is an interdisciplinary research team focusing on spatial Big Data analytics for fair and sustainable societies at the University of Helsinki.

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